Hi, I'm Jo

About the Artist
Jo Vannieuwenburg grew up in a family where vacations were spent in the great outdoors, sleeping in tents, hiking, kayaking, and living very close to nature.
As an adult, her corporate job allowed her to live in countries as different as Turkey, Sweden, Curaçao and the UK.
She also backpacked extensively through South East Asia, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand, always curious to discover new horizons and different ways of living.
This intense curiosity, mixed with a childlike playfulness, translates to her paintings. Her work shows a strong use of color, an experimental approach to materials and a constant desire to grow and learn.
The themes in her work derive from her deeply rooted love for the natural world.
By showing its beauty in her art, the painter wants to encourage us to fall in love with our planet all over again, and to care for it with renewed passion.
Welcome to my site, where it's all about celebrating Life through Art !
If you like art that lifts you up, that gives you joy and energy, this is the place to be…
My paintings are full of life and color. They radiate with “joie de vivre”…
I showcase my own work and I tell stories about art, life and love.
You don’t need to be an expert on art to enjoy this site. I know I’m not.
Just come with an open heart and a curious mind, and join me on the journey…

What I paint...

I love to make Nature & Mood paintings that are more about inner feelings than about literal representation of something out there.
I try to catch the energy of organic forms that I see in nature. The colors, that radiate wild energy and unstoppable life force.
I inject my emotions into the work, to give it power ;
to make it come alive.
My People paintings are about the human condition.
Our emotions, the stories we tell ourselves, the relationships we have with each other.
Ah, there’s more…
And because I like a bit of variation, and I’m pretty crazy about animals, I also paint realistic pet portraits in oil, on commission.
Here again, I try to go under the surface, and really get to the character of the animal I’m depicting.
People often tell me that the image is alive ; that is seems the animal might jump right out of it..