. From the article, "Mormon Polygamy: Frequently Asked Questions": "[Mormon] Church founder, Joseph Smith, said he received a revelation from God, which is still canonized Mormon scripture as Doctrine and Covenants Section 132. "When asked, a little boy and girl at the home acknowledged who their mother is. "The rate at which Kingstons marry each other is 'frightening,' she says. "A Secretive Refrain: . That apparently was John Ortell Kingston's intent, although most studies of first-cousin mating show their offspring test lower on IQ exams, Jorde says. She directs me to the houses she lived in after that: her stepdad Jim Jessop's home; then the rotten, roach-infested house she and her mother shared with nearly two dozen cousins and friends after being removed from Jim's following the Judgment. ", (Linda Walker, "Fatal Inheritance: Mormon Eugenics," under "Science as Culture," originally written in the fall of 1991, updated in the summer of 1999, citations included, at: http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/walker.html) Still, he conceded that some Order members may have prejudiced beliefs because in our organization people have freedom of choice.. "The same right of marriage approval was wielded by John Ortell Kingston, who began the incestuous lineage. and last updated 1:46 PM, Feb 24, 2021. ', "Wyler says he has seen some fumarase deficiency children who can walk, but others can barely move and spend their entire lives prone. He shares a last name and a not-too-distant relation with the polygamous LeBaron group in Chihuahua, Mexico. ". . . 'I didn't dare talk about it,' she says. : About half of the 8,000 people living in the towns are blood relatives of two of the founding families that settled in the 1930s on the desolate high desert plateau against the base of the Vermillion Cliffs. One is a first cousin. It's also still rape with a foreign object, I remind us both unnecessarily. The Kingstons are a Mormon splinter group, founded in the 1930s by Mary's great-uncle Elden. "Finally exposed in the news, the facts of life inside [the Mormon offshoot Kingston clan's] religious/cult compound are stunning Mormons, Utahans, the nation, and the world. "Tarby says he quickly realized he was dealing with a very unusual condition that he could not diagnose. Not enough of the fumarase enzyme can lead to severe mental retardation and physical deformities. . "In May, the girl said she was belt-whipped by her father inside a Kingston-owned barn in Box Elder County for fleeing the marriage, and was abandoned in the home of another of John Daniel's wives. "'The "gene" that Warren is really selecting for,' Wyler says, 'is the "obedience gene. There was a guy out here who was married to a couple of young girls, and he was going to get in trouble. The FLDS already has moved several hundred men, women and children to the compound, many of whom very likely carry the fumarase deficiency gene. . Boys began to show interest in Julie as she matured, but Paul, as the clans leader, warned them away, because of Julies black blood. According to historian Brian Hales Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism: The Generations After the Manifesto, Brother Elden, as he was also known, had five wives and 17 children. It is bordered to the north by a well-maintained lot where there sits a stately red brick home with UEP (United Effort Plan, the church trust which is now controlled by the state of Utah in the aftermath of Jeffs' conviction) spelled out in white brick on its south-facing side. . 'But just on general principles, the offspring of uncle-niece, or half-siblings have an elevated level of genetic disease. . Young is the owner of Desert Tech, a Utah gun manufacturer, which produces sniper rifles and so-called bullpup rifles, The latter, unlike conventional magazine-fed rifles, have shorter barrels, with the guns action located behind the trigger. . From the article, "Fundamentalist Latter-day Saints Genealogy and Polygamy Problems": "The gene pool is . . A simple urine test will reveal. 'So often when you have an uncle-niece, or half-brother-sister, you have a situation where abuse is going on,' Jorde says. While building his polygamous empire, John Ortell raised pigeons and Holsteins, prized black-and-white milk cows. I could see that the leaders of The Order really did believe we had black ancestors, Ron explained, with Christy next to him, and his adult daughters Emily and Julie nearby. . In one, Ortell warns that there is a movement afoot that wants to homogenize the people and make one race, by mixing all the races up. . Gallup Panel survey [conducted in August 2006] show[ed] that Americans are much more likely to believe most Mormons endorse practicing polygamy than to believe most Americans support it. _____, --Petri Dishes of the Genetically-Destructive Effects of Mormon-Driven Polygamy: "Modern"-day Utah and Cross-Border Towns. "Of all the arguments against incest, says Jorde, the likelihood that genetic abnormalities will be passed to succeeding generations is the most persuasive. . Surely, there were too many deaths. According to Mormonism's top leaders: "Since the founding of the Roman empire monogamy has prevailed more extensively than in times previous to that. If both parents carry the gene, the likelihood that their. "Dr. Tarby, who routinely treats fumarase deficiency children at a state-funded clinic in Flagstaff, says, 'They are funny-looking kids [with] biggish heads and coarse, thick features.' Dawna Black Bistline (Alyssa Bistline's father's brother's wife) has seen firsthand how the children of cousins suffer. Tarby recounts a conversation he had with a member of the Barlow clan in which he tried to explain why so much fumarase deficiency was occurring among Mormon polygamists. The Twelve Apostles of Mormonism then acted to increase this familial relationship by marrying other relatives until in 1877, at the end of Brigham Youngs reign as Mormon Prophet and King, the polygamous hierarchy became l00% interrelated. So they would hand them over to Aunt Martha, who was the midwife," he says. Somehow LaDonnas curse was transferred to the Tuckers via Christy, Rons wife, because, Christys mom left The Order and married an Irishman, before leaving him and returning to the fold. "'This problem is going to get worse and worse and worse,' predicts . But by 2006, Dr. Theodore Tarby, of Arizona, had discovered at least 20 more children living with the condition in Short Creek, all within just blocks of each other. Snow also remembered being taught end-time prophecies, with a cleansing wherein the streets of Salt Lake City would run red with blood. "But this is a very unlikely scenario for FLDS faithful, who practice a religious doctrine that requires men to be strictly obedient to religious leaders and requires women to give birth to as many children as possible to increase the sect's numbers. We pass the house she grew up in with her mother, three eldest brothers, and father before he was kicked out of the cult. I guess I just had too much soy, Snow smiled. Chinese people were called stupid, and Mexicans were dirty, said Lu Ann, adding, because of their skin.. Many of the souls interred here lived not longer than a day, some just two days, two weeks, or two years. The FLDS split off from the mainline Mormon (LDS) church in 1890 after the church denounced the principal of plural marriage. Structural Birth Defects. The 43-year-old Kingston took the witness stand for the prosecution about 2:40 p.m. and is expected to answer questions through Thursday. At the lot's northwest corner, a metal gatethe kind you might find on a cattle ranchhangs open on its hinge. The company was founded in 2007 with an investment from family members. . . . "Tarby says the disease could begin to show up in children at Warren Jeffs' new FLDS headquarters . "And she's not the only one; three of her sisters married three of my brothers. "If descendants of polygamy do not look critically at the ideas of their ancestors, Utah children may be increasingly at risk. . . . A loyal Order member for years, he lost his faith and ended up leaving the Order over a curse of sorts, leveled at his family by LaDonna. "Of the Kingstons, Williams says: 'There is not much you can do about them. . Nevertheless, former members of The Order say that incest and racism are inextricably linked in The Orders teachings. 'If the community gets larger, the number of people with fumarase deficiency gets larger. What were taught is to love our neighbor, that all people, all races no matter who they are deserve to be loved, he explained. They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. So when you see all of these diseases occurring in the children, it's possible some are the result of inbreeding.'. Jonathan Turner, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Riverside, hypothesized exactly that, in an article published by the ABC news network in 2008. "This gene cluster effect happens when people with common ancestors marry and bear children. . 'They don't believe anything written about Colorado City [by outsiders, even medical experts] carries much truth,' Tarby says. The Cooperative itself was established in 1935. Is Jasper always unspirited and stony-broke when outvalue some Heisenberg very . . FOX 13 . That leads to problems." . "The discoveries and research within my own kindred so alarmed me that I studied other descendants of polygamy to see if their families also suffered from crippling illnesses. "Like his father-in-law, John Y. Barlow became one of the towering patriarchs of the fundamentalist Mormon community and served as FLDS prophet from 1935 until his death in 1949. . This seemed to apply in my own kindred because those of us who left Mormonism and married outsiders are less riddled with the deleterious genetic legacy than relatives who married within the ancestral Mormon gene pool. . "There is no cure for the disease, which impedes the body's ability to process food at the cellular level. Those affected by the genetic disorder suffer grand mal seizures and often have facial feature deformities and severe mental retardation, with IQs as low as 25. Geri and I ask the same question at the same time: "What exactly do you mean by took care of them? Also known as the LDCJC, the Kingston Clan, and The Order, it is a religious organization created by members of the Davis County Cooperative Society or DCCS in 1977. This child belongs to a family branch that [was] used in the U of U nephritis study. . Three of his wives are his half-sisters. When it comes to racist Sunday school lessons, the polygamous Kingston clan could teach the Ku Klux Klan a thing or two. "Throughout the world, most polygamy is exogamous, or breeding outside the group. "And my oldest daughter, she's 18 and she's dated a couple of my cousins, which makes them her second cousins, and we're like, Eww, that's gross.". In the revelation, the Lord commands him to take virgins 'an hundredfold in this world' for the purpose to 'multiply and replenish the Earth' so 'they may bear the souls of men.' . Dawna says that, when people refer to what's going on over in the Cane Beds, they say it's probably another turkey baster situation. Consequently, genetic diseases and mutations have inevitably sprouted in many polygamous groups having this belief. . As for its anti-government views, allegations of fraud against government entities have long dogged the Kingstons. Two are nieces. Asserting that 'the attitude between Mormons and Mormon fundamentalist polygamists is that of kissing cousins with more similarities than differences.' Excerpts from the article "Understanding Polygamy," distributed by "Humanists of Utah": " . His brother, John Ortell Kingston, took over the leadership of The Order incorporated in the 1970s as the Latter Day Church of Christ. . . . . 'They just don't worry about the effects of intermarriage.'. Now let me just simply state: He took care of them. Those affected by the genetic disorder suffer grand mal seizures and often have facial feature deformities and severe mental retardation, with IQs as low as 25. Had these defects clumped in my own family as it seemingly appeared to me? There is no doubt about that at all. Isaac Wyler, another lifelong Colorado City resident who was excommunicated from the FLDS in January 2004. "While discussing health problems at a family gathering with some of my cousins wives, we discovered astonishingly that three out of four of us, all polygamy descendants, had borne a son with a clubfoot. . 'I don't know how many who die within the first two or three years that we don't even ever know about. The teacher added a drop of dye to the water, and the children watched as the blackness slowly spread. The three marriages between second cousins have produced at least eight children afflicted with fumarase deficiency, according to a report in the May 2000 'Annals of Neurology' (based on the study conducted by the group led by Tarby and Aleck), interviews with doctors treating the disease and anecdotal evidence gathered from the community. hello http://www.gallup.com/poll/24388/one-four-americans-think-most-mormons-e http://www.i4m.com/think/sexuality/homosexual_ruin.htm, http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2005/UnderstandingPolygamy_July-05.html, http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/walker.html, http://www.renewamerica.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13723. "Of even greater concern was the fact that the recessive gene that triggers the disease was rapidly spreading to thousands of individuals living in the community because of decades of inbreeding. deficiency. on the flat hay fields that stretch from the edge of Woods Cross to the crusty shores of the Great Salt Lake, that John Ortell Kingston studied the genetics of in-line breeding. Examples of birth defects include phenylketonuria, sickle cell anemia and Down syndrome. As people age the chances of children inheriting mutant genes increases. Local Policing and Immigration Enforcement, Request for Legal Assistance Economic Justice. Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . The fact that most of the people in the Kingston clan were born into the lifestyle is very key to group think because this is all they know, and some may never question the beliefs even when they age because it has been their whole world all their life. The samples could be tested for the gene at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. . Cases of fumarase deficiency have shown up in the FLDS communities in Colorado City and Hildale, and doctors believe that the incidence of the condition in these communities will increase in coming generations. . The two were playmates when they were boys. . Carolyn. From her article, "Fatal Inheritance: Mormon Eugenics": "[My] cousin], [her sister] and I all grew up to marry and start families of our own. "An unknown number--but believed to be in the thousands--of Barlow/Jessop descendants carry the recessive gene that causes fumarase deficiency. . The battle took place in the spiritual pre-existence that Mormons believe all souls come from. "'Those boys are the most moral, upstanding and wonderful people I know,' she said, clutching a grandchild to her thin hip. . . ", "They took their lives," Ron says. Now, let's examine how "God-ordained" Mormon polygamy has wreaked unholy genetic havoc on its faithful followers: --Case Study on Polygamous Mormonism's Genetic Disease Striking Home: The Linda Walker Story. "They were called the Second Warders and we were called the First Warders; we weren't supposed to hang out with kids from the Centennial group because they were wicked for having left," she says. They ought to be ashamed of such conduct, and the still fouler channel which flows from their practices; and it is not to be wondered at that they should envy those who so much better understand the social relations. Andrea grew up in a small two-bedroom home in a Kingston-owned coal and several polygamist men serve in local government positions, including as mayors . ozpoof Or Aunt Martha did, or somebody did. The parents said their daughter had cerebral palsy. The stage was set for the appearance of the rare disease when their 12th child, Martha Jessop, married her second cousin, John Yeates Barlow, in 1923, according to LDS genealogy data and Colorado City historian Ben Bistline. We would cause harm, he confessed. . . By the time Joseph Smith Jessop died in September 1953, he already had 112 grandchildren, the majority of them directly descended from him and Yeates. The familys dedication to the principle of polygamy already had been established by Kingstons father, who had three wives. Could not diagnose us both unnecessarily was founded in the children, it 's also rape. May be increasingly at risk had been established by Kingstons father, who had wives! 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