Several interesting patterns emerge from this breakdown. Cuba 16,367. . The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 44.8 million in 2018. Differences exist state-to-state in the proportion of people born outside of the U.S. The survey asks respondents if they are a member of any Indian American organization or group, such as a cultural, regional, religious, caste, community, or school-based organization. The first table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net domestic migration, while the second table lists U.S. states and the District of Columbia by annual net international migration. Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group in the United States. The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. 51 Badrinathan, Kapur, and Vaishnav, How Do Indian Americans View India?. For instance, for Indian Americans who skeptically view the rise of Hindu majoritarianism in India, it is unclear how they might apportion blame given that religion, leadership, and political parties are all deeply intertwined, especially in the current political scenario. Some 27% of immigrants were permanent residents and 5% were temporary residents in 2017. There were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2017, accounting for 3.2% of the nations population. CORRECTION (Sept. 21, 2020): An update to the methodology used to tabulate figures in the chartAmong new immigrant arrivals, Asians outnumber Hispanicshas changed all figures from 2001 and 2012. Want the news delivered straight to your inbox? She holds a PhD in political science from the University of Pennsylvania. The smaller the size of a given group, the fewer opportunities individuals have of meeting someone from their same group. the United States issues immigration visas to 2 . In 2020, about 8% of Minnesotans were foreign-born, but that percentage was as high as 37% in the late 1800s. However, the major distinction has to do with the intensity of this feeling, exemplified by the sharp difference in the share of respondents who report being very comfortable with friends of the opposite faith: 52 percent of Hindus are very comfortable having close Muslim friends, while 46 percent of Muslims are very comfortable having close Hindu friends. Among immigrants ages 5 and older in 2018, half (53%) are proficient English speakers either speaking English very well (37%) or only speaking English at home (17%). Then, click on a state to get the top 15 origin countries of immigrants residing in that state. In about one-fifth of instances, both Indians and non-Indians were perceived to be jointly responsible. The objective of this inquiry is to assess to what extent Indian Americans associate with other Indian Americans relative to those from outside the community. For instance, the social networks of an Indian American in Wyoming (where there are very few Indian Americans) will likely be dominated by non-Indian Americans. This section reviews some basic characteristics of the social networks of Indian Americans. 16 Of those born outside of the United States, 80 percent were born in India. Today, there are more apprehensions of non-Mexicans than Mexicans at the border. By contrast, more than half (57%) of immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for 20 years or more are proficient English speakers. Finally, the survey examines the identity of the person(s) responsible for engaging in discriminatory behavior. This new methodology has also allowed the inclusion of the figure from 2000. Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees. The actual change is expected to come in 2055, when Asians will become the largest immigrant group at 36 percent, compared with Hispanics at 34 percent. Data from the Center for Migration Studies shows that 78% of immigrants in California were either naturalized or had some other legal status (including green cards and visas), and about 22% were undocumented as of 2019. Around 337,000 immigrants were deported from the U.S. in fiscal 2018, up since 2017. As a final step, the survey asks respondents whether they agree or disagree with the following statement: Overall, the Indian American community has a positive impact on U.S.-India relations. As of now, the community is quite bullish about the diasporas achievements in this regard. The first part looks at three types of engagement: civic, political, and cultural. There is surprisingly little systematic data about the everyday social realities that Indian Americans experience. Between 1990 and 2000, the number of foreign born from India in the United States more than doubled. 3 (2005): 169187. The term net domestic migration describes the total number of people moving to a state from another state minus people moving to another state from that state. Clear differences along religious lines are evident in the responses to the question on the frequency of prayer (see figure 9). What are the demographic characteristics of Indian Americans? . 9% of Minnesotans are immigrants, up from 5% in 2000 but down from 37% in the late 1800s. Sixty-four percent of this subset of respondents were naturalized after the year 2000, while the remainder received U.S. citizenship before that. The interactive map below visualizes all of them based on their prior country of residence. Another way of examining respondents regional connections in India is to look at their linguistic backgrounds. One-quarter of all respondents self-identify as Indian while 7 percent choose the term Asian Indian.. Thirty-six percent report that either all or most of their friends are of Indian origin, while 21 percent report that very few or none of their friends are of Indian origin. The modal responseselected by 38 percent of respondentsis that some of their friends are of Indian origin. Many states have large immigrant populations from India. And how might their self-conception influence the composition of their social networks? How does this group perceive itself, and how does it believe others perceive it? Additionally, a narrow focus on demographics such as income, wealth, education, and professional success can obscure important (and sometimes uncomfortable) social truths. Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 3, 2017, and written by Gustavo Lpez, a former research analyst focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics; and Kristen Bialik, a former research assistant. by subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Send a Message. From 1990 to 2007, the unauthorized immigrant population more than tripled in size from 3.5 million to a record high of 12.2 million in 2007. On the contrary, India continues to exist in the present as it influences the lives of the diasporaeven as its members chart a new path in their adopted home. Much larger shares believe that other minority groups face greater discrimination than Indian Americans, including Latino Americans (90 percent), LGBTQ Americans (89 percent), African Americans (86 percent), and women (86 percent). Only 26 percent of Hindus who do not identify with a caste respond to questions about the caste composition of their social networks by answering dont know. This indicates that even though a large proportion of Hindu respondents say they do not identify with a caste, only a small fraction are unaware of the caste composition of their networks. 2 (2016): 283301. The most common activity is performing community service, something 20 percent of respondents engaged in, followed by working with others in their community (15 percent), attending a public meeting (13 percent), and attending a protest or demonstration (11 percent). Using data from the US Census Bureau, we found the country that was the most common birthplace for foreign-born residents in each state (excluding Mexico, which was the most common country of birth for immigrants in 32 states). In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens. Several states have Canada as a major source of immigrants. Figure 21 looks more closely at the caste composition of social networks among Hindus. Somali immigrants are the second-largest immigrant group in Minnesota. Furthermore, the earlier version of the chart incorrectly showed thepartialyear shares of Hispanic and Asian recent arrivals in 2015; the correctedcompleteyear shares are 31% and 36%, respectively. The one slight deviation in the overall pattern of civic engagement is found in the final categoryworking with others in your community to solve a problem. Office of the Registrar General of India, Language: Indian States and Union Territories (Table C-16), Census of India 2011, Paper 1 (2018), rise in the number from Central America and Asia. Indian Americans who have no allegiance to either major party hold slightly asymmetric views as well. 5 Devesh Kapur and Jashan Bajwa, A Study of Poverty in the Indian American Population, Johns Hopkins-SAIS, October 2020, See Doug Rivers, Pew Research: YouGov Consistently Outperforms Competitors on Accuracy, YouGov, May 13, 2016, We are grateful to the team at the Center for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania. Chinese Americans are the largest Asian origin group in the U.S., making up 24% of the Asian population, or 5.4 million people. Only 43 percent of IAAS respondents believe that Indian American is the term that best captures their background. Florida, fourth in 2016 in the share of residents who are foreign-born, first made an appearance on the list in 1980. . Respondents can select from one of three responses: very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, or not comfortable. 14 Mary Hanna and Jeanne Batalova, Indian Immigrants in the United States, Migration Policy Institute, October 16, 2020, U.S. India tops that list in 21 states. Questions that measure social distance are often used to understand the salience of group identity and perceptions of group hierarchy, and as a basis of prediction of inter-group prejudice. For instance, a March 2020 Pew survey found that 79 percent of Americans agree that there is a lot or some discrimination against African Americans. There is a separate table for the U.S. territories. Hover over a state to view the total number of immigrants and their top region of birth. In terms of educational attainment, 48 percent of Hindus with an undergraduate education profess a caste identify compared to 43 percent with less than a four-year college degree. . For instance, 27 percent of Hindu respondents who identify with a caste report that all or most of their Indian friends share their caste affiliation. Responses are very divided. At the other end of the spectrum, 24 percent of foreign-born respondents feel more Indian than American, a sentiment shared by just 11 percent of their U.S.-born counterparts. From 2009 to 2020, immigrants of Asian descent outnumbered those of Hispanic descent in terms of race and ethnicity. Given that there are many more Indian Americans who are Hindu in the IAAS sampleand the fact that nearly half of Christians and Muslims report that all or most of their friends share their religionthis means that both Christians and Muslims have substantially more religious homophily, relative to Hindus. However, non-citizens are about as likely as foreign-born citizens to engage in the resolution of community issues (12 percent versus 11 percent). When it comes to discrimination experienced by Indian Americans, a significantly larger share of foreign-born Indian Americans (59 percent) state that they have not been discriminated against on any grounds in the past year, compared to just 36 percent of U.S.-born Indian Americans (see figure 27). Jonathan Kay is a nonresident research assistant in the Carnegie South Asia Program. Figure 14 disaggregates the results by place of birth and citizenship status. Pew Research Center estimates indicate that in 2065, those who identify as Asian will make up some 38% of all immigrants; as Hispanic, 31%; White, 20%; and Black, 9%. Therefore, the sample size from which these percentages is derived is smalljust one-half of the overall IAAS sample. This study is the third in a series on the social, political, and foreign policy attitudes of Indian Americans. As one might expect, both Hindus and Muslims are overwhelmingly comfortable having close friends who share their faith: 97 percent of Hindu respondents report being very or somewhat comfortable having close Hindu friends, and 96 percent of Muslims report the same. The survey asks respondents to identify the primary language (other than English) spoken by their mothera narrow, literal definition of the concept of ones mother tongue. Immigrants are projected to drive future growth in the U.S. working-age population through at least 2035. Another 23% of all immigrants were unauthorized immigrants. These top 20 metro areas were home to 28.7 million immigrants, or 64% of the nations total foreign-born population. Therefore, it is likely that the sample does not fully represent the South Asian American population and could skew in favor of those who have strong views about caste. The examination of partisanship, in turn, further distinguishes between partisan support in India and in the United States.43. Seventeen percent of U.S.-born citizens report attending a public meeting, while 12 percent of foreign-born citizens and 6 percent of non-citizens report doing so. In 2018, the percentage of women giving birth in the past year was higher among immigrants (7.5%) than among the U.S. born (5.7%). In all, 52 percent of Indians in America completed their education in the United States. . In 2018, immigrants were over three times as likely as the U.S. born to have not completed high school (27% vs. 8%). U.S.-born citizens report the highest levels of civic engagement, followed by foreign-born citizens and, in all categories save for one, non-citizens report the lowest levels of civic engagement. The length of ones stay in the United States also plays an important role in shaping self-identification. One should treat these findings with caution. Second, around one-third of Christians and Hindus and two-fifths of Muslims are situated in the middle, reporting that some of their Indian American networks are made up of friends of the same religion. The Dallas Express is a non-profit organization funded by charitable support and advertising. But members of this group exhibit significant variation in terms of their visa status (see figure 1). Thirteen percent have a high school diploma and just 1 percent have not finished high school. The differences are most pronounced among those who say being Indian is very important to them. First, the survey asks respondents to consider how discrimination against Indian Americans compares to discrimination directed toward other minority communities in the United States. A small minority of non-citizen respondents6 percentclaim some other visa status. Asian immigrants collectively comprised 28% of all immigrants by region of birth in 2018. The top countries of origin for immigrants were India (11 percent of immigrants), Mexico (8 percent), China (6 percent), the Philippines (3 percent), and Canada (3 percent). One might expect, however, that the importance of a respondents Indian identity might vary by their place of birth. Diwali and Holi are largely celebrated by Hindus, while very few non-Muslims commemorate Eid. 56 To find details on the Economist-YouGov collaboration or to compare some of the IAAS findings on Indian Americans with the American population more generally, visit While the majority are immigrants, a rising share . They are more likely to say they are very comfortable having Democratic than Republican friends, and three times as many say they would not be comfortable having close Republican friends than close Democratic friends. The top countries of origin for immigrants were the Dominican Republic (11 percent of immigrants), China (9 percent), Mexico (5 percent), Jamaica (5 percent), and India (4 percent). Formed in 2021, we provide fact-based, non-partisan news. Finally, Christians are more likely to self-identify as American without any hyphenation (9 percent versus 6 percent for Muslim and 4 percent for Hindus). This finding tracks with other studies of immigrant communities.37. U.S. Census data affirm that Indian Americans enjoy a standard of living that is roughly double that of the median American household, underpinned by substantially greater educational attainmentthe share of Indian Americans with at least a bachelors degree is twice the national average.4 However, these aggregate figures mask severe inequalities within the community. It covers five broad areas: citizenship and residency status; educational attainment; marital status; Indian region of origin; and religion, religious practice, and caste identity. As the figure demonstrates, religion leads the way59 percent of Indian Americans believe it is responsible for creating internal divisions in the community. Data from the ACS show that the share of married couple households in the community is 50 percent greater than the U.S. average.20 In the IAAS sample, 66 percent of respondents were married or in a domestic partnership. These sentiments are a far cry from those expressed by a special commission established by the U.S. Congress whose 1911 report declared that Hindus were universally regarded as the least desirable race of immigrants thus far admitted to the United States.3 More than a century laterfrom Silicon Valley CEOs to White House power brokers and influential members of Congress to leaders in fields like journalism, health, science, and engineeringthe emergence of the Indian diaspora is a remarkable coming-of-age story. To a certain extent, however, many of these factors are inseparable. The states with the largest immigrant populations are California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Twenty-six percent of U.S.-born citizens report taking part in voluntary service compared to 18 percent of foreign-born citizens and 14 percent of non-citizens. Since 1975, Koreans have ranked among the top 5 groups of . The survey also asks respondents how comfortable they would be if a son/daughter married someone from a particular background. But religion only narrowly edges out the role of Indias political leadership (56 percent) for the top spot, and political parties (47 percent) are not far behind. Nineteen percent of them are not comfortable having close friends associated with the BJP. Conversely, second-generation Indian Americans born in the United States are more likely to embrace the terms South Asian American, Asian American, and the nonhyphenated American. 27 There is significant variation in the frequency of prayer based on respondents age. As figure 18 shows, 43 percent of foreign-born Indian Americans have a social network dominated by Indian-origin friends, compared to 25 percent of respondents born in the United States (adding up the shares of those who say all or most of their friends are of Indian origin). New immigrant arrivals have fallen, mainly due to a decrease in the number of unauthorized immigrants coming to the U.S. It is worth pointing out that nearly one-third (32 percent) of respondents report not engaging in any of the civic or political activities listed on the survey. All the analyses in this study employ sampling weights to ensure representativeness.15. 45 Carroll Doherty, Which Party is More to Blame for Political Polarization? In order to be eligible to serve as a respondent for the IAAS, members of YouGovs panel must self-identify as a person of (Asian) Indian origin who resides in the United States. 1) The term "immigrants" (or "foreign born") refers to people residing in the United States who were not U.S. citizens at birth. The propensity scores were grouped into deciles of the estimated propensity score in the frames and post-stratified according to these deciles.57. By using this website, you agree to our cookie policy. Finally, respondents born in the United States are also significantly more likely to report that they have a spouse or partner who is not of Indian origin: 29 percent of U.S.-born respondents compared to just 15 percent of foreign-born respondents. The differences are especially stark for Diwali and Indian Independence Day, where the gap between the two groups is on the order of 20 percentage points. While the social realities of Indian Americans are often glossed over, recent events have brought them to the fore. In the same exchange, Biden later added: One of the reasons why were such an incredible country is were such a diverse country. 9 Nicole Hong and Jonah E. Bromwich, Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. At the time, most immigrants from what was then British India were in fact Sikhs, not Hindus. In the 1820s, nearly 60,000 Irish immigrated to the United States. Immigrants today account for 13.7% of the U.S. population, nearly triple the share (4.8%) in 1970. Responses are divided neatly into thirds when it comes to who is doing the discriminating: Indians, non-Indians, and people of both categories are almost equally to blame.49. There does appear to be some variation based on respondents religious identity (see figure 7). The immigrant population in the United States is extraordinarily diverse, with immigrants hailing from almost every nation. At Carnegie, we owe special thanks to Samuel Brase and Cooper Hewell for their editorial assistance. We bring the best out of every single solitary culture in the world here in the United States of America, and we give people an opportunity to let their dreams run forward.2. There is also important variation by ones religious identity. Nearly one in two respondents (45 percent) report discussing politics in the past yearby far the most common activity. The IAAS asks respondents how they self-identify; after all, identities are liminal and individuals might identify with any number of identity categories. In certain cases, these larger groupings consist of smaller denominations that have been aggregated upward. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. The share of Indian Americans who pray either several times a day or once a day is slightly below the U.S. average (46 percent according to Pew survey data).26 Another 20 percent of Indian Americans report taking part in prayer a few times a week or once a week, while 11 percent pray at least a few times a month. Muslims and Christians are significantly more likely than Hindus to say that religion is very important to thema gap of nearly 30 percentage points. 1 (2015): 51104. Can you name the largest immigrant groups from each continent in Norway? 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