She functions as a barometer of emotional health for Viljar, and, as a non-white Norwegian, her visits to him in hospital symbolize the ongoing solidarity of their community. [23] Martynov and Motorin were recalled to Moscow, where they were arrested, charged, tried, and convicted of espionage against the Soviet government. [49][50][51], During his final days with the FBI, Hanssen began to suspect something was wrong. And I've been stuck there ever since. Breivik, a twisted loner, had convinced himself that the way to oppose Islam in the Scandinavian country was to kill unarmed civilians. In 1979, Hanssen approached the Soviet Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) and offered his services. He said: I came in the office one day and read his testimony in court some of which is in the film. Hope, and love. Paul Greengrass got it very right. [7] On July 6, 2001, he pleaded guilty to 13 counts of espionage, one count of attempted espionage, and one of conspiracy to commit espionage in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. In primary school, children used to laugh at me. The ending simply but effectively conveys that Breivik's story and legacy have been brought to a close, whereas the survivors of the attack can live on and strive to make the world a better place. Viljar was shot five times in the left hand, right thigh, left shoulder and head near his right eye. This change was likely made because international audiences would be confused by Breivik being given such an apparently light sentence, which may have distracted from the film's ending. The cinematography of 22 July is moody and dark, all low light and pained faces. It means I dont have to look over there, nodding at his attacker. Jeg sagde til Viljar, at vi skulle hoppe, men han var for langsom. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. [44] FBI agent Michael Waguespack thought the voice was familiar, but could not remember who it was. He lost his best friend, he lost an eye, he suffered brain damage, and he lost his ability to ski, snowmobile and engage in many of the other activities he enjoyed in his native Troms County, in northern Norway. 1,486 Likes, 19 Comments - VILJAR HANSSEN (@viljarhanssen) on Instagram: " Anders og Renate " . Hope, and love. Torje tried to help his brother, who insisted he should save himself. Everyone who was on Utoya that day lost someone, and Viljar says: The character is supposed to be me in the film, but it is representative of many victims.. She fled down the stairs, making her way to the site of the explosion, stumbling upon a scene so abnormal in Norway: Hanssen was arrested on February 18, 2001, at Foxstone Park,[5] near his home in the Washington, D.C., suburb of Vienna, Virginia, after leaving a package of classified materials at a dead drop site. Greengrass' film splits its focusevenly between Breivik and one of thevictims of the attack, Viljar Hanssen (Jonas Strand Gravli), who was shot five times but survived to bear witness at Breivik's trial. Kristoffersen moved to Longyearbyen from Troms in January 2009, along with her family of husband and two children, to work at the University Centre in Svalbard. Here we'll break down the differences between the events in Greengrass' film and what actually happened during and after the attack, as well as the meaning of 22 July's quietly powerful ending, which emphasizes survival and perseverance rather than despair. The teens enjoy a campfire singalong, and earnestly engage in political debates. [38], The existence of two Russian moles working in the U.S. security and intelligence establishment simultaneouslyAmes at the CIA and Hanssen at the FBIcomplicated counterintelligence efforts during the 1990s. [71], The Hanssen spy case is told in Ronald Kessler's book The Secrets of the FBI in chapter 15, "Catching Hanssen," chapter 16, "Breach", and chapter 17, "Unexplained Cash", based in part on interviews with Michael Rochford, who directed the FBI team that eventually caught Hanssen after initially wrongly assuming a CIA officer was the master spy. It was an extreme experience, it was very difficult to contain the emotions.". On October 1, 1985, Hanssen sent an anonymous letter to the KGB offering his services and asking for $100,000 in cash, equivalent to $251,949 in 2021. Viljar Hanssen Jurist og politiker Troms Europabevegelsen i Troms og Finnmark, +8 more UiT- The Arctic University of Norway, +1 more Viljar Orumaa Audit Senior at EY - FSO WAM County. history. Some of the survivors are helping each other, but sadly a lot of the high profile survivors involved have been using the tragedy to further their political careers. This is an important part of my life and it will stay that way. She went with Hanssen on visits to Hong Kong and the FBI training facility in Quantico, Virginia. When the trial was over, Lippestad said that he did not feel as though he had "won" anything, even though Breivikachieved his goal of being judged sane and accountable for his actions, but that he was "happy that we have completed our assignment.". Martynov and Motorin were condemned to death and executed via a gunshot to the back of the head. [12] Hanssen received an MBA in accounting and information systems in 1971 and took a job with an accounting firm. Equal rights and opportunities is what drives me. He was given due process, he was defeated in a court of law, he was faced down by young people thats the story.. All depict ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Weapons, he replies. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Breivik gun victim Viljar Hanssen just after the attack, and as he is now, right, Breivik, pictured in court, a twisted loner, had convinced himself that the way to oppose Islam in the Scandinavian country was to kill unarmed civilians, Breivik's first target that day was government offices in the capital, Oslo. [64] His three daughters attended Oakcrest School for Girls in Vienna, Virginia, an independent Roman Catholic school. He must represent not only his own story of survival, but also the full scale of the atrocity, which may be more than his narrow shoulders can bear. In January 2001, Hanssen was given an office and an assistant, Eric O'Neill, who, in reality, was a young FBI surveillance specialist who had been assigned to watch Hanssen. Finding nothing, Hanssen decided to resume his spy career after eight years without contact with the Russians. 'I was afraid of the dark and suffered from dreadful nightmares. He is serving his sentence at the ADX Florence, a federal supermax prison near Florence, Colorado, in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. The van prior to explosion In the biographical film, 22 July, Viljar Hanssen is portrayed by Norwegian actor Jonas Strand Gravli. Greengrass must put a human front and center of his narrative. VILJAR HANSSEN (@viljarhanssen) Instagram photos and videos viljarhanssen Follow 336 posts 34.7K followers 700 following VILJAR HANSSEN Politician Jurist, politiker og levemann. They paid $7 million to KGB agent Alexandr Shcherbakov[43] who had access to a file on "B". Viljar Hanssen, Law Student and survivor of the 2011 Utoya Terrorist Attack during the special event themed Violent Right-Wing Extremism: Prevention. The FBI could not produce any good evidence, and as a result, Bloch was never charged with a crime, although the State Department later terminated his employment and denied his pension. Tove Ashill Knutsen, 56, Oslo Secretary with the electricians and information technology workers' union. Kelley instead reported the incident to the FBI. Her sons, Viljar Robert Christian Hanssen (born August 4, 1993) and Torje Hanssen (born July 14, 1997), were on the island of Utya during the 22nd of July 2011 Norway attacks. 22 July also conveys the real-life Lippestad's attitude towards the task set out before him: that everyone, even a mass-murderer, is entitled to acompetent defense in order to ensure that justice is properly served. About the path, I spent a lot of time out of politics the last years doing lots of other stuff and really living a normal life. He had lost the sight in one eye and three fingers, and had to learn how to walk and write again. Eight bodies sprawled on the ground in the aftermath of a terror attack. Because I still have family, and friends, and memories, and dreams. Dressed as a police officer, he called the innocents to a meeting before opening fire on them. There have been some moments of true desperation during our 13-year history. His expressive face conveys haunting and complex feelings, as he first tries to protect his younger brother Torje (Isak Bakli Aglen) during the attack, and then as he struggles to recover from his injuries, wounded leg and hand, the loss of a eye and bullet fragments left in his brain from a gunshot to the face. Robert Philip Hanssen (born April 18, 1944) is an American former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) double agent who spied for Soviet and Russian intelligence services against the United States from 1979 to 2001. It should not exist, and it being used by journalists and Stortingspolitikere is a disgrace, really. How often is it a factor in your day-to-day life, activities you pursue and a topic others bring up with you? When FBI agents observed this incriminating act, they rushed in to arrest Hanssen. [4][10] He graduated from William Howard Taft High School in 1962 and then attended Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where he earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1966. the full scale of the atrocity, which may be more than his narrow shoulders can bear. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Dear Evan Hansen, which last year won six Tony Awards including Best Musical is about a fictional 17-year-old student who lives in an unnamed American town with his divorced mother. The FBI believed his story, and Hanssen was merely given a warning. This year Ive been asked to say some words and doing the rosekransnedleggelse, so Ill be working on my speech today. Greengrass focuses on his anti-immigrant sentiment to the total exclusion of his anti-feminism. [77] David Wise wrote Spy: The Inside Story of How the FBI's Robert Hanssen Betrayed America. She was described as a "good colleague". 22 July takes few creative liberties and all of the characters in the film are based on real people who were impacted by the tragedy. Jo Livingstone is a former staff writer at The New Republic. Six months later, Gjestvang began recording 25 survivors' paths to recovery. He never indicated any political or ideological motive for his actions, telling the FBI after he was caught that his only motivation was financial. I mean, its a part of my life and will always be, physically and emotionally. You are. Breivik replies, Are you sure about that?, in the manifesto he circulated online he wrote that feminism sought to deny the intrinsic worth of native Christian European heterosexual males.. In early February 2001, he asked his friend at a computer technology company for a job. Timeline of terrorViljars parents braced themselves for the worst, yet he woke from a coma after six days able to talk. Ylva Schwenke, 15, captured here in what Gjestvang says is one of her most imprtant photos, Court finds Anders Behring Breivik sane, gives him maximum penalty for murdering 77 people in shooting and bombing last year, Ynet's interview with Andrea Gjestvang (: , ). Upon becoming a special agent on January 12, 1976, Hanssen was transferred to the FBI's Gary, Indiana, field office. The FBI's codename for the suspected spy was "Graysuit". [25] That same year, Hanssen, according to a government report, committed a "serious security breach" by revealing secret information to a Soviet defector during a debriefing. Kuva: SVT By 2011, she was a board member of the school board, the board of city operations and the port authority. Robert Hanssen was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a Lutheran family who lived in the Norwood Park neighborhood. People named Viljar include: Viljar Loor (1953-2011), volleyball player Viljar Myhra (born 1996), football player Q:Where are you right now as you write this and what are your plans for the day ahead, if its basically going to be whatever passes for a normal day for you? Im finishing my masters degree in law school the next year as well. Henriette Steenstrup appeared as Jenny in the . While it did not contain Hanssen's name, among the information was an audiotape of a July 21, 1986, conversation between "B" and KGB agent Aleksander Fefelov. Happy, affectionate Norwegian teens speak to each other in strongly accented English. [20] In 1985, Hanssen was again transferred to the FBI's field office in New York, where he continued to work in counterintelligence against the Soviets. Hanssen is mentioned in chapter 5 of Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code as the most noted Opus Dei member to non-members. He became blind on the right eye and had amputated three fingers. Menu. I always felt openness and social democracy was important. He murdered eight people by planting a bomb in a van outside. The October 1 letter began a long, active espionage period for Hanssen. He was eventually placed on administrative leave, where he remained falsely accused until after Hanssen was arrested. Because I do this for them. Her sons, Viljar Robert Christian Hanssen (born August 4, 1993) and Torje Hanssen (born July 14, 1997), were on the island of Utya during the 22nd of July 2011 Norway attacks. It was an intense emotional experience. Hanssen ensured that he did not reveal himself with his study, but in addition, he gave the entire studyincluding the list of all Soviets who had contacted the FBI about FBI molesto the KGB in 1988. He eventually lost consciousness, and was taken toUllevl hospital, where he fell into a coma as his injuries were treated. The only notable women in the movie are Rashids own minor portrayal, and Viljars mother Christin (Maria Bock), who becomes the mayor of Svalbard. Such is the wisdom one acquires after more than 25 years in the world's second-least-respected occupation, much of it roaming the seven continents in search of jazz, unrecognizable street food and escorts I f****d with by insisting they give me the platonic tours of their cities promised in their ads. Personally Ive been focusing on the future since the day I woke up from my coma and Ill be doing a lot of living afterwords. Reply. [4] He was spying at the same time as Aldrich Ames in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Ames had been stationed in Rome at the time of the Bloch investigation and could not have known about that case or the tunnel under the embassy, as he did not work for the FBI.[39][40]. He took the phone from Torje and told them it was "a shoot[ing], but it goes well, I'll save everyone." [54], With the representation of Washington lawyer Plato Cacheris, Hanssen negotiated a plea bargain that enabled him to avoid the death penalty in exchange for cooperating with authorities. The shrapnel inside him (which could shift and kill him at any time) represents the remains of Breiviks horrific actions, the trauma that Viljar and all of Norway will have to bear forever. Hanssen's wife, Bonnie, retired from teaching theology at Oakcrest in 2020. He then followed his usual routine, taking a package consisting of a sealed garbage bag of classified material and taping it to the bottom side of a wooden footbridge over a creek. 23w. For example, despite the Norwegian setting all of the characters speak in English. The portrayal of the attack itself hews closely to the official details. Hanssen warned the KGB that Bloch was being investigated, causing the KGB to end contact with him abruptly. But with right-wing views on the rise we still have a long way to go. The last bullet was stopped by her wisdom tooth, probably saving her life. The film follows the life of Viljar Hanssen after he has been shot multiple times, awoken from his coma, and crippled for life by Anders Behring Brevik. FBI agent who spied for the USSR and Russia, FBI career and first espionage activities (19761981), FBI counterintelligence unit, further espionage activities (19851991), Later FBI career, continued espionage activities (19922001), Lynch, Christopher, The C.I. There is nothing about his world view or his arguments or his rhetoric that a mainstream populist right-wing politician does not espouse. He spent three months in the hospital before returning to Longyearbyen, where almost immediately he became the youngest person ever elected to the community council at the age of 17. As. Then we see Breivik (Anders Danielsen Lie) blending chemicals in several household juicing machines. He placed a white piece of tape on a park sign, which was a signal to his Russian contacts that there was information at the dead drop site. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [75], The American Court TV (now TruTV) television series Mugshots released an episode on the Robert Hanssen case titled "Robert Hanssen Hanssen and the KGB".[76]. Viljar, 25, who is up for election as a councillor in Tromso, northern Norway, says: Through me they are telling the story of all the people who were on Utoya. When he gave an impact statement during Breiviks trial for mass murder and terrorism in 2012, Viljar told how he suffered from anxiety and had been too scared to attend a later youth league event. He even managed to bring laughter to proceedings, joking: I lost this eye, but thats useful. Galey claims that although she offered to have sex with him, Hanssen declined, saying he was trying to convert her to Catholicism. In 2033 he will beeligiblefor release, but only if he is determined to no longer be a threat to society. [56][57], Hanssen never told the KGB or GRU his identity and refused to meet them personally, except for the abortive 1993 contact in the Russian embassy parking garage. Now she sleeps on top of my belly every night' (Photo: Andrea Gjestvang/ MOMENT), 'One week last summer,' reads the tattoo on the arm of Hanne Hesto Ness, who lost her little finger (Photo: Andrea Gjestvang/ MOMENT), Eirin Kristin Kjr, 20. Shortly after the release of 22 July he posted about the film on Instagram, saying that while he was not involved in the making of the film, he hoped that it would spark conversations about the dangers of far-right extremism: Lara Rashid, who is played by Seda Witt in the film, was 16 at the time of the attack and lost her older sister in the shooting. Jonas Strand Gravli starred as Viljar Hanssen in the 2018 Netflix film 22 July. The youngest of those 69 victims was 14, and many were shot in the back while running away or pretending to be dead. This is one of them. Lise Aaserud, NTB scanpix, AFP |Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik makes a Nazi salute ahead his appeal hearing at a court at the Telemark prison in Skien, Norway, on Jan. 10, 2017. But the verdict was later overturned. 21 years is actually the maximum sentence that can be handed down in Norway for anythingless than genocide or war crimes, but that sentence can be extended and Breivik will likely be in prison for the rest of his life. [66] Opus Dei member C. John McCloskey said he also occasionally attended the daily noontime Mass at the Catholic Information Center in downtown Washington. And I choose to live.". The killer is currently taking a political science degree by correspondence from his cell. As Viljar struggles through depression and physiotherapy, he becomes an embodied metaphor for Norway as a whole. However, Hanssen escaped notice, likely because these efforts concentrated on CIA agents rather than FBI agents. When his body is scanned in a machine it is almost as if the country is being examined for damage. Viljar and his brother survive, but the former only with massive injuries. The movie at this point transitions into a broad political allegory. He became blind on the right eye and had amputated three fingers. Its a really nice thing, really. Both Ames and Hanssen compromised the names of KGB agents working secretly for the U.S., some of whom were executed for their betrayal. The Murder of Stephen Lawrence (1999) retells the racist murder of a London teenager. The point is that right-wing extremism is with us in Europe.. [35] Three years later, convicted FBI mole Earl Edwin Pitts told the FBI that he suspected Hanssen due to the Mislock incident. I try to live as normal as possible in the days leading up to 22/07. He aims to help society through peaceful, democratic means as a Labour councillor. The FBI believes that the Russians never knew the name of their source. Viljar Hanssen is a survivor of the July 2011 attack at the Utya summer camp in Norway. The failure of the Bloch investigation and the FBI's investigation of how the KGB learned that they were investigating Bloch caused the mole hunt that eventually resulted in the arrest of Hanssen. It became the recipient of the L'Iris d'Or at the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards, ahead of some 62,000 contenders. Although Hanssen was unaware of it, Ames had already exposed all three agents earlier that year. As portrayed in the film, Lippestad did receive threats to himself and his family from those who perceived him as a Nazi sympathizer, even at one point having a swastika painted on his house. Since it would have been difficult to organically explain Norway'sjustice systemwithin the film, Greengrass opted to "translate" Breivik's sentence for international audiences in the same way that the dialogue was translated for easier viewing. His new job in the FBI's budget office gave him access to information involving many different FBI operations. 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