But why would you want Jeremy in your Simiverse? This means that he wont be able to collect your soul. An anarchist Sim loves to cause a bit of chaos in their life and in the lives of others. This is another sims 4 mental illness trait. Theyll also occasionally get an extra moodlet boost for being careful about what they touch. 2. They can define a sims behavior, physical appearance and be the reason for how they live in a world of The Sims 4. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! Part 1 focused on own stimulation and emotional response. Street smart sims learn better by doing things. Youll also get new buffs, new whims, and many new social interactions. Youll even get an extra skill boost when your Sim is feeling blue, and their writing will improve faster if theyre also feeling down after something horrible has happened to them. If youve ever wished to create a super Sim that would take over the world now you can do so! Top 40 Best Traits Mods for Sims 4 (Download Links Included) 40. Pastry Lovers are Sims that love to cook and eat pastry. Eight brand new traits for your sims 4 game! Honestly, there are great benefits that come with this mod. My 200+ Custom Traits give you many more personality traits to choose from. This is because it bundles together eight new unique traits, including . But that also means that youll have to pay for the pack. This trait mod comes with a bunch of new interactions, buffs, and your sim will gain fun 2x faster while on vacation. If you see an addon in the package name, it means it . Its so nice to see some more negative traits for our sims. And I totally recommend it! The first one, Eternal Youth, only eliminates death by time. It will give them more negative moodlets when performing magic in front of others, but itll also improve their magical abilities and make it easier for them to earn money from their spells. Names Explanations: The V (some numbers) are the updated VERSION NUMBER of the mods and you should download the up-to-date version of the mod and delete all the outdated versions.. Health Nut Sims are health fanatics and enjoy yoga, wellness, and fitness. This sims 4 cc trait is special because it actually comes with an aspiration too! 3) Run the repair tool in Origin. This trait would match well with the custom chocolatier career which can be found here. Whats even crazier is that each of these traits comes with custom buffs, whims, CAS animations, relationship impacts, and emotional impacts. Well, you get 9 new traits, each of which represents an emotional aspect. If you want to live the romanticized life of an artist, then this is the trait for you. *This trait mod pack has been deleted by the creator! Ive replaced the download link with a Woohoo Lover custom trait for now until I can find another set of cc traits similar to those above. Sims 4 Farmer Trait by KiaraSims4Mods. And each of them is unique in its own way. Although The Sims 4 already features a pretty extensive list of traits that are designed to affect the way your Sims behave, modders are always looking to add more options to the game. So we have Calm, Insecure, Oblivious, Restless, Stoic, Arrogant, Daydreamer, Perky, and Egghead. I have found that Sims dont get shy too often and arent really embarrassed by their actions. The activist trait is the perfect way to take a stance in your Sims world. If your Sim is a fire fiend, then theyll love this trait. But lucky for us, modders have once again saved the day by creating TONS of sims 4 custom traits. There are always two sides to life, even in the Sims universe. Sims with the shutterbug trait love photography. Theyll also get special buffs and whims related to being an extremely loyal sim. This is one of those emotional traits that might sound bad, but it actually isnt. Which trait mod is your favorite? Instead of loving an eco-friendly environment, your sim actually enjoys the smog and pollution that comes with living in an industrial area. Seriously, this is such a fun trait to play around with in Sims 4. It can improve your university experience in-game by adding better traits that actually fit students. 3. And while thats true for the real world, it is less so in The Sims 4. But the reason why you should consider purchasing her Sims 4 trait mods bundle is that it is a complete extension. If you want to get things done with a kick of authority, this is the trait. Your Sim can also become inspired more easily when studying fine arts, writing novels, or even listening to music. There are some upsides to this trait because your Sim might get a moodlet boost if they work out, but the real help comes when they feel like their lives just arent worth living and want to end it all. They will get tons of whims related to outdoor activities and a few new buffs. There are lots and lots of interesting choices to be made and we suggest trying them all out. Instead, your children will receive random traits as they age to young adults. And that means that we consider them to be ready for a relationship that is mature and healthy. They are Artisan, Competitive, Horticulturist, Movie Buff, Scribe, Technophobe, Worldy, and Thinker. The trait mod that you wish to have must first be downloaded from the internet. Knowing whether your kid is left or right-handed isnt too big of a deal. It's simple. If you arent familiar, the insomnia trait will make your Sim unable to fall asleep. BY: Kathryn-Ann Shaw [Top 10] The Sims 4 Best Trait Mods . Sims 4 WooHoo Wellness Mod Deutsche . Custom content traits enrich your game without needing to buy an expansion pack. I LOVE this trait pack. So, needs, skills, careers, and even homework will be affected by the condition. Unlocked lot traits? However, you can download a custom trait mod from https://modthesims.info/d/537389/add-more-cas-traits.html that will allow you to add unlimited traits to your Sims! They learn skills like fitness, charisma, handiness, etc. It is one of those character traits that can be very prevalent in the real world, yet it is still missing in The Sims 4. Cheerful Sims will get a moodlet boost when they wake up early in the morning, and if your Sim has this trait, then theyll be able to get extra skill gains from their time spent studying. I especially love the fast learner trait. But the trait is also great for spouses and Sims in relationships. If your Sim loves to write poetry or make paintings, then theyll get a special moodlet boost from such actions. If youre an anime lover, then your Sim will have the chance to become either a gifted artist or an animator. In our modern world, anxiety is very prevalent. If your Sim loves to relax in the garden pond and daydream about their future life, then this is the trait for you. thepancake1 and MizoreYukii's More Traits in CAS change the CAS UI to five traits per Sim: USE ChingyuCompatible.package made by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii if you use their mods together with this mod. Users can find custom content by navigating to their Documents folder, selecting the EA folder, then The Sims 4. If your Sim is a vampire, then this trait can be very useful because it will give them an extended lifetime of being able to practice their painting, writing, or music skills without getting bored. We have tried every single one of them and have used them once or twice. Sims 4 traits have a major role in the gameplay, as depending on them, you can choose a certain way of living, career, relationships with other characters, and much more. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. The Sims 4 doesn't offer us a lot of . However, I would totally understand if it comes across as offensive or insensitive to anyone currently struggling with these illnesses. Teens, adults, and elders struggle with it, so it makes a big part of our modern-day society. They will never start one and will actually get +2 uncomfortable moodlet called Plagued by Nature whenever theyre outside. Territorial, aloof, playful, prowler everything you want! What sim wouldnt want to marry a faithful sim? If youre looking for someone whos intelligent and charismatic but doesnt want to leave their house, then this might be the best option for you. If your Sim is a bit of an airhead or would rather not care about things, then the nonchalant trait is a good one for them. With it, you will be able to choose the GAD trait in-game, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The official publication was made on ModTheSims by nl_alexxx. This sims 4 cc trait is perfect if your sim is looking to excel at the military, detective, astronaut, or firefighter careers. This mod by LittleMsSam adds extra options for your romantically-inclined Sims. Two-Faced Trait is one of the most interesting Sims 4 trait mods to play around with! Kuttoe creates really incredible sims 4 trait packs and mods, so please go check out all of their stuff on their website and show some support. March 18, 2021. In any way, the mod is super fun! This trait means that your Sims will never be unable to tell a joke, even if they have terrible social skills. If you see an Option in the package name, it means you need to choose ONLY ONE package of that mod! She was simply annoyed with the community and felt that people were pushy and ungrateful for her work. Unfortunately, Sims 4 CC traits are not supported on Xbox One yet. 20. Your Sim can stay young and unable to die, as long as you follow the rules! Downloading custom content is completely safe, and it will not affect your game or put your computer at risk. No longer will your new Sims inherit all the traits from their parents, but only one or two. Additional comment: We didnt cover the Loverslab traits mod for purpose, as Im not covering adult content at SnootySims. Super realistic! For starters, Sims with the Shutterbug trait are photography addicts. In the real world, people want to have children, so why not our Sims as well? In my personal experience, Ive tried over 100 trait mods. The good news here is the fact that this extension is available in 9 languages, including German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, French, and Italian. This makes them a constant threat to everyone around them, except themselves! Kawaiistacie offers a bundle of traits that perfectly fit the game. Here you will find 8 unique character traits for children. The deaf trait is perfect if youre looking for sims 4 disability traits. With the download, youll get two different traits: street smart & book smart. It will give them an early warning sign when theyre going to self-sabotage, but itll also slow down their social development in the meantime. But theyll still be able to do their daily tasks and have a generally happy life. Most CC is pretty stable, but sometimes it can mess with your game and cause some nasty glitches (like freezing or crashing problems). Youll also unlock new social interactions such as asking other Sims about their favorite cakes. All in all, this is a great trait mod that adds a lot of flavor to your gameplay. Theyll also be able to learn logic skills faster, and their conversation skills will be better too. From new traits to abilities, and more things, these mods will help you tweak the game according to your style. The CC stands for custom content, meaning that these are objects created by the players. I start this giant list with one of my all-time favorite traits for Sims 4 - the Shutterbug character trait by MarlynSims. This is incredible. You can find the zodiac signs in the rewards store so they wont take up one of our precious trait slots. THIS WEBSITE IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. Children - 3 traits. This pack introduces 5 character traits Coffee Addict, Frat Boy, Sorority Girl, Studious, and Cognitively Impaired. They have special new interactions like Do you know amazing you are? and Ill never get over you to win over new lovers. Heres the more traits mod for sims 4. Click on your sim using OX (PS4 and Xbox), right click (PC) Select 'Modify in CAS'. This sims 4 cc trait is basically the opposite of the green fiend trait that comes with the Eco Living expansion pack. They help you take your purchase way farther, offering much more bang for your buck. Some of them are completely opposite to each other, and you cant have two sims with the same traits in one household. All in all, its a great mod that deserves your attention! If you try out any of these custom content traits and they dont work for you, please let me know so I can update this list with ones that do. At the least, they will refreshen your playtime and make you want to play The Sims 4 even more! 2) Locate and delete the file localthumbcache.package from your game folder. First things first. However, playing the game with a pyromaniac Sim is one hell of a blast (pun intended)! With this cc trait, your sims will get special buffs from doing beach-related activities like sunbathing, diving in the ocean, sailing on a boat, and more. Adults - 5 trait slots. The Awakened mind is a trait that enhances your Sims in every possible way. Countless thanks to the creator Kialauna for her work. They gain relationships with pets much faster than they do with humans (relatable). And lastly, your Sims will never be ashamed or uncomfortable during a social gathering. Using this mod here is the number of traits that various Sims can have: Elder - 5 traits. The Sims 4 has so much to do in the game. This trait pairs well with the Music Lover and Creative traits. The following traits are includes in Kawaiistacies trait bundle: Kawaiistacie is often referred to as the Queen of Mods by the community. It will give them an early warning sign if theres a danger of a fire, but it may also result in them starting fires accidentally. Its awesome! Frat boys like to socialize and party while studious Sims focus on studying. This is a great mod for adding realism to your sims game and an even greater way to show representation for the deaf community. When your sim has this trait, they can go to therapy sessions and even possibly recover therefore losing the PTSD trait. Hes also the guy who always has a crazy story to tell or a snappy joke in his back pocket. With every year, the gamer profession rises in popularity. Traits directly influence your Sims character. It adds 14 new interactions, 16 new buffs, and the aspiration has 4 levels to it. . And the last trait that we want to showcase here is the pyromaniac trait. April 14, 2021. Since the release of The Sims 4, many players have commented on the fact that there isnt a trait that grants the genuine wish for children. If your Sim loves to do housework, then theyll get a special moodlet boost when they clean or decorate on a regular basis. Allow the operation to run on all Sims 4 content, including expansion packs. What better way to get what you want than by having that special something (or someone) fall head over heels for you? Best Sims 4 Personality Mod: Slice of Life. I think these new traits are absolutely perfect for playing with the Sims 4 High School Years expansion pack and creating teen sims who are either book smart or street smart. I can safely say that this mod plays out very well in-game. Once they reach levels 8 and 9 of the guitar skill, your Sim can write and sell songs for high royalty payments! If you like unpredictability in life, we got the perfect mod for you! #fantaco. There is a very complicated system of buffs and benefits for this trait. But lucky for us, MarlynSims has created a very in-depth hates outdoors trait for our sims. This trait mod comes with TONS of new whims and your sims will autonomously do things that correlate with their zodiac signs. With the night owl trait, your sims will thrive when the moon is out. If your Sim is trying to have a family but keeps having trouble with a pregnancy, then this trait can be very useful. Such a fun trait to play around with the music lover and traits... 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Traits as they age to young adults very well in-game emotional traits that fit!

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