I think that's where we all wind up. He served for four years as the SVP, Television for the E.W. So if you have leaders talking about DEI as a priority, well, then, show me. Chief Executive Officer and Director of the, Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing, Florangela Davila to Become KNKX News Director, NPR Hires Noelle LaCharite As VP Digital Technology. In an email to the staff on Friday, John Lansing, who joined the nonprofit as chief executive in September, projected that NPR would fall $12 million to $15 million short of the amount it had . September 6, 2019. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Its new president and chief executive is John Lansing, a former cable executive who for the last five years has run the U.S. Agency for Global Media, the federally funded organization behind broadcasters like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. John Lansing, a veteran government broadcast and cable television executive, has been selected by NPR's corporate board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn. As I said, its hiring, its emphasis on diversity in leadership, diversity in sources, diversity in voices, diversity in the stories we tell, training around our organization. People, given the opportunity, will do the right thing in a way that hopefully makes them want to be here for a long time. "I want to hear the ideas that are bubbling underneath right now and what people are excited about, what they're looking forward to developing," Lansing said Thursday. And probably the most important accountability is that, first of all, I hold myself accountable with my goals that I report to the board. NPR stands stronger than it did at the outset of Mohn's five-year term in 2014. Lansing says the agency referred Haroon Ullah's expenditures to auditors and investigators after travel assistants flagged them; according to the Justice Department statement, Ullah admitted submitting fraudulent receipts for hotel room reimbursements and fake medical claims to get government payments of upgrades in airline seat assignments, among other offenses. Bloomberg Markets live from New York, focused on bringing you the most important global business and breaking markets news and information as it happens. I think the work Keith has been doing long before I got here on diversity in tracking sources and the storytelling that we're doing around the company has really been effective in the area of DEI on radio, podcasting, and digital. While serving as chief operating officer, she took on a greater role during two of Mohn's medical leaves and in the aftermath of the sexual harassment scandal. When you first got to NPR, what did you think? "Governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on the free flow of information; silencing dialogue and dissent; and distorting reality," Lansing said in a speech he delivered in May to the Media for Democracy Forum. You go to college and all the sudden you're like 'wait a minute, I've got to do something when this is over.' First of all, as a white man, my first reaction is that it's important for white people in general to understand the inherent biases that we have, even when we think we don't, unconsciously. I just think that somebody's truth is the truth. The work of those pillars will be done through the lens of improving our efforts on DEI. NPRs search for a new CEO is finally over! The Lookout is a free, daily email newsletter with news and happenings from all over Colorado. Yet Mr. Mohns tenure was also marked by a sexual harassment scandal involving a senior news executive whom he had hired and a labor clash with hundreds of union workers. Talk about a force of nature. He held off a push by House Republicans to spin off Voice of America into a nongovernmental broadcaster. The network has won acclaim for its coverage of wars and disasters, yet suffered its own crisis and tragedy in 2016 when its David Gilkey and Zabihullah Tamanna were killed while on assignment in southern Afghanistan. Leading the organization through it all is CEO John Lansing, a longtime media executive who has been on the job since October 2019. It puts a filter on that helps us explain even unpopular decisions, how they link to our mission. NPR, the public radio and podcasting giant, has a new leader after years of growth and internal turmoil. Selected by the NPR board of directors, Lansing will start in October, succeeding outgoing head Jarl Mohn, The ratings have tanked because all they talk about is race. This is just dishonest, especially since NPR became what amounted to a voice of the opposition in its coverage of this dysfunctional federal agency. I had no idea what was out there. When that happened, it energized us to really double down on understanding where our weak spots were, what we needed to work on. I dont know if youve been on the highway recently, but theres a lot more traffic on the highway today than there would have been last May and June. Current: What challenges have you faced in implementing your DEI plans? Lansing, who is 62, is. NPR's rigorous reporting and unsurpassed storytelling connect with millions of Americans everydayon the air, online, and in person. We collected a lot of data and we have a lot of good follow-up opportunities, and Ill continue to offer myself up as a direct resource in that pilot project. Mr. Mohn was pressed about his leadership in a tense NPR interview and later apologized to employees for not taking action sooner. department of treasury austin texas 73301 phone number; wii sports club unable to acquire data; randolph high school track and field; huntley ritter parents ", He continued: "Citizens in countries from Russia to China, from Iran to North Korea, have been victimized for decades. All Rights Reserved. Podcasting in particular allows NPR to reach audiences that are not necessarily tied to a radio., Paul Haaga, the chairman of NPRs board, said in a statement that Mr. Lansing was a listener and a collaborative leader with a passion for our public service journalistic mission who will help us continue to expand the audience for our storytelling.. It shouldn't be on any journalists of color, or anybody of color, to have to go and 'solve this problem' in somebody's company. But were going to continue to follow up on that going into this year. He took over a troubled organization beset by infighting and bureaucratic inefficiency. She really has helped us, and she's brought discipline to a process that in the past might have been people talking past each other a little bit and waiting for things to blow over. So that would be mine. So sad to lose an American institution to propaganda. NPR strives to create a more informed publicone challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas, and cultures. A later report commissioned by the NPR board found that questions had been raised about Oreskes' behavior even before his hiring and that concerns were raised throughout his tenure; the repeated and formal warnings by top executives (including Mohn) to Oreskes to stop the unwanted attention he paid to female colleagues proved ineffective. Lansing: Back in May and June, it was an alarming decline in radio ratings. And weve seen that really help them grow. If we don't get this right, then our audience of the next 50 years will lack the diversity that would give it the ability to grow and thrive and prosper and even survive. Governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on the free flow of information; silencing dialogue and dissent; and distorting reality, Lansing said in a speech he delivered in May to the Media for Democracy Foundation. NPR was seen to align itself with federal workers at VOA who essentially conducted an internal uprising on government time, while NPR made quite clear in its coverage where it stood. Lansing said he took pride in maintaining conventional broadcasts while appealing to new audiences, reaching about 25% more people each week. Lansing: Generally, the numbers that we would like to see in terms of the diversity of our audience were still lagging. And be a good listener. The streaming platform Spotify paid nearly a quarter-billion dollars to buy the podcast producer Gimlet, founded by former staffers of NPR and other public radio outlets. For July, NPRs 60 active shows among them Planet Money, Fresh Air and Wait Wait Dont Tell Me! were downloaded 141 million times and had nearly 21 million listeners in the United States, according to Podtrac. Mike Morgan/Mike Morgan When I think of NPR and I think of the member stations collectively, I think really of journalism as a public service, not tied to a profit motive, Lansing told NPR News. Lansing: When I came in in 2019, my earliest observation was that our biggest issue was the lack of diversity in our audience, and I felt that we needed to double down our efforts in DEI throughout our organization in order to fulfill the promise to reflect the entire American public in terms of what America looks like. Live from. What do you think are some characteristics of good leadership? Current: Last year, the SAG-AFTRA union called out NPRs previous failures on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion and asked management to commit to accountability measures. He defined NPRs mission as serving the public with information and an excellence and quality about it that makes it must see on a variety of platforms.. It really stretched me to understand that flexibility is a good thing. Well, I like NPR Politics a lot. Weve had a couple of significant anonymous gifts that have helped shore up our forecast for the coming fiscal year. He has previously announced he would be staying on as president emeritus to help the network raise major gifts, and along with his wife, Pamela Mohn, he personally committed $10 million to the network. Theres no question about it. And now in our budgeting were shifting some revenue for Michael to use that to promote and support our podcasts as they compete, as you note, with other large commercial businesses. Mayor is said to be staying on at the network as a top executive and deputy to Lansing, retaining the enhanced portfolio she took on after Mohn's health crises. National Public Radio will reduce its workforce by 10 percent as it grapples with what CEO John Lansing says is a "sharp . Ever since I've started, I've noticed that you've been very vocal about the need for diversity. He will now lead the nations top audio producer and broadcaster. You have stated that DEI is your top priority at NPR. But mostly its targeted at marketing investments on social media platforms that are specifically reaching out to younger and more diverse audiences to see if we can drive sampling. Lansing clearly had an ongoing interest in the USAGM story and the notion that that at some point along the line he did not provide his take, at minimum, to NPR reporting staff, on the story beggars belief. John Lansing will begin his term as President and CEO of NPR in October, 2019. We have many miles to go. 2023 Colorado Public Radio. And weve seen some significant success with that. In terms of mission, understanding of media, the depth of experience, his strategic leadership, his commitment to people and culture, I would say those were really the key things that we were looking for, said Goli Sheikholeslami, vice chairwoman of the NPR board of directors and CEO of Chicago Public Media. While serving as chief operating officer, she took on a greater role during two of Mohns medical leaves and in the aftermath of the sexual harassment scandal. Current: How much were those anonymous gifts? NPR faces financial pressures from two fronts. John Lansing, a veteran government broadcast and cable television executive, has been selected by NPR's corporate board to succeed its current chief, Jarl Mohn. And the work goes on. Trump has notably praised authoritarian figures, including the leaders of North Korea, the Philippines, Russia and Turkey and has waged his own fight against journalists. NPR has also been the nation's leading producer of podcasts since Podtrac started measuring audiences. We've made some good forward progress around hiring, with requiring that our hiring panels be diverse, requiring that our finalists have diverse representation at a minimum, but of course there's no maximum, in terms of a list of finalists. What would you go back and tell your younger self? He was responsible for strategic and operational oversight and P&L of the $2.5 billion division of Scripps Networks Interactive, including the company's portfolio of six cable networks Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel, DIY, Cooking Channel and Great American Country and the $100 million Scripps Networks Digital division. In recent remarks online, Johnson, who is Black, focused on a more competitive landscape for NPR journalists, including people of color. U.S. Agency for Global Media John Lansing will begin his term as President and CEO of NPR in October, 2019. Put that pizza box in the trash. For two years, he served as the president and CEO of a cable trade group called the Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing. Last year brought a host of challenges to NPR: a multimillion-dollar deficit, calls for changes in its workplace culture and a hit to broadcast listening. Current: Can you be more specific about what that looks like in terms of how you reach people who may not already know about NPRs podcasts? Learn more at npr.org/about or by following NPR Extra on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. What steps does NPR still need to take in this area? John Lansing, CEO, photographed for NPR, 22 January 2020, in Washington DC. So I brought in Michael Smith as our new chief marketing officer almost a year ago. Lansing: About 11 months ago, in February, a pilot group of 15 stations got together and put together an 18-month plan to begin the process. John Lansing, NPR's President and CEO, defended Kelly last weekend during an interview on NPR's All Things Considered program, saying that Kelley "is one of the most respected, truthful,. Its new president and chief executive is John Lansing, a former cable . Were certainly not over, were not at a finish line. The roots of the VOA involved providing truthful reports to people under Nazi and Axis power rule during World War II. And so I had a very visceral reaction to that happening in my hometown, and that it was so egregious the murder of an innocent person captured on video, on a phone. Mr. Mohn led the push into podcasting and helped stabilize the organization after years of management turnover and budget deficits. So we were pleased to see SAG-AFTRA join our efforts. The challenges he will face at NPR are not dissimilar to challenges across the media landscape as a whole, said Sheikholeslami, who will soon take up the CEO job at New York Public Radio. You'll find out about what they do and what they're inspired by on the daily. In an interview, Lansing said he wants to build on NPR's successes in broadcast news and entertainment to become even more dominant in podcasting and more prevalent in streaming. You'll find out about what they do and what. Did you know that one day you would become a CEO? NPR Facebook Post with Comments. Lansing also elevated a former U.S. State Department staffer to be chief strategy officer who recently pleaded guilty to having defrauded the U.S. Agency for Global Media of more than $40,000 in government money in 2018, according to federal prosecutors. During 2021, we worked on that with Keith and with Diversity and Inclusion Manager Whitney Maddox. Current. Now Lansing says he wants to draw on the intellectual and creative impulses of his new staffers as he leads a domestic journalistic powerhouse with an international reputation and reach. And what a breath of fresh air Whitney brings into the organization. NPR has a new CEO. I think leaders are accountable for walking the walk, for doing what they say they're going to do. He was promoted to news photographer after two years, then moved on to managing editor, news director, and leadership of commercial television affiliates around the country. Scripps Networks John Lansing, the chief executive officer and director of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, will become NPR's CEO in mid-October. Current: You recently made some changes to NPRs digital strategy by moving to integrate digital operations into divisions throughout the organization.This also includes eliminating the role of chief digital officer held by Thomas Hjelm at the end of February. I think there's an awareness, like in the way you asked the question about 'our North Star.' Prior to that, Lansing was VP and GM of Scripps ABC affiliates. Mohn placed an emphasis on fostering a more collaborative dynamic with the public radio stations that NPR serves and was given credit for making progress on that score. The other is the fight for donors. NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C. Lansing said he took pride in maintaining conventional broadcasts while appealing to new audiences, reaching about 25% more people each week. Weve seen a gradual comeback. Ever since you started, you've been very vocal about it. Our goal of developing our audience as a younger and more diverse audience requires that we invest in marketing, we invest in content, and we partner with platforms where those audiences can be found rather than expecting younger and more diverse audiences to come to our platforms, necessarily. Government support for the public radio system isn't in any immediate jeopardy. I got this part time job at a TV station to make a little money while I was going to college. Jarl would be the first to say that it is the area where he feels that his work was not complete, Sheikholeslami said. It didnt begin in the summer it accelerated in the summer. Were working with member stations on topic teams for, say, political reporting or criminal justice reporting across the system. He served on the Bellarmine University Board of Trustees from 2010-2016 and was vice-chair 2014-2016. Lansing says the agency referred Haroon Ullahs expenditures to auditors and investigators after travel assistants flagged them; according to the Justice Department statement, Ullah admitted submitting fraudulent receipts for hotel room reimbursements and fake medical claims to get government payments of upgrades in airline seat assignments, among other offenses. I think we're moving forward. The post NPR Names Juana Summers as Co-Host of 'All Things Considered' appeared first on New York Times. Current: What are some of the highlights of that strategic plan? Current: You came to NPR after serving as CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media. NPR stands stronger than it did at the outset of Mohns five-year term in 2014. In what ways do you think NPR has forced you to grow, and in what areas are you growing that you weren't before NPR? For the year that ended last September, NPR reported $241 million in expenses. Last summer, we definitely had a racial reckoning. How has that effort been progressing? Obviously, this job that you have as a CEO of NPR is a really huge responsibility. Hes credited with restoring morale, in part by naming a noted journalist as head of the Voice of America: Amanda Bennett is a former top news executive at the Philadelphia Inquirer, who previously held senior newsroom jobs at Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal. Current: How else might NPR assist stations in the coming year? I was very pleased to see Code Switch named as Apples top podcast of the year. He is credited with restoring morale, in part by naming a noted journalist as head of the Voice of America: Amanda Bennett is a former top news executive at the Philadelphia Inquirer who previously held senior newsroom jobs at Bloomberg News and The Wall Street Journal. Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. So sad to me. Lansing: That was conducted back in September. Lansing will begin his term at NPR in October and will succeed Jarl Mohn, who has been Chief Executive Officer and President since 2014. We can help you keep up. Scripps Company, Held senior management positions at Scripps-owned affiliates, including WEWS TV in Cleveland, Ohio and WXYZ TV in Detroit, Michigan, Early in his career Award-winning Photojournalist and Field Producer, Assignment Manager, Managing Editor, and News Director at several television stations. August 20, 2022 August 20th is National Radio Day. In an interview, Lansing said he wants to build on NPRs successes in broadcast news and entertainment to become even more dominant in podcasting and more prevalent in streaming. Leading the organization through it all is CEO John Lansing, a longtime media executive who has been on the job since October 2019. As we moved through the summer, that deficit remained at about $25 million. Lansing: They were for general. And I still think we have a long way to go. He held off a push by House Republicans to spin off Voice of America into a non-governmental broadcaster. I would enjoy being on a podcast talking about politics. That's a big thing too: having a common understanding of what management's committed to, what the Board supports, the work that's in front of us to live up to it, and ultimately diversifying our audience which leads to the business purpose. Lansing previously held positions overseeing the Scripps Co.'s local television stations and then its national cable channels, which include the Food Network and HGTV, among others. He spent two decades at Scripps Networks, starting as a station manager in the Detroit, MI affiliate; eventually becoming President of Scripps cable networks company from 2005 to 2013. September 5, 2019; Washington, D.C. The NPR Board of Directors announced today that it selected John Lansing to become its next President and Chief Executive Officer. And it gives the lie to NPRs claim, through disclaimers, that it is simply reporting on its own the implication of the disclaimer being that there is no editorial control or direction from the CEO. It might come from my journalistic roots, and I think other journalists would say the same thing, I deal [with] and honor the truth. It is our work. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions, Senior Vice President for Television in the broadcasting division of the E.W. In Mr. Mohns first full year on the job, NPR operated in the black after having run a deficit for five of the six preceding years. Lansing also spent almost 20 years working at Scripps, including eight years as President of Scripps Networks. Twitter: https://twitter.com/johnlansing. She also has led initiatives to reform hiring practices and to sweep far more temporary positions into permanent slots, often working closely with the network's chief unions to do so. The other is the fight for donors. The combination of his health issues plus the situation with Mike Oreskes did derail his plans.. As we got to April of last spring, we saw a massive deficit develop for NPR on the order of about $25 million. Did you plan for this or did it kind of just happen? And the fourth one is to diversify and grow our revenue models so that were not overly reliant on one or two revenue streams to help strengthen our future financials. Apple is reportedly building a podcast subscription service. Diversity is the North Star of a newly implemented strategic plan, Lansing said, because it filters through everything that we do with all of our work.. This is essentially the DEI work writ large, but also our culture of respect, safety, upward mobility, training and making NPR a world-class organization for which to work. We are not just putting out regulations or policies and paperwork. How does the economy react to all of that? We can share resources and story ideas, and we can help organize and support those efforts. Applicants to this years fellowship see its cancellation as a setback for journalists of color who want to work in public radio. NPR, the public radio and podcasting giant, has a new leader after years of growth and internal turmoil. Vegas PBS General Manager, Tom Axtell, announces his retirement. Were finishing up in the next two to three weeks the specific lists of actions and activities under these pillars. Sign up here and we will see you in the morning! That survey happened in the fall of 2020. hide caption. NPR draws more than 28 million listeners each week and 40 million unique monthly visitors to its website both represent a rise of several million over those five years. According to Nielsen data supplied by NPR, its programs and newscasts had an overall audience of 27.4 million in spring 2019. NPR's chief executive announced the network would lay off roughly 10% of its current workforce - at least 100 people - and eliminate most vacant positions. Why? At Colorado Public Radio, I think there was a $300,000 donation that came out of that. He took over a troubled organization beset by infighting and bureaucratic inefficiency. And as a CEO, and also as a white man, I want to know, how did you handle it when all eyes were on you? Or persons of color who are in our organization that are hearing [about] a lot of activity but arent experiencing what they believe they should be experiencing in terms of a workplace where they feel like they can grow and improve their work and improve their careers. John Lansing is taking over for outgoing CEO. Current (https://current.org/2021/02/ceo-john-lansing-discusses-nprs-diversity-efforts-budget-deficit-and-growing-podcast-competition/). "When I think of NPR and I think of the member stations collectively, I think really of journalism as a public service, not tied to a profit motive," Lansing told NPR News. CEO John Lansing cited the erosion. NPR has a new CEO. Lansing has won plaudits from journalists for his rousing defense of a free press even while serving in the Trump administration, which has been notably hostile to traditional notions of the role of journalism in civic life. And I would do a board-level review for the donor or donors as to where the business was, the value of the work we were doing, the things we were adding in terms of covering the pandemic. He soon made DEI the top priority at NPR. Last year, President Trump appointed Michael Pack as USAGMs CEO. But it was not from a standing start. Or 'How are we doing on the North Star?' So mentally, how do you manage that? Lansing, 62, who is currently chief executive officer of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Mart and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others . NPR takes only a few million dollars a year from federal sources for its programs. You have shows like All Things Considered and Morning Edition, which will continue to be broadcasting tent poles, Mr. Lansing said. Fear drives their path. So were now into the new fiscal year. It's not an extracurricular activity; it's fundamental to our business. But thats our commitment. Networks like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty are meant to counter disinformation from foreign governments by broadcasting objective reports, although they have always been dogged by an accusation that they are a form of American propaganda. I, and the management team, all of us, we determined that was going to be a priority for the year 2021. Lansing: Its on social media platforms or YouTube or through media partnerships. The agency has an annual budget of $808 million. And our number one goal is to improve our audience diversity. Just be tuned into our folks. Our third pillar is to optimize content and meet audiences where they are. But we made a firm commitment, as you know, to freeze station dues and fees. Follow Bloomberg reporters as they uncover some of the biggest financial crimes of the modern era. They give brief insights into our people and places, our flora and fauna, and our past and present, from every corner of Colorado. Oh wait. This documentary-style series follows investigative journalists as they uncover the truth. Today, we feature John Lansing, CEO of NPR. You want to know what is really going on these days, especially in Colorado. Under standard procedures for reporting on NPR matters, NPRs corporate and news executives were not allowed to review what they reported until it was posted. Our DEI efforts at the beginning of 2020 were not a project or an extracurricular activity; it really became our work. "The combination of his health issues plus the situation with Mike Oreskes did derail his plans.". Faces Of NPR showcases the people behind NPR--from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. We're funded by your subscriptions, your donations, advertising, and a generous grant from the Wyncote Foundation. Its something that we certainly support. That said, Mohn set higher annual expectations for the network in fundraising and agreed to be co-chairman of its 50th-anniversary capital campaign. NPRs president of operations, Loren Mayor, was the leading internal candidate for the chief executive position. A member of the Republican Party, Gibbs was a software engineer and missionary before entering politics. At the U.S. Agency for Global Media, Lansing championed a free press even as leaders of many nations move against it. Michael was a senior marketing executive at Scripps for Food Network and HGTV and really brings a lot of media marketing expertise. 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