Best to all and thanks so much for sharing your views (quiz whizz Herbie Goldberg especially), snipers and all. Whats one piece of advice for hopeful porn stars? Download 'Symphony No.6 in F major Opus 68 (3/4/5)' on iTunes. And how about for the girls who want people to find out and want to do boy-girl or girl-girl? I'm so crazy erotic in my head, I make up some fucked up shit. Each one of his programmes included rarely heard works chosen from his own vast collection of CDs which made the programmes interesting, eductional and most importantly thoroughly enjoyable. The one thing that might bring this about would be a consortium of the independent classical music CD producers such as Bis, cpo, Dutton, Hyperion, Chandos, Naxos, Capriccio and so on. Years later, I met Rob after he had been presenting a Prom at the Royal Albert Hall, and thereafter on several occasions. Maybe pale but not stale. 4pm - 7pm, Serenade in E minor for Strings Opus 20 (2) Andrew Collins is excellent, but what a sad loss to the station! Theres no hint of bitterness in the quote you give yet you preface it with cheap shots at both Classic FM and the BBC, whilst also dismissing other presenters. Just go ahead and imagine him as trans or something. I thoroughly enjoyed your programmes. He is confident that listeners will not be fazed by the changes. Jane Jones Clinical Lead for Veterans - Veteran Care through Custody at Nottingham Healthcare Nhs Trust Nottinghamshire. Have a great holiday season! Listen Live to Classic FM on Global Player. I think its a funny line. I love Rob Cowan. Classic FM's More Music Drive with John Brunning And you have championed neglected composers, some of whom are close to my heart. Across the UK nationally, Classic FM can be found between 99.9-101.9 FM. A lot of girls that try to get in are looking for extra money. But there arent many other ways we can do it, and it is possible to see the problems in a past period and recognise them as such, not to just say oh it was how it was at the time its about relativising I guess. He played today's Classic County songs when they were hits years ago on three Tri-State stations B105, The Beaver and The Rebel. The internet killed the business, and now the only people that get noticed are the people who go for shock value. Shame on you. Those who reject him as too modern are just as likely to love the hit TV show Six Feet Under or the award-winning film The Truman Show. He's also recorded songs in Nashville, Cincinnati, Los Angeles and Minneapolis. Ranting at Norman in such a way is not the way to vent your anger. He gives you wonderful melodies and long lyrical passages. Classic FM is a private station surviving on sponsorship and advertising. It's totally different now. But when I first heard the music of Philip Glass, I was thrilled and mesmerised, and thats how it has stayed. Good wishes and good health. Ellie, do a blind test and see if you can tell the difference whether the orchestra has 90% male or 50/50 evenly divided, or 90% female. Since her early introduction to Philip Glasss music, Classic FMs Jane Jones has continued to be thrilled by this composers unique and powerful work. It seems beyond doubt that he left the BBC when they wanted to dumb down Essential Classics to a roller-coaster ride through ill-assorted snippets, designed for listeners with short attention spans. Wake up and smell the coffee. 2pm - 4pm, Suite Bergamasque (4) 52 images. I dont always agree with Norman, but this time he is 100% right. Pointing out how modern that work was at the time, he wrote that it was the first symphony in five movements by a major composer. She has a year left on her contract and the Aldrich-Sheri Jones newscast at 6 p.m. has worked well, both anchors said. Jane Jones . At that time, the satellite signal, mainly targeting UK, was also. My point is given that there is likely to be pretty much no difference if you close your eyes, there was a discrimination against women who should have had an equal share of the positions. too bad, I still remember when Robert J. Lurtsema and Morning Pro Musica passed from the scene. Its beyond me why some broadcaster doesnt want his expertise in archive recordings and historic reissues (see Gramophone magazine). Jane Jones keeps you company through the night on Fridays 1-6am and weekends from 4-7am. Roger Lewis, the station's programme director, said Ms Wheen was iconoclastic, radical and passionate about music. His issue was that he didnt play the same old, same old Classic fm charts. You know? People from different backgrounds, including over 50% of the population as women should not have to deal with people spreading the idea that their appointments are down to anything other than merit, together with no apology- , with the enormous benefits that diversity in all its forms brings to us all. It was to be the first of many partnerships with orchestra, choirs and musical educational providers across the UK. The instruments themselves, ways of using them and the ensemble formats were created and decided for this music- again by old white men- you would need to invent whole new instruments and and ensembles and modes of performing to escape it, and then hope that people also actually would want to listen to it as you wouldnt be able to draw upon it being established so they should. It didnt hurt that we shared a regard for the highly idiosyncratic Beethoven violin concerto recorded in 1934 by Bronislaw Hubermann with Georg Szell and the Vienna Phiharmoni, still my favorite among many other vintage recordings. The Juilliard Schools Dean and Director of Music,, The Board of Trustees of the Salzburg Festival. Download 'Suite Bergamasque (4)' on iTunes, 2 September 2019, 19:04 | Updated: 2 September 2019, 19:34. Yes Classic FM has gone down hill over the years, like the rest of us! The sad thing for readers of this blog is that I suspect Cowan would gladly acknowledge their expertise and ability to present it in an engaging way. To me, NL implies he disagrees with a value system that takes into consideration a broader set of criteria than just (traditional, white male) quality. Have a great Christmas. David Garrett traf sich Backstage mit Jane Jones zum Gesprch bei Classic FM. Initially, his music came with a health warning - it was described by an early critic as "sonic torture"! When I met him last year, after a concert at the Wales Millennium Centre at which his Philip Glass Ensemble played the soundtrack to the Qatsi film trilogy, I was introduced to a quietly spoken, understated man. Just think about it. I can well expect contradictions in my points theres lots of different things at play. What is there left to come back to at R3? Local media is still his beat and hes bringing his interest, curiosity, contacts and unique style to Cincinnati Public Radio and 91.7 WVXU. Download 'Mandolin Concerto in C major RV.425 (1)' on iTunes, Classic FM's More Music Drive with John Brunning, Download 'Mandolin Concerto in C major RV.425 (1)' on iTunes. Discord has invaded the tranquil world of Classic FM after three presenters were purged to make the radio station more of a commercial venture. Now, no one makes money like they did back then even with toy deals and appearances. Hi Marfisa Lesser known composers will also be featured. In that kind of environment Rob would be in his element. Jones became director of the Athens CVB, the city's official . Since her early introduction to Philip Glass's music, Classic FM's Jane Jones has continued to be thrilled by this composer's unique and powerful work. There is so much stress on new releases on Radio 3. The powers that be on both stations seem to equate wearing bright clothes and inane laughter with musical intelligence rather than the worst form of consumerism, rather like most of our culture. Yes, patriarchy is entrenched in the art form, even in the composer and the luthier as you say. Patriarchy annoys me a little, because it is often used to lay blame solely on Men while ignoring underlying historical factors such as: no reliable mechanical or chemical contraception until the 1960s; danger and frequency of death in childbirth; warfare without todays remote machinery; marriage normally a contract for life, and involving extended family; no electrical machinery to make the job of home- and garden-keeping quick and easy; long working hours for men; ideas shared by both women and men about natural role differentiation. One of the greatest, and most knowledgeable , broadcasters on Classical music , ( along with Stephen Johnson and the late Anthony Hopkins ) certainly in its recorded form , ever . "We will, of course, honor his wishes.". Find your friends on Facebook. If so then why would you regard the job of conducting an orchestra as something to be put on a pedestal and looked up to/aspired to anyway? But its really so important that matters like inclusivity are properly valued alongside other kinds of criteria too. Oh, also: If you're getting into the industry and you're a girl and you don't like girls, please don't do a girl-girl scene. Jane is a Presenter at Classic FM. My wife has, reluctantly accepted my large collection of LPs and even larger collection of CDs but these 78s do really need a good home and, after nearly 60 years I still need my dear wife. I hope that explains a bit more where Im coming from. But still support the local Classical FM station. In the 20 years that followed, Glass composed two further soundtracks to complete the films that now make up the Qatsi trilogy both as powerful and haunting as the first. I immediately put pen to paper and wrote to the magazine pointing out that a quite well-known German migr who had settled in Vienna had, a quarter of a century before Berlioz, written a sixth symphony in F major in five movements. Do you ever read what you write before you post it? And youre right recognising our own biases and what we can and cannot see in our own episteme is also really important. Porn stars back then, they were big, glamorous. 'I believe we can increase the breadth of music, enrich our programming and enhance listener experience.'. With no disrespect to the other broadcasters, and while it isnt a competition, I can assure you that Rob would give them a run for their money on almost any specialist area, as *they* would gladly acknowledge! I go back to his early days on Classic FM when he had a regular discussion programme with Keith Shadwick who was another polymath. If you do, then you are saying that merit is not the only thing that matters. Im not sure the answer is as clear cut as you make out. Ellie: (male-defined) quality. He will clearly be much missed! Classic FM en directo. The Story of Carols - With Anne-Marie Minhall: 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. Send an email to Jane Jones simply by filling out the form below. Thank you, Ellie. Miss your variety and excellent quality of performances. They might also sponsor on-air performances by artists and ensembles whose futures are so desperately threatened by this dreadful pandemic and young performers who need a forum to demonstrate their talents. Classical entrepreneur David Taylor analyses the latest Rajar figures for UK broadcasting:. He was heard on WUBE in the 1970s, and pictured with the staff for the 10th anniversary in 1979 that I posted in my "Happy 50th Birthday To Country Music WUBE" blog on April 1, 2019. Material things have changed, but it takes time and thoughtfulness to change attitudes and systems, so that is why I call for tolerance and understanding rather than condemnation. You are implying, then, that women would define quality differently but I thought that was what you were not saying? [33] September - Jamie Crick leaves the station after 20 years of broadcasting. Janes Jones in the studio. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, his influence and energy knew no bounds. Easy to use internet radio. It must be said that he calmed down from 0900, so perhaps the dumbed down R3 required this noisy style for breakfast. Another casualty is Hugh MacPherson, who loses one of his two weekly opera programmes. As well as being able to listen to all of Global's brands, tailored playlists and thousands of podcasts, with My Classic FM you can even skip tracks on live radio. Its a sort of test piece He passed the test. Getting your body parts molded is a very interesting process, to say the least. And there are plenty of theories that the most effective radical disruption can come from operating within systems, exposing the cracks from the inside out. More than 60 years ago, Jane Jones followed her heart - to the dismay of her parents - when she dropped out of college to marry her boyfriend, an ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) student heading to England for his first active duty assignment with the military. Margherita, Lucy, Jane, Catherine, Anne-Marie and Katie joined other walkers who have signed up, planned and got out and about on walks around the country. Rob Cowan's weekly programme was a weekly tonic; masterclass that educated, informed and entertained. It's kind of cool. In addition, you are never nasty.. Good morning Rob, what a sad day! Yes, seen as male, pale, and stale just about sums up the verdict, yet a very sad day for broadcasting. Magazines. Classic FM is a private station surviving on sponsorship and advertising. . Bad audience. Saturday Night at the Movies with Andrew Collins. PublishedOctober 18, 2021 at 1:19 PM EDT. The engaging broadcaster Rob Cowan is about to make his last appearance on Classic FM this Saturday. Or did few exist then and there? However, on a different note, my ancestors (Grandfather and two great uncles) owned a musical magazine named The Musical Opinion. Im no expert on it, it just seems really obvious the situation is more complex, and that making derogatory remarks like NLs is extremely unhelpful. Don't listen to an agent bullying you 'cause they want a bigger cutbullying you into a different scene that you're not comfortable actually doing. She lives a quiet life with her family in Oklahoma. Ill be listening at Xmas. Of course I remember you well from Rons brain teasers which I always loved and your name with correct answer came up very often! And it wasn't uncommon to see Larry "pickin and singin with many local bands in bars, clubs and fairs" around town, his station bio says. Over the years, Jane has presented a host of different programmes on Classic FM, ranging from Classic FM Requests through to her current home The Classic FM Full Works Concert (Monday to Wednesday), Fridays 1-6am and weekends 4-7am. You need to get real, Ellie, and not be so naive. Click here to support team Classic FM on their walks, and make a difference to young lives through Classic FMs charity, Globals Make Some Noise. Aled Jones But the thing is, I can't get off to my friends. I recommend you read Why have there been no great women artists by Linda Nochlin so you can understand this better than I can articulate . It's become more about the shock value, instead of something sexy. What a waste. So what are you trying to achieve? I really miss Rob. What a disgrace. bought by Ziesmann in 2017 to simulcast music with his Dry Ridge station. Too few people have such a knowledge to share with others. He knows more about records than anyone presently on air maybe too much for Classic FM, which constantly respins the same old hits. And dont believe for a moment that I havent suffered the rod of prejudice, ie seaside boarding houses that insist on no dogs, no Blacks, no Jews mind you I was very young). 2139 others named Jane Jones are on LinkedIn . It was big, it was glamorous, it was crazy. How I detest Croissant Corner on the Saturday Breakfast programmes on R3. Sex Lives: A Guy Who Draws the Line at Married Men, The Best Nipple Clamps will Bring Painful Pleasure to Your Sex Life, Sex Lives: A Guy Who Left Conservative Morocco for a Florida Blonde, 20 Essential Sneaker Brands Every Budding Kicks Enthusiast Should Know. It's crazy, right? Jane Jones presents the Full Works Concert on Monday-Wednesday evenings, and the More Music Breakfast - Weekends on Classic FM. / DAVID GARRETT Playlist: Saturday evening so often clashed with other events. For the last two years, Aldrich has done the 5 p.m., the duo at 6 and Jones . Ive read most of the comments and find that many of them are rather unimpressive. Presenter Margaret Howard, 61, whose mellifluous tones made her the archetypal BBC voice, was paid off after being told on Friday that her three-month contract would not be renewed. Well said that man. Katie Breathwick. A lovely man and a true enthusiast. Robert J. Lurtsema knew dynamic range and respected it for us. A wonderful man with a depth of spirit that is striking. I love the stories you hear about him, especially the one about how his early musical influences were rejects and left-overs; Glasss father was a radio repair man who sold records on the side, and the music that the young Glass was exposed to was the stock that no-one wanted. Best Aside from the odd birthday or anniversary my agenda has always been simple: quality, more quality and yet more quality still, with brief, lightly delivered commentaries. Initially, his music came with a health warning it was described by an early critic as sonic torture! Listen to Classic FM wherever you are on Global Player. I miss it! Shame on CFM for its ill judged decision to end this much loved series. Its the loss of BBC and its music-loving subscribers. Ive always enjoyed your programmes, Rob. "Please join me in wishing him and Judy all the best for a long and happy retirement and please also join me in congratulating him on a tremendous career and a job well done!" Nowadays its the other way round: women establish careers when they are young, then find it difficult to conceive and start a family when they are forty-ish! Could you please list the musical specialisms of R3s main roster of presenters? Forget those derisory comments theres always someone who wants to piddle over your birthday cake and even if Beethoven himself were engaged to do the job they would be there complaining that he had a German accent or needed the services of a barber. The sad fact us that Classic FM has lost one of the finest broadcasters in the UK. You have wide knowledge and great enthusiasm. Its these contrasts that make Rachmaninovs story endlessly fascinating and compelling. Download 'Suite Bergamasque (4)' on iTunes. You would be appreciated at Scala. Perhaps more women didnt want to play in orchestras in those days. The World's Greatest Music Classic FM is is one of the three Independent National Radio stations of the United Kingdom. More than 25 years ago, when I just knew Rob as an erudite reviewer in various publications, he wrote a fine article in the BBC Music magazine about Berliozs Symphonie Fantastique. Jane Wenham-Jones (born 1964), author, journalist, presenter. Somebody's friend or coworker or cousin or who fucking knowssomebody's gonna see the scene you did and tell somebody who knows you, or your family and you're fucked. You cant have it both ways- either you want a push to take people from other backgrounds because of their backgrounds, in which case you should have no problem with them not being the best, the yardsticks for that having in any case been made by the all-powerful over-represented white blokes you want gone, or you should want the people, whoever they are, who are most attuned to interpreting the output of music produced by the chosen men of the 17th-19th centuries- if you think that identity is so incredibly important then it would presumably follow that those sharing that identity would have some advantage in doing so, and would mostly then be the ones doing that job. Jane Jones Founder at Flourish Health Coaching Maplewood, NJ. Ellie, do you not think Norman was making a sarcastic comment about the person(s) who decided not to renew Robs contract? North London Jewish (maternal line originally from the Ukraine), married to a Glaswegian artist my biggest stroke of luck and with daughters who are as PC as the best of them. The accompanying score by Glass created an eloquent and emotional counterpoint to the onscreen images that left me stunned. So they make this solution: Its like a gooey putty that then hardens as it molds into your body parts. I was watching the Barenboim lost tapes on C4 last night and the orchestra being about 90% white male men in 1970 was the first thing that stood out to me as glaringly awful. They are very old (Im 83) and in my youth were my musical inspiration! Music Room Liverpool. Hear hear: I agree with the negative comment. At least on his Saturday night slot with CFM, he could play whole works, although interspersed with adverts and broadcast sound so mercilessly compressed that it was an ordeal to hear on any reasonable quality hi-fi system. We sat down with Jane to get an update on the state of the porn (still pretty great), cam girls (less great), and Janes lifelike new sex toy (really, really great). They did my vagina first, and then they did my butt. Hahahahaha. Classic FM will not be happy until it has become as woke as the BBC. Radio 3 is now beyond redemption so what we now need is a new radio station for serious devotees of classical music. GQ: When did you first break into the industry? His is a life of two halves: Imperial Russia and Modern America, family poverty and personal success, devastating professional failure at a crucial stage in his early career, then endless acclaim for a single work the Prelude In C sharp minor. I share your sentiments about Rob but you cant keep a good man down and I am sure that hell find a niche in some place where culture, warmth, modesty, kindness, good humour and a gentle touch are the watchwords. Usually these musical feelings of regret and nostalgia are attributed to the fall of Imperial Russia that led to Rachmaninov fleeing the country, but theres a sense of personal sadness that began in his childhood and was exacerbated by professional failure and self-doubt. Jane Jones is fascinated by the sense of longing in the Rachmaninov's music. I also dont agree with your idea that inclusivity or (male-defined) quality is a binary either/or matter. A horrible morning now on R3 except for Record Review. The free app is available on iOS, Android, Sonos . He's also recorded songs in Nashville, and appeared on Hee Haw and other TV shows. Dont pretend you dont know who Jesse Jane is. At 38 years old, legendary adult actress Jane sits on the MILF side of the porn spectrum. Globals Make Some Noise is Classic FMs charity, funding and empowering projects across the UK to help disadvantaged children, young people and their families. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. Gregg Whitewide (WRTI in Philadelphia; is a wonderful, literate, conversant classical-music radio host. Since 1957, GQ has inspired men to look sharper and live smarter with its unparalleled coverage of style, culture, and beyond. But even though she's been officially retired since . For more than 30 years, John Kiesewetter has been the source for information about all things in local media comings and goings, local people appearing on the big or small screen, special programs, and much more. Good luck, Rob. Rob Cowan will be enormously missed. Yet I wrote for a short lived magazine he edited and then, when this went west, wrote twice to him for advice. Ive loved your programmes and will miss them terribly. Why all the pseudo intellectual bull***t comments? Rejected for years as unoriginal and populist and for relying too heavily on his Russian past, in his own defence Rachmaninov declared simply that he wrote what was in his heart, reflecting his feelings of sadness and bitterness, of love and emotion. Ellie, does it not occur to you that norman may think it is *right* that he is replaced for that reason? His voice and musical selections, will be greatly missed. Surely a review of these plus interesting things he has found would make a great programme, as a parallel to Record Review. Someone should explain to Dismal Davey that most youngsters dont listen to the wireless and that he who tries to please everyone pleases nobody. Edward Elgar I actually like amateur stuff, like Playboy. Margherita Taylor, Lucy Coward, Jane Jones, Catherine Bott, Anne-Marie Minhall and Katie Breathwick step out for Globals Make Some Noise. Whizz Herbie Goldberg especially ), author, journalist, presenter even she... 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Jones zum Gesprch bei Classic FM charts from Rons brain teasers which I always loved and name. Porn spectrum so they make this solution: its like a gooey putty that then hardens as it into.

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