Could there be more? If youre not sure the frame is stamped with a serial number or lot number, try breaking down your reels 6 digit number into 3 groups of 2 numbers each. thanks During all my years of collecting, Simon has been the biggest influence in my collecting life and I wish to thank him for that very much. There were many changes made to this model over the years but those made from 1962~1969 have the black anodized star drag and are considered more desirable among collectors. Original/Reproductions: Plates, Decals, Handles, etc. Can you help me with what it may be worth please.I would never sell it it used to be my fathers. you read and agreed to the, ABU Ambassadeur no.5000 serial number 312885 value, Abu ambassadeur 5000c black serial number. I wouldn't have discovered this reel if it hadn't been for Simon Shimomura's dedication to the Ambassadeur and his books which are so inspiring. The sharing of theHistory behind these Art-pieces provides an Educational Tourfor any Users or Collectors-to-be, while the Engineering Design provides a glimpse to the feature they are associated with. Up to the middle of 1964, the 6000 did not carry a foot number. Gold plating is missing in several areas youshouldn't see duringnormal use or handling. It will not leave a stain. #811104. Using the 3 types of date codes below, see if you can make the first two group of numbers represent a year AND a month. I have an Ambassadeur 5000 still in the case in mint condition, with tube o Hello, I have a Ambassadeur 5000 c black and the case as well. Started Thursday at 04:28 PM. In the example below, the handle in the foreground is original for reels made in the 1970s. Production of the 1500C IAR and 2500C IAR continued into the Pure Fishing era until late 2003 before Pure Fishing took a 3 years break. If you own a 5000C with serial number between 35064 (4-screw) and 35158 (3-screw) please contact me using the address at the top of this site. Model stickers are another concern. You will always use a Q-tip cleaning your parts, so use caution around the edges of your stickers. The date is located at the bottom right hand corner of the first page and it will precede the year found on the magazines spine. Find Reel Abu Garcia 5000 On eBay - Free Shipping On Many Items Small Abu Ambassadeur The Ambassadeur 1500C and 2500C described in this section refers to Small Ambassadeur reels produced from 1989 till Present (for Small Ambassadeurs produced before 1985, please refer to Classic Abu Ambassadeur, Ambassadeur 1500C & 2500C Series ). Normally a parts design change would have prompted the version number to change but this didn't happen until January of 1973. End result, you just bought two used side plates! The Ambassadeur family of vintage fishing reels includes the original SG, followed by the 5000, 5500, and 6000. 5000D..Introduced in 1974, the "D" designation stands for direct drive. This rare beauty is owned by my dear friend Billy Taylor who also collects Ambassadeur. 1949: Ake Murvall is hired as the Production Manager and Chief Designer. Home / Reel Schematics / Abu Garcia Reel Schematics / Abu Garcia Round Baitcast Schematics / Abu Garcia 5000 Schematics. Cog wheel posts in brass (left) and chrome plated (right). Any other number combinations not listed above should give you pause, as the reel may or may not be in original condition. Ithas thelowest serial number of any 5000CDL found to date. 5000 and 6000 models were experiencing transitional changes during the early years. 5000B..Introduced in 1964, this reel is commonly known to collectors as the 5000 with a clicker. Internal parts such as the brake plate assembly is another matter and should be inspected too, so I caution you to use the information below "as a guide only. This was needed in order for the wrench to access the handle nut as the distance between thetwo was to tight. Requests were also made to have this website published in Japanese and I am going to attempt this so that it will reach a wider audience and serve a wider community., My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur, 201990(JDM), , 400. my childern are all readt fighting over it. Taking your hand off the paddle allows the drag system to take over as the handle rotated backwards. Fig # 1 Drag Washers (4) . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage ABU Garcia Ambassadeur 5000 De Luxe low serial number at the best online prices at eBay! I've been recording serial numbers on different models for quite some time now and this was the lowest number I had ever seen for 5000C De Luxe. After a careful evaluation of each unit including the paperwork and box for one of the reels, it was confirmed that the frames serial numbers were those of the soon-to-be discontinued 5000 De Luxe model as the new 5000C De Luxe were in the earliest stage of production. Production was 1961 and introduction was 1962. If the production year was 1993 the digits would be 03, since yours is 13 you would tack on 10 years making production year 2003. This example may be one of the very last one's mfg 'd in this style as its lot number indicates it was made in November 1981. Handle style is correct and handle nut has the oil port. 1954: The Ambassadeur went on display at AFTMA show in Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. Yes, 3 screw and 1968 sounds right based on the other items it was purchased with. Interesting Facts: The original stamp used for the initial production of Record Ambassadeur MOD SG had some flaws; a break at the C horizontally beside the 2nd Horizontal Stroke of the E of the RECORD Logo). The earliest Record 5000 model was engraved MOD SG and is located on the lower left side plate. Started Friday at 06:46 PM, By Currently, the earliest lot number I've found for model 6000 is #070400 made in July, 1964. CLICK TO ENLARGE MOST PICTURES ON THIS WEB PAGE! Slightly later models are seen with gray spool arbor/red flanges and solid gray star drag. ABU (), 1949: Ake Murvall , 1951: ABUABUHM KONUNGENS HOVLEV, ABUABU, 1952: Record Ambassadeur 5000 MOD SGDrag, 1954: Ambassadeur AFTMA, 1955: ABUABU 444 Record Ambassadeur 5000, 5000A, and 6000 models Ambassadeur , *ABU1955195645000A, 1956: Garcia ABU Abu-matic, , 1962: Ambassadeur De Luxe was ABUAmbassadeur 2000, 2500 2600, 1964: ABU Ambassadeur 3000 reel. Ambassadeur ABUAmbassadeur 2050 26505000B, 1965: Cardinal ABUAmbassadeur 5000X 1750, 1967: ABU 4 3- , 1969: ABU Haldex Halmstad 5,000 Ambassadeur 6000C reels , 1971: ABU , 1972: Ambassadeur 5500C and 6500C ABUSmoothDimples, 1973: Ambassadeur 4000. The Abu Garcia Multiplier Reel - Ambassadeur Seven offers a simple, robust and easy to use design that makes it an ideal choice for trolling and boat anglers. If the arbor is dull gray, the date can be narrowed to 1958-59. The mechanical change for the 6000 wasthe addition of a bait clicker and themove from 4-screw to a 3-screw frame was the design change. and i have a few years to go. It may sound overwhelming to figure all this out, but it can be determined with a little initiative. I do not know the history behind this decision but I suspect it had to do with cost. 5000C..Introduced in 1967, this was the first model mass produced with "C" engraved beside the model number. Acetone can safely be used on your side plates with one small exception. The lead "0" in #010876 is a dummy number used by ABU and does not affect sequential numbering. The 1750, 1750A, 2600 and 2650 were the free spool models of seven total for this series of reels. The reel foot has dimples around it's lot number. As far as Im aware of, revision number 07 is the largest number carried throughout the 1970s for an Ambassadeur reel and was issued to model 6000. That's the day I knew if I wanted to collect them, I had to learn about them. Look for Simon's unique 7 font on all his plates. There is the possibility but production numbers should be low. The serial numbe Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 5000C (4 Screw Frame 4.7:1 Ratio?). One Way To Help Judge Fishing Rods - Look At The Handle. Email me with questions and I'll be glad to help you. 0 Go to top Courtesy of Dan Parker. Started January 23, 2014, By There were at least three systems used for foot numbers - yours looks like the final system: 80 - 1980 Please view all the pictures and ask any questions. Note the correct 37mm teardrop shaped star drag without skirt. The design of Small Ambassadeur was enduring. Note the star drag does not have the chrome skirt. Smallest (earliest) Serial Number on Ambassadeur 5000 model: As I have previously stated in my book, I have been chasing the smallest (earliest) serial number for (RECORD) Ambassadeur 5000 model. For approximately the first 2 years of production it did not come assembled with a bait click button. " This is just one example of the differences found between these two markets. He wrote back to me and said I may have made a great new discovery! The quality of his reels meets or exceeds the same quality standards set by ABU in the 1970's. "Record" Ambassadeur 6000 made its debut in 1955 but by 1958, "Record" was changed to "ABU" Ambassadeur. If your reel has #2, 4, 6, 8, should have a lot number. Anodized finish inside Simon's plates are 100%. "X" stood for "extra" spool filled with line. One can only speculate as to why ABUused revisionnumber "01"months earlier but did notact on it. Marketed in Europe in 1952-53, it was not sold in the United States. In order to reasonably determine that the frame may be factory original, I've listed 5 major exterior parts below that should be checked first. Now that ithas surfaced, where are the other 221 items? 1964: ABU introduced her first Ambassadeur 3000 reel. 0232 stands for #232 and G stands for Garcia where item was shipped. That would actually be 2003. My Tackle Box, Abu Ambassadeur was created with the intent of sharing the Rich History and Fine Engineering Design of Fishing Equipment with anyone who appreciates them as much as I do. 5000 HOW TO DATE CODE by fishbugman Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:07 pm Can anyone tell me how to date these reels. Any views or opinions represented in this website are based on the website owners research with the various references and belong solely to the him. The ABU 3000 and Ambassadeur 4000 have 4 screws on the left side but are not considered by collectors as a 4-screw model. 5000 HOW TO DATE CODE. Again, look closely and you willsee the friction washer as shown in the 1969 parts schematic for this model. 5000 (red) has leather type case with oil and parts. AU $359.94. Once an acceptable match is found, the brake plate receives the matching mark of the side plate and frame. Ambassdeur ABU, Record Ambassadeur Reels 19401940Record Ambassadeur MOD SG 21952. 1 SG Sfariska Glidlager. by fishbugman Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:07 am, Post Carriage screw nut part #2234has beendiscontinued. Just from what I have read in Simon Shimomura's two books I believe your reel is probably a 3 screw model and made around 1968. ABU Garcia Ambassadeur Mag Plus Graphite? Pictured is my 5001C with mushroom style take down knobs. In the same year, the first Direct-Drive Free-Spool System Ambassadeur 4000D and 5000D Reels were introduced. ABU Ambassadeur 5000D Green/Teal Side Plates 750401 $125.00 ABU Ambassadeur 5000 TOUGH 1981 Version with Flat Sides UNUSED IN BOX $275.00 ABU Ambassadeur 5001C Left Hand Twisted Knob RARE Model 721200 in Case $165.00 ABU Garcia Ambassadeur 6000C Excellent! In the Fall of 2009, as I was looking at reels on ebay, I came across a 5000C De Luxe. This chart may or may not make it easier, but it will shed a bit of light on the subject! Thats the year that the reel was produced. Produced in 1966 and introduced in 1967, this ball bearing model would be the first reel engraved with "C" beside its model number. I know its from Sweden but I'm haveing trouble finding any information about it. 5000 De Luxe with serial number 9995. The first series of Ambassadeur 2000 is easily recognized by its carriage screw nut found on the left side plate. It can be found with subtle differences in parts such as straight cut star drag and bullet shaped counter weight. These reels are still functional today; some close to 70 years later. Between Simon and I, we hope to accomplish this through discovery of new serial numbers. brushfly Look closely and you can see apiece of the friction washer potruding between thehandle and star drag. Transitional reel's of notoriety are the non-ABU 5000 with neither ABU or Record engraved on the left side plate, the 4-screw version of 5000C De Luxe and the ABU engraved 6000 below. Simon searched through his spread sheet of serial numbers for 5000C De Luxe and 5000 De Luxe models. In 1995, about the time I realized I wanted to collect these reels seriously, I met Simon Shimomura at the Houston, Texas NFLCC show. The box was marked "5000B" with matching serial number on the box bottom. 1896: The First Halda Taximeter was produced. Complete transition from 4-screw to 3-screw would have taken place somewhere between #10735 and #010876. up to 1979. This reel was found by agentleman in Texas that contacted me for more information. 5001C lot numbers can be read using the second and third type code respectively. The serial on foot is 677782. I suggest you spot test first before using this product. Her rich history is something that always fascinates me; knowing how the company persevere through her time; very much like how these Art Pieces endure through the time into becoming what they are today. They can not be used to date reels to a specific month or year unless you have the original shipping record information from the factory. abu garcia ambassadeur brake adjustment. The foot is stamped "Record" in the fish shaped logo with "Made in Sweden" below it. This reel is identical in every way to the one I had been watching. According to Simon Shimomura's studies, it became apparent that a large capacity spool was needed. The handle nut version on this 5000B suggests the same era. It was not that #1~#231 were missing from the entry, it was that the first number of the book was prestamped from 0232. Below is a brief history on how ABU started. Green casing with dual grips. If you live in a very low humidity environment such as Arizona, you may have to apply this product sooner. I will attempt to clarify some of the mystery surrounding the Ambassadeur 6000 without foot numbers. As of February 2020, there are onlyforty units known by me to exist. Pictured below, is a rare version of Record Ambassadeur 5000A. As ABU eventually discontinued models, they still manufactured replacement parts years afterward. It has been noted by collectors as being more scarce than the coveted 5000 De Luxe which was introduced as the first presentation model in 1962. It may have been due to the very low numbers of 5001C produced with smooth foot and grooved rims. There are two books on the market by author and historian Simon Shimomura. The original purchase of the 5000 DeLuxe included a lifetime warranty with bonus membership in the International Ambassadeurs Club, endorsed in 1963 by HKH Prince Bertil of Sweden. I've seen boxes with as many as four zero's preceding a serial number. The amount of information found on Lure Loreis exhaustive, making itone of thetop sites to visit for old plastic lure information! The earlier Ambassadeur 5000s from the late 1950s to about mid 1971 used sequential serial numbers. The frame used here is for a common 6000C with an early lot number of 080800 which was made in August 1968. In 1954, RECORD Ambassadeur 5000 (no SG marking) made its debut in the United States. They are usually found on boxes in the form of an ink stamp, stenciled white sticker or pin holes punched through the cardboard. As anglers wanted faster retrieving reels, ABU responded by introducing models with high speed gears. Started February 16, By The left plate is Simon Shimomura's. There is one exception to this statement. Those delivered to Garcia for the American market were always assembled with chrome plated star drag and small twin knob handle. Reel models that have stickers showing their model numbers such as the 1500C, 4500, 4500C etc..can be damaged by Acetone. It wasn't untilthe mid 1970's thatthe counter-balance handle wasusedfor American market 5000C. Like many anglers, I was introduced to fishing by a good buddy of mine more thantwo decades ago and this transformed from a pastime into a passion. Lot number 751100 is the earliest production date found for this model. Lot number #760201, With production starting in mid 1966, the 5000C was made into the early 1980's with straight cut side plates before palming cup took over. Repair Parts Home Outdoor Recreation Parts Abu Garcia Parts Abu Garcia Round Reel Parts Abu Garcia 5000 (89-0) Ambassadeur Parts. ", 1Spool tension cap with oil port (1958~1961), 3Counter balance handle/ball shape counterweight with large white knob (1958~1965), 4Counter balance handle/bullet shape counterweight with black twisted knob (1965~), 6Star drag with chrome skirt and friction washer (1965~), 7Flathead pillar screw "left side plate" (1958~, 8Slightly rounded pillar screw (1965~), 9Spool with gray arbor/red flange (1958), 10.Spool with black arbor/red flange (1959). View showing display card and box top with "B" sticker added. Reproduction stickers are easily obtained on eBAY. Red Abu Ambassadeur No. It was a mutt! This is not accurate as there are other features that have to be met before you have a true first version. 1. In 1972, beveled rim side plates with screwdriver type take down knobs were new yet you also find groove rim with newer take down knobs too. Site customizations by DavidIQ. Another example might be 120501. The first use of a serial number may have started in late 1955 or early 1956 and was used only on the 5000 model during the 1950's. Copyright StripersOnline, Inc. 1999-2022 1995: Proventus sold Abu Garcia to Pure Fishing. 1891: Carl-August Borgstrom, Halda Watchmaking Company. Their construction is quite different than their counterparts and were never changed to a 3-screw model. Yeah, the handle is definitely not original. Currently, I'm only 94 reels apart. Adjustment of the knurled aluminum knob sets the desired tension of drag washer pressure. The four brushes in the middle are rifle bore brushes of different calibers. Production for this model began in June 1966 and was introduced to the public in 1967. 5000D production in very late 1977~1979 are found without the clicker and a sticker that read "Ambassadeur 5000D." Ambassadeur 4000D and 5000D , * Ambassadeur 5500C ()1979, 1974: Gote Borgstrom 5ABU Arjon. The earliest production for this model was 1976 with introduction to the public the following year. This one is chocolate in color. One exception is the 4500 and 4500C. In the late 1970s, ABU introduced its high speed model with the Thumbar. The reel must have a smooth foot, smooth top spool tension caps (left side skirted) small twin handle AND grooved rims. $165.00 Why is this? The 5500CDL below is a forgery. Although never engraved with "A", 5000A is listed for the first time in Garcia's 1957 catalog. Basswiper 1951: This is the biggest highlight of ABUs History. This reel was made in September 1972 with lot number 097200. Each case came with correct paperwork for the reel packaged, a spare parts tube, oil bottle and wrench. Some of ABU's toolingmethods and part designs used in the 1980's and beyondare different from those manufacturedbefore 1980. Simon has given me credit to discovering this reel and it's mentioned in his biography published in Japanese in 2010 and his latest book titled The Mystique of Ambassadeur, Its Unexplored Stories published in December 2011 in both English and Japanese. 1973/March. The reproduction also has a different texture on the paddle. I was 17. The handle arm with mesh design was never offered on the brown 6500 and should be mirror finish only. All information on this page is my interpretation and opinion about the history of the Ambassadeur reel as I understand it. , 3. My 5000C serial number research continuestopoint to January 1968 as the date when all frames changed, however, it is the6000 model that may have been the first touse the "new" 3-screw frame by at least November 1967. Record parts were exhausted as ABU used them to assemble "ABU" marked reels as Record Ambassadeur was phased out by the end of 1957. Wash your hands to make sure the Acetone is removed and then clean your handle. VINTAGE ABU GARCIA AMBASSADEUR 5000- 5000D SPOOL ASSEMBLY MINT. Looking at the numbered dial around the bearing housing, the "7" font on the right is correct for ABU original and reproductions and has never changed. Not serialized yet, this example has gray arbor/red flanges and a red anodized star drag. RECORD Ambassadeur 6000 new in 1955 is mentioned here because this model never received serial numbers. Started 9 hours ago, By It was also at this time that the Ambassadeur 2500Cs production was halted to make room for the Ambassadeur 1500C production. One exception to this rule would be that 5000 De Luxe and 5000C De Luxe did not reflect this change right away. Unlike it's 5000D cousin, the 5500D never had a clicker installed. Abu Garcia Foot Numbers/Serial Numbers. Wish you well in your collection and Tight Lines Always. If your reel has #2, 3, 5, 7, should fall between 1962 and mid~1964. you read and agreed to the. This one has the partially rounded screw tops Ok, flat head screws were no longer in use after 1961 or so. There will be 6 digits on the reel foot. Because of this, collectors can not be certain the frame is original on early 6000 models before lot numbers. They were only 570 units apart on the assembly line. At the end of the year, ABU acquired its American distributor, the Garcia Corporation. Second type: MMYYXX.month, actual year, revision. 5000 De Luxe started with serial number one (1). 0 bids. Also have same reel, case, etc. This will date the reel some time between 1962~mid 1964. 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