WW 779, Adj YW 1134 Lot 37: MB 129E BIG TOWN 129G18: R10416417, DOB 5/11/19 Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Lot 36: MB CLIFTON 129G15: R10416416, DOB 4/29/19 They are especially popular in hot and humid locations, such as the American South and Texas. Bulls can generally begin siring calves by 18 months and continue until theyre at least 12 years old. They are often crossed with other types of cattle in hopes of introducing the hardiness and meat-producing abilities of the Brangus to other breeds. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. He ranks in the Top 1% in Foot Angle, Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight & $Weaning. Value does not meet the expected pattern. There are errors on the form. 2023 International Brangus Breeders Association, Office Location: 8870 US Hwy 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263, Mailing Address: PO Box 809, Adkins, Texas 78101, 8870 US HWY 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263 (210) 696-8231, 8870 US HWY 87 E San Antonio, TX 78263 (210) 696-8231, International Brangus Breeders Foundation, International Junior Brangus Breeders Association, Click Here to Subscribe for Email Updates via Your Your Mobile Device, Text GOBRANGUS to 22828 to Subscribe for Email Updates. Nikon was purchased in 2016 from Koupal Angus for $36,000. Lot 8: SAU 145J: 10467328, DOB 3/26/21 East TX Bulls Northeast. BW 70, WW 654, YW 1050, Brangus bulls Sold in 2021 Cattlemens Preferred Sale, Brangus bulls Sold in 2020 Cattlemens Preferred Sale. His EPD values reflect big growth and REA with big Indexes and 12 traits in the top 30%. South TX 2 Reg. Mature Brangus bulls generally weigh between 1,800 and 2,000 pounds. Northeast TX . Use Titan to add EPDs, extension and pounds. Calving ease bull with moderate growth, Should produce fertile replacement females. The goal was to create a cow with the excellent meat production of the Angus and the hardiness and disease resistance of the Brahman. She has now put 4 sons into AI Studs. CLVR EL Toro son out of a SAV Best Interest daughter, Moderate calving ease with extreme growth and great maternal & carcass, Top 1% TM, 2% WW, 3% YW, 5% Term Index, 20% REA & IMF. Never Surrender Of Salacoa 803D9: Sire of Lots 34 & 35. Through the years, ABS and our partners have combined innovative science with the good old-fashioned hard work of gathering real-world performance data to identify thetop angus bullswith profit-oriented genetics. "Submission" is one of the top carcass sires in the country. Elizabeth lives in Iowa w. Are Brangus Cattle Good for Small-Scale Farming? Lot 23 SAU 003H:10446679, DOB 1/15/20 . BW 62, Adj WW 584, Adj YW 1007, Heifer bull Heifers are ready to breed by 14 months of age and deliver their first calf at 24 months of age. BW 77 Sired by Csonka son, A growth & Production bull. According to BEEF Magazine, all GENETRUST bulls will be at one of three GENETRUST sites, Suhn Cattle Company in Eureka, Kan., Cavenders Neches River Ranch in Jacksonville, Texas, and Chimney Rock Cattle Company in Concord, Ark. He combines tremendous base width and muscle with exceptional substance, rib shape, and length of body. BW 74, Adj WW 660, Adj YW 1080, Lot 15 SAU 702L R10389786, DOB 1/19/17 Registered Brangus and Ultrablack Cattle Town Creek Farm Town Creek Farm near West Point, Mississippi, sits atop some of the most fertile soil in the southern tier of the United States in a region known as the Black Belt. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. Skin is pigmented. SEMEN - TBA Brangus Animal Details KRAKEN RIP 391S (P) (une.edu.au) J., G. Banos, and T. Arnason. PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. BW 86, Adj WW 659, Adj YW 1048 Brangus cattle are hardy animals, resistant to parasites and diseases, and tolerant of a wide range of temperatures. Sired by a Three D son out of Coronado daughter, Calving ease with growth, Top 12% CED, 30% BW, 35% WW, Lot 31: JMP North Star 782G2:R10408698, 2/25/19 This bull, Curve Bender, is used as a stud sire, as his progeny produce small calves that develop into heavy weaners. 44 Farms, located in Cameron, Texas, and owned by Bob McClaren, ranked 5th on the list. Photo: Lindi Botha san antonio for sale "brangus" - craigslist. Lot 18: SAU 106J:10467319, DOB 2/7/21 Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. 10332 Martin Ln. Discounts for orders of more than 25 units are as follows: 26 - 75: -5%. Dont look to the stars, simply trust in STELLAR for his excellent all-around breeding traits. Yosemite grandson out of a Lead Gun daughter, with balanced EPDs. Top 10% Birthweight 45% IMF 34cm scrotal Breed your . General. 701 Hunt's Gin Road NE. Calhoun, GA 30701. Brangus cattle associations are also located in Canada, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Central America, and parts of Africa. BW 71, Adj WW 577, Adj YW 1010 ith her family, including her two fur kids, Linnard, a husky mix and Algernon, the worlds most patient cat. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 44 Farms hosts four sales a year, two in the spring, February and March, and two in the fall, October and November. As a result, the beef quality of the Brangus is exceptionally good scoring a 97% tenderness rating as opposed to the 94% of the Angus breeds. Sired by Three D 302A son, Calving ease bull with maternal. You will really appreciate the amount of eye appeal and performance the bull has to offer. DMR Louisiana Purchase 924D10, sire of Lot 23. BW 71, Adj WW 533, Adj YW 936 Embryo transfer calf out of a half sister to Yosemite, Low birthweight bull could use on heifers, Excellent carcass traits. BW 60, Adj WW 622, Adj YW 981, Lot 23: SAU 723L, R10389790, DOB 2/9/17 Lot 32X: MB Banks 661H3:R10478323, DOB 5/08/20 Lot 33: SAU 813M: R10405114, DOB PRIME TIME at Mound Creek. Central TX Listing Number 301C949 Location Central Texas Ship From Mexia TX Map- Freight/Distance Calculator Breed Brangus Registered? Bushwacker set the standard for bucking bulls in our current day and age. They can feed their calves efficiently no matter the environment or type of feed they receive. The effort to develop the Brangus cattle breed began as early as 1912. Town Creek also developed their goal from Joe Reznicek, Our primary goal is to produce functional bulls for commercial cattlemen. Town Creek hosts their annual sale in October in West Point, Miss. You can have it all! Central TX Bulls South. BW 71, Adj WW 462, Adj YW 782 This family run business cattle program is led by Mike Coggins and Tracy Holbert. A high-growth, high-numbered individual that had a birth ratio of 84, weaning ratio of 128. LEARN MORE BUY HERE. Brangus Bull in the Arkansas Bull Sale 2019, Lot 21: SAU 704L, R10389787, DOB 1/24/17 A post shared by Soluo Gentica (@solucaogenetica). Brangus cattle also offer a good milk yield for beef cows, offering the potential for an additional income source. U.S. CATTLE REPORT: COF inventory down 505K head from last year's record high; Cold storage down but 3rd highest for January on record; Boxed beef up $6.24 since last Friday; Cattle trade up $19 from last year: Beef production under 510 mp on holiday week . 1/2 Brother to Lot 27. They grow at a fast rate and produce quality meat without requiring expensive food or specific environmental conditions. They fill out well and have a high carcass yield with a good bone to meat ratio. Their skin is pigmented, offering it more protection from the sun. The genetics of Town Creek Farm are based off of the Cow Creek Ranch line. BW , Adj. Headquartered in DeForest, Wisconsin, ABS Global is the world leader in bovine genetics, reproduction services and technologies. BW 88, Adj WW 636, Adj YW 956 Distribution These heifers are fleshy, stout and the front pasture kind. Changing the current slide will change the slide of the thumbnail carousel that follows. CED (Calving Ease Direct): Predicts calving ease of a sire when mated to heifers. Lot 15: MB Revelation 586J3: 10507354, DOB 3/16/21 This EPD is determined largely by the weight of the calf. BW 63, Adj WW 563, Adj YW 1023 Powerhouse is everything his name implies. BW 72, Adj WW 515, Adj YW 967 Blackwater Cattle Co. is a registered and commercial Brangus cattle operation located in Lake Park, Ga. BW 77, Adj WW 452, Adj YW 825 Brangus Bulls | Arkansas Bull Sale Brangus Bulls consigned to the Arkansas Spring Multi-Breed Bull Sale March 25, 2023 12:00 noon Contact Luke Mobley for information on Brangus bulls! How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? Take advantage of an enormous opportunity with MAGNITUDELEARN MORE BUY HERE. Lot 22: 137J:10467267, DOB 10/12/21 He is Deep, stout, square made , structurally correct with a top notch disposition. Lot 15: JMP FINAL CUT 504G: R10407783, DOB 1/12/19 1/2 Brother to Lot 26 PBR Bulls - Past Decade; PRCA Bulls - Past 6 mo. (770) 548-7950. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Top 20% Total Maternal, 25% WW & YW, Lot 25: MB Quarry 228F: R10405132, DOB 4/5/18 Located in West Point, Miss., Town Creek Farm began raising registered Brangus with Joe and Joy Rezniceks Cow Creek Ranch. Join Us at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo! Breeding & Reproduction Guide. Miller Brangus has been built through rigid culling, continuous selection pressure, detailed record keeping and uncompromising breeding commitment that lets us produce cattle that meet . They provided meat, milk and labor to their owners. Calving ease with carcass Top 15% CED & 20% BW with above average IMF & Fat EPDs, Sired by DMR Eldorado. Early cattle served a triple-purpose. Top 10% Calving ease. Sired by a Big Town son out of a Three D daughter, Outstanding growth with great carcass & maternal, Top 10% WW, 15% YW IMF Heifer Preg. farm & garden 35; wanted 1 + show 43 . The Brangus generally have the hardiness of the Brahman for Southern . Welcome to triple crown ranch, your source for quality brangus cattle, brangus and crossbred show heifers and show steers - located in angleton, tx. MC Bottom Line 129E11 son out of a El Toro 23C2 daughter, Excellent carcass bull, Top 15% REA & IMF. Because of their climate tolerance and versatility, Brangus cattle are found in many parts of the world. Brangus Bulls. He is. Lot 30: MB Revelation 541E92: R10390812, DOB 12/31/17 He is also an elite bull with maternal valuebacked by strong docility, high foot quality and Heifer Pregnancy. BW 77, WW 512, YW 980, Lot 33 SAU 624K, R10347784, DOB 3/30/16 S A V Achilles 8886 is a landmark sire with powerful phenotype, outlier muscle-shape and scale crushing performance. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Lot 35: 044H: 10446841, DOB 10/5 20, DMR Empire son, Heifer safe bull with lots of growth. 3. Brangus: 3.1: 14.9: 5.3: 12.9: Santa Gertrudis . The development of the breed first began in North America during the 1930s. Zero local results found. Lot 9: SAU 108J: 10467321, DOB 2/08/21 What do you get when you cross two well-known cattle breeds, each with their own special traits, into one hybrid? san antonio. BW 84, Adj WW 599, Adj YW 1024 9 Brangus/Angus Plus Bulls. Lot 26:MB Atlanta 17E10, R10362825, DOB 4/14/17 Heifer bull, Top 20% CED, 15% IMF, 2% SC, Lot 23: MB J Edger Hoover 1912F10: UB10413977, DOB 9/13/18, Over the years we have worked closely with the LM to import their best genetics back here to Australia. Pet Keen is reader-supported. An absolute phenotypic & genetic powerhouse with breed impact potential. $3,500.00 Bulls for sale: 1 - Commercial Brangus Bull - Texas 2 year old Commercial Brangus Bull. Our team at Growing America was curious about what breeds, both dairy and beef, ranked in the top for 2020. Never Surrender son out of the New Direction daughter,with outstanding growth maternal & carcass, Top 1% YW TM & REA, 2 % WW 3 % Term Index, 15% Milk Heifer Preg. While his calving ease is commendable and his massive appearance is worth appreciating, you will also find his structure very sound along with exceptional foot quality. Big Iron has impeccable feet structure. Use the Next or Previous buttons to navigate between slides. & Term Index, 20% TM. View this year's Top Sires directory Wagyu []. More information can be found at salacoavalleybrangus.com. Why is it so expensive? His Dam has been one of the top producing cows in the Pass Angus herd. This guy has the performance to back it up. Has been one of the cow Creek Ranch line are as follows: 26 -:! Meat, milk and labor to their owners bull - Texas 2 old. Opportunity with MAGNITUDELEARN more BUY HERE are as follows: 26 -:... Cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers your browser only with your consent ratio 128! 5Th on the list cattle in hopes of introducing the hardiness and disease resistance of top. Meat, milk and labor to their owners ; Brangus & quot ; &... Least 12 years old the thumbnail carousel that follows values reflect big growth and REA with big and. Create a cow with the excellent meat production of the Angus and the hardiness and meat-producing abilities of the carousel... 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