Ford . While IP lawyers cringed, Wall Street applauded, sending Teslas stock price up 14% to $231 a share. From its earliest days, Tesla had taken a rigorous approach to protecting its intellectual property. Tesla delivers cars riddled with defects. Connect now! The fact that Tesla is still around 15 years after its commencement is impressive all by itself. Clayton Christensen, who popularized the idea of disruptive innovation, argues that Tesla is not disruptive. (Table 1). The successor C.E.O (Elon Musk) Robotics, conveyor belts and software become staples of the warehouse as e-commerce grows. Other automakers are following Tesla's lead and looking to create semi-autonomous or fully AVs, and that has sparked contention in Washington as lawmakers try to reconcile safety concerns with innovation-hungry automakers. It can receive software updates over the air and controls all of the functions of infotainment, audio, navigation, Bluetooth phone, HVAC, and even vehicle settings like windows, door locks, sunroof, trunk release, traction control, headlights, steering, and suspension settings. 5,988 ", Get the free daily newsletter read by industry experts. perating profit Will be enough minerals to meet the requirements? handling. 8 Elon Musk wants inventors to stop pitching his battery ideas, 2014 the car was launched in 2013. developed prototypes of fuel cell cars, only Toyota, Hyundai, and Honda had marketed cars powered by fuel Although electric motors were much lighter than internal Total electric cars has been altered hastily. companies such as GM, RenaultNissan, Ford, Daimler, VW, and BMWit lacked clear technological Disrupted the luxury car market and, according to IHS Automotive data, attracted conquest buyers from the likes of BMW, Mercedes, and Lexus, not to mention Toyota and other volume brands. General Motors' computers and cell phones. With Tesla, Musk is focused on disrupting mobility. 12 Tesla's New Patent Strategy Makes Sense, Entrepreneur (July 8, 2015), Fuel cells are powered by hydrogen which reacts with oxygen from the air to create Net profit Tesla Motors Disrupting The Auto Industry Firing is slow and can do very little. "In some cases, a vehicle program might be really big and the OEM might say, Im not going to pay the supplier any upfront funding, you need to handle that cost yourself because youll get a big volume down the road," Loh said. "If that went down, batteries are heavily commoditized, so there wouldnt be too much of a hiccup, but there would be some down time. Tesla's first car, the Roadster, launched in 2007, was a sensation. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record 34.8% CAGR and reach 74.4 Million Units by the end of the analysis period. charging, usage, balancing, and temperature. The drive inverter has variable-frequency drive and regenerative braking system, while the gearbox is a single-speed fixed gear with a 9.73:1 reduction ratio. Capital investment electric cars. Prioritize to Build Career Roadmap: Prioritize the items on the Excel table based on the How to Achieve column in the order of your preference, fastest way to achieve these items, easiest way to achieve these items, and how you can achieve the necessary aspects in a cost-effective manner. Tesla Inc. (formerly Tesla Motors, Inc.) maintains its profitability through strategic measures that address the competitive challenges outlined in this Five Forces analysis of the global automotive business. from imitation as strategic bargaining chips: Big technologybased companies amass patent portfolios as Most of the world's leading automobile companies had been undertaking research into electric cars since the The website of Tesla includes forum page and it is open to public for participation and discussion abot Tesla. 446 By 2005, all the automakers developing electric kilowatthour in early 2015 to about $120 by 2020. Only a week after their launch, Bloomberg estimated that Tesla had taken $179 million in orders for Read the case, Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry on page 576-588 use the case analysis format provided below to address to identify the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Tesla Motors executive team can review for possible implementation. (The question is) are they willing to use that as a hedge? While that paints a bleak picture for any startup trying to break into the auto industry, there's some silver lining: if you've got a solid vision and can sell that vision like Tesla suppliers just might take a risk on you. We live in an era of smartphone ubiquity. 13 Elon Musk's Patent Decision Reflects Three Strategic Truths, So, in short, the master plan is: "If you look at the various timeframes, there's going to be a bottleneck as this gets ramped up," Rawles said. Christensen and his team at Harvard Business School, were emphatic that Tesla's electric cars were definitely 37 EOS Energy Solutions was producing huge zincbased batteries whose cost of $160 per kilowatthour made it This observer was Silicon Valley entrepreneur Elon Musk, Tesla's initial investor, co-founder, and CEO, who viewed all of the barriers in the auto industry as ones that could be overcome [7]. As a result, all Tesla's 2016 scheduled production of these two Hence the amazement when, on June 12, 2014, Elon announced: Several of the printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies, including the main assembly, feature Tesla Motors logos and copyrights, meaning that they are all designed and controlled by Tesla. 686 electrical power. Tesla has that "cool factor," something established automakers do not have, and has created hype around Tesla's EVs that other brands like the Nissan Leaf, for example do not get. Obtain the data you need to make the most informed decisions by accessing our extensive portfolio of information, analytics, and expertise. The development speed of a typical mobile device is often six months or less. market value was $31.7 billion. stream 93O Company 238 We Will Write a Custom Case Study Specifically. Brian Loh, a partner at McKinsey&Company, said innovation is at an "all-time high" in the auto industry right now, which is significant because historically, the auto industry is very slow to evolve. As of February 2014, over 530 software-related recalls had been reported since 1994 (see figure below). 62 In fact, some early innovators predate Tesla: BMW, Daimler, and Volkswagen set up shop in the Valley in the mid-1990s, and Honda opened its first office in 2003, the same year Tesla was founded. 2,426 environment as an interactive ecosystem rather than as a traditional industry. offers a great selection of professional essay writing services. Psychology of Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship 1,2001,500 words. Model S also earned the highest safety rating in the United "For better or worse, Tesla makes its own batteries, so it's heavily dependent on its own sources," said Michelle Anderson, a partner with Boston Consulting Group. decision making One avenue is to identify a sizable opportunity in an existing market where a nanotech product can displace an existing inferior solution, e.g., a coating for an automobile that keeps itself clean, clears mist from side mirrors, or self-repairs scratches in the automotive paint. Perhaps at the top of the list is the convenience of over-the-air (OTA) software updates for vehicle recalls, which Tesla has made free and standard for Model S owners. In Tesla is working to drive battery costs down in anticipation of the launch of its mass-market, $35,000 Model 3 EV sedan, which is slated to debut in 2017. THE DEBATE AS IT STANDS. The induction motor is a three-phase, four-pole AC unit with copper rotor. While researching this report, we came across the work of Tony Seba, a clean energy guru, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, and Stanford lecturer. But Tesla struggles to meet deadlines and frequently delivers flawed vehicles, and profitability remains elusive. performance, design, addon features, and the overall user experience. desire to buy the lowest price product ever create While growing pains are to be expected, there is no reason to believe Tesla does not have the capacity to become a volume manufacturer. Powerpacka large capacity power storage unit for business and utilities at a cost of $250 per kilowatthour. Tesla is experiencing growing pains, but has willingly invited more criticism than other young companies because the automaker is brazen enough to pronounce ambitious goals and, most boldly, insist that its vision of the future of the automotive industry is the definitive one. 232 Dubbed Hyperloop, Musks idea is to create a high-speed transportation system that is immune to weather, impossible to crash, uses little energy and recaptures most of what it uses, and travels twice the speed of todays commercial aircraft. 2012 The Silicon Valley culture and the EMS approach to manufacturing were a clear advantage for Tesla at one time but no longer make it unique. This involves accelerating the pace of hardware, software, services, and applications development but also rethinking the process of design. "To date, we have not qualified alternative sources for most of the single sourced components used in our vehicles and we generally do not maintain long-term agreements with our suppliers. "If that went down, batteries are heavily commoditized, so there wouldnt be too much of a hiccup, but there would be some down time.". Explain how your understanding has changed based on what you have learned in this module. (The case study too long to post) Answer below: What features make the auto industry attractive or unattractive? Case Analysis: Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry Read the case, "Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry" on page 576-588 use the case analysis format provided below to address to identify the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Tesla Motors executive team can review for possible implementation. own directly managed showrooms in major cities throughout the world. The auto industry is not resistant to innovation and change, but does tend to adapt slowly. Phase Not only that, but Tesla's software design is state-of-the-art: the fact that Tesla can update vehicle software over-the-air (OTA) as if it were Apple updating an iPhone is unprecedented. Tesla business owners can now drive their cars free from the US 's level of fear and anxiety for any single practical reason, considering how wide the Supercharger infrastructure has now become. Tesla's Superchargers offered the world's fastest recharging of electric vehicle batteries. The driver's console featured a touchscreen that controlled almost all the car's functions, Our success depends, at least in part, on our ability to protect our core technology and intellectual property. Data de Defesa: 21-Set-2021. similar to that of comparable gasoline carsas a result of Tesla's higher purchase price being offset 1000 locations in hotels and other locations in North America and Asia with Tesla wall connectors for free 209 Be sure to identify "identify 2 to 3 problems" and "develop 2 to 3 possible solutions to the problems identified", and use . lowerperformance products at a lower price (or open up entirely new market segments), Tesla offered So we are routinely disappointed when we get into our cars and are forced to make do with resistive touch screens (if we are lucky) or LEDs and vacuum fluorescent displays controlled by dials and buttons (if we are not). intended for offroad usethese included golf carts and vehicles for university campuses, military bases, construction in managing the large market for the adjacent years. Check. However, the transition to the EMS model can be problematic. Date It all starts with the connection. Tesla Motors Inc., founded in 2003, was named after Nikola Tesla, the pioneer of electric motors and The facility, the Gigaplant, would cost about $5 By far the most successful HEV, both in the US and globally, was the 1,983 Be sure to identify "identify 2 to 3 problems" and "develop 2 to 3 possible solutions to the problems identified", and . The team dismantled 12 systems and cataloged every part within each system. 5,849 Tesla regarded itself as a technological leader within electric vehicles: ethics 2014 | 2 p.m. Nevada would provide $1.25 billion in grants and tax breaks. While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options. This radical approach to innovation runs deep, as evidenced in the technology and design approach of the companys flagship Model S, its $69,900 luxury car. Fuel cell technology was developed during the space program and The company is now targeting the broader . Recently most of the people acknowledge revolution that Tesla Vehicles industry Resources, Establish the resources that will be needed to reach the goals However, Shane went on to observe that the biggest challenge facing Tesla was not competition but "Its a tight margin business. The plant's annual output would exceed the entire global output of He believes the concept could move people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in just 35 minutes. Topics covered: last mile, shipper-carrier relations, and trends in rail, ocean, air, truck, and parcel shipping. That may instill some hope in investors, but the fact remains that Tesla still has inroads to make as a trusted automaker. Check. 239 mba. Range anxietythe threat of running out of battery charge and the limited availability of charging stations Our battery pack and electric powertrain system has enabled us to deliver marketleading range With Tesla producing a million cars per year in the US soon, and also opening up Superchargers to other EVs, how can Tesla open enough Superchargers to fulfill the charging needs of all of those According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics data, the number of hybrid EVs sold in the U.S. didn't break 100,000 until 2005. "Typically an OEM will have a supplier panel or a collection of a few suppliers, anywhere from 2-5 suppliers they source from for that commodity," Loh said. Tesla's patent portfolio was smaller than those of most major auto companies (Table 3). 204 Description Case Analysis: Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto IndustryRead the case, Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry on page 576-588 use the case analysis format provided below to address to identify the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Tesla Motors executive team can review for possible implementation.Be sure to identify "identify 2 to 2014),, accessed July (154 Ford And Tesla intends to sell its OEM batteries for non-automotive applications, which will enable it to increase production volume and reduce unit cost. Appendix Fuel cells offered an alternative to plugin public perceptions of electric cars. Designing an electric powertrain and a vehicle to charging stations could not charge Tesla cars. The 21st century saw the Second Coming of electric cars. 109 Tesla's goal in building the plant was, first, to ensure sufficient supply of battery battery packs use commercially available lithiumion battery cells and contain two to three times the But Tesla is forcing the auto industry to rapidly change. Annual Report it stated: Tesla's supply chain is still in the development phase, and right now Tesla doesn't have the capital and supplier relationships that other big automakers have. Build a sports car. 2,013 Some of these were If Tesla wants to upgrade the processing power or change the air interface module, it may be possible to achieve this more easily and with less redesign than if all of the functions were integrated into fewer PCB assemblies. Tesla was soon involved in a flurry of legal battles. Call: +1 (818) 743-7178; Whatsapp Facebook Twitter. Furthermore, only Tesla's automotive products will be taken into consideration - its recently . It was sold directly to consumers without using franchised dealersthe 3,563 In addition, compared to other established successful brands like Ford, which was founded 111 years ago, the founder's tenacity had made Tesla the most important automotive firm in . eliminating the need for most knobs and other controls; the car used a wireless fob instead of a key; The last few decades have been marked by changes in the recent American or British recession as our automotive industry has stopped investing our money in its own automobiles. Such an approach affords Tesla leverage in the supply chain, more direct control over the finished product, and ultimately more control over the user experience. Sources: Charge of the Lithium Brigade, The Economist Technology Quarterly (May 30, 2015); Battery promises and short on delivery. However, in May 2015, Tesla hired Jeff Dahn of Dalhousie University, one Other EV products use lithium-ion batteries, but in lower kWh and using fewer, but larger, battery cells. Source: McGraw-Hill Education. Model S car owners are provided with Supercharger Stations, allowing them to charge their car thus making long distance rives possible. 1 Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. Then there's the AV discussion. The Model S 85kWh battery has more than 7,100 cells, allowing it to move greater weight faster and with longer range. Case Solution, you will wind up forgetting most of them. His next startups were SpaceX, which would develop space launch vehicles, and SolarCity, However, electric car sales in China grew rapidly, overtaking the US as the largest market for Ford Cmax Energi PHEV LinkedIn Profile: 5 See Tesla Motors, HBS Case No. But it will be challenged, as all first movers are, to maintain that lead and continue to push the boundaries with future products. The technical specifications are impressive. Read the case, "Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry" use the case analysis format provided below to address to identify the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Tesla Motors executive team can review for possible implementation.Be sure to identify "identify 2 to 3 problems" and "develop 2 to 3 possible solutions to the problems identified", and use this as the . Customer Reviews. Tesla had 713 Toyota Tying in with his concerns about global warming and America's dependence on Middle East oil, Eberhard's plans for a Tesla Roadster were born. This meant that there were substantial savings in unit costs for those producers able to expand their Disruptive technologies applied in the automotive industry. from 9,350 in 2000 to 352,862 in 2007. September, 2018 1 MELISSA A. SCHILLING SpaceX: Disrupting the Space Industry In April of 2018, SpaceX was valued at $27.5 billion, making it one of the most valuable privately-held companies in the world. To give an idea of how ancient that is in tech-years, BlackBerry held more than 50% market share among smartphone users in 2008. Telsa has forgone the traditional dealership business model to sell directly to the public creating a unique customer experience. Attached. "On one hand, ramping up a car company from scratch is really hard," said Greg Kefer, vice president of marketing at GT Nexus. With a . Mitsubishi/GS Yuasa was faster than most Ferraris. You will think about your assumptions and preconceived notions about the era of early European settlement in the Americas. employee and third party nondisclosure agreements, copyright laws, trademarks, intellectual property . BATTERY CHARGING Problem Statement Battery Technology High Price Tag Market Hurdles Strengths May be in position to disrupt industries well beyond the realm of traditional and manufacturing. %PDF-1.6 By 2020, the plant would have the capacity to manufacture 35 gigawatthours of an affordable car) began in 2013 with the launch of the Model S. The Tesla case provides multiple opportunities to discuss core strategy and innovation topics, such as: Patterns of innovation, e.g., new technologies comp. advantages over these firms, and if it also was likely to meet competition from the manufacturers of NEVs in Perhaps the most significant is consumer acceptance of electric vehicles. However, despite the superiority of Tesla's proprietary changing system, this did little to assist the general to other companies and, second, it probably did not make much sense for Tesla to devote time and money to plugin cars being developed by other automakers. Fiat Chrysler would sell about 2.5 million cars in 2015 against Tesla's 55,000. Toyota Prius, which by early 2010 had sold 1.6 million units worldwide. Robert is a safe pick for everyone who values quality, adherence to requirements, and custom approach. Supercharger delivered up to 120 kWh of direct current directly to the battery. Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Vehicles and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030, Clean Planet Ventures (2014): AESC Running head: REMEDIES FOR TESLA MOTORS AUTO INDUSTRY DISRUPTION Compare that with the design-to-production timing for a new vehicle of approximately four years and its no wonder car-buying consumers have been underwhelmed by standard in-vehicle electronics. adapt in the resilience cycle in the relation to the recommendations towards the problems it is SB LiMotive Tesla is technically still in the red the company isn't profitable yet, and many critics use that fact as their main reason for arguing that Tesla isn't worth investment or even worth paying attention to. In 2004, Musk became lead shareholder and Even Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn, a staunch supporter of EVs, last year acknowledged Renault-Nissan would miss its original 2016 target of selling 1.5 million EVs by four to five years. 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