One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. @Lisa oh hell, if your description is an accurate one for a diagnosis of OCD, then I reckon I have it too! Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. He said in his admissions that she deficated during the murder in thier bed, where he wrapped her in a sheet and moved her to the floor immediately- where he was interrupted by the girls waking up (after his first attempt to kill them by suffocating them in thier sleep)- the girls were killed in his truck CeCe was wearing a diaper, so even if she had deficated or urinated it would be unclear after days in the crude oil.. And Bella was likely not dead but simply unconscious again when he dumped her body- therefore, even if she did relax enough to evacuate her bowels and bladder- it wasnt until she was in the crude oil tank. Which she combed over the menu trying to come up with that amount for one person. Not one place on his body? And the decision to move Chris out of state as well? Thanks for making the reports public. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. They dissipate in inconvenient circumstances. Thanks for the paper, ganana Im with you on this. Makes me so sick. All these people do is lie. I think she was then taken, with her children, out of the rear of the property for concealment. That alone speaks volumes how they were approaching their relationship. The Weld County Coroner released the complete autopsy reports of Bella, Celeste, and Shanann Watts, who were murdered by Chris Watts on August 13. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? It's difficult to speculate what the norm would be in a criminal case, especially where an autopsy would need to be performed on both the mother . Unless I missed it? Also zero evidence that she was in bed. Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. Bella Watts Autospy Report Theres plenty of liqueurs that are very well hidden in frozen shakes etc. Perhaps they had one via phone or text. I remember one video where shes tasting one of the Thrive bars and effusing over how delicious it is, while one of her daughters cries with hunger in the background, and ShanAnn tells the poor child, No, you cant have this this is Mommys. On the police cams you can just see hi. Now i fully beleive NK was in on plan, her idea to put bodies in tanks to help disolve them. ~KSmallz. like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. Or perhaps he left when the sun was coming up because thats when he usually left for work. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. Shannann even said that he was like another person. In reading about this case it would never occur to me to smother somebody in such a fashion. Make sense? Shanann loved clothes, and also being away for work (product) she may have had a huge heavy as suitcase loaded up, and as much as she wanted it upstairs thought Chris was asleep and being exhausted, preggers etc. Could be so because Shanann had no defensive wounds and he said she didnt fight. If they were pliable makes me wonder if they were not deceased that long before he was able to shove them into the tanks. For example, someone with OCD could have the thought that if they dont touch a doorknob a certain number of times an exact way, they will get a disease. I think she died in bed after being knocked unconscious using Marks ethanol method. You get to know the people involved in a criminal investigation pretty well after writing 4 x 30 000+ word narratives. The autopsy is commenced at 1030 hours, on August 17, 2018 on the body of Shanann Watts at the McKee Medical Center, Loveland, CO. Or do you believe his lies, that she harmed the kids and then he did same to her? [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. That could explain what possibly happened to Bella if she woke up and was going to see what was going on. This story breaks my heart. There is no sympathy for that psychopath period. From what I can understand of the facts in this case- there were no scratches to Chris. The autopsy is commenced at 1730 hours, on August 17, 2018 on the body of Celeste Watts at the McKee Medical Center, Loveland, CO. But yeah I really think he was being nicer to her to assure she had her guard down when he murdered her; which was when she was sleeping, on the sofa upstairs on her phone or laptop, or god forbid he initiated some kind of intimacy that turned into her death. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. A person with OCD also wouldnt have that much stuff on the bathroom vanity. In his story he goes downstairs & hears commotion goes into the bedroom & sees Bella on her bed with covers off & then Shannan on top of CeCe. Chris Watts advised that blankets and stuffed animals were left by the sheet which was near Shananns grave. Shanann Watts Cause of Death: How Did the Colorado Mother Die? So while he would have possibly had more of a mess to clean up with ShanAnn than with the girls, it was contained, unlike the mess of that horrid Patrick Frazee who killed Kelsey Berreth by braining her with a baseball bat. On page one of the report in the list of Diagnoses, it states:- Meanwhile, the part of your brain that regulates involuntary functions is shutting down. The second dog also had a housetraining mishap in the basement. He asked one time if he should go look for his familyhe did not ask again about looking and he did not seem overly concerned, the police report said. Doesnt mean he couldnt have used his presence in the marital bed to induce her to get close to him and give him the opportunity. Who and/or what are we dealing with here? Hes asked whether Shannan was strangling CeCe or smothering her, at first he says strangling because this is the only thing that makes his story believable but afterwards he knows theyll be no marks so he says hes not sure. It makes the crime even more heinous in my mind because it would have required a lot of thought concerning the logistics. The lack of a broken hyoid bone (called thyroid bone in the autopsy?) I honestly believe Chris smothered them all with ethanol soaked cloths. The entire thing is one of the worst cases Ive ever heard of- and I think about those poor responders who retrieved the bodies May they find peace from those memories some day soon. Why does there always gotta be one of those? Did you live with them? She was an environmental science person. Shanann was in there with her on top of her. And she clearly WANTED the best for them, and she was still learning. Once the body dies the lower digestive tract opens up. -nickvdl. Because when he called her, he said, mom, they are searching the house. Why would he say that to her if she did not have prior knowledge? And, as you point out in one of your replies to anothers comment about the oil in her body, there was no oil in her lungs, in her stomach yes, in her lungs no. Heres another: Areas of bruising, internal. They were out of town and it was still spotless. Her clothes were even coordinated by colour in the closet. 1. Defining post mortem bruising requires qualified scientific investigation. He is responsible for his own actions, many people live with worse and dont kill anyone. didnt attempt it herself. So when he pulls her off theres not one last gasping breath, she dies at that exact moment and theres nothing Chris can do but kill Shannan!!!! Its completely obvious from videos that the wife was a nut job, self absorbed, controlling weirdo that undermined her husband leave her ass!! 3. I feel like maybe she did meet them. i did not read many commentsso maybe others have notice thisCeces autopsys did not reveal her oesophasagus( maybe wrong spelling )surgery?this can be a reason why CW tried to keep all of them health documentation avoid been public recorded?becausethere may have been some exageration about it ?on the other sideinsurance policies would have not give them money so maybe this is why the medical bills so heavy?there is something that i dont understand? Frank and Sandy Rzucek, and their son Franky, tell CBS4 they have been physically, emotionally and financially exhausted by unfounded claims by conspiracy theorists who believe they played roles . Ethanol makes sense, especially because it could be disguised in the chemicals themselves. Listen to the cop who interrogated him after he tells that stupid story. Even if he raged and killed Shannon because she killed her girls, I would much rather be guilty for killing Shannon because she killed my babies then be a monster guilty of killing my daughters so I would have called for help so the cops could do their job and get the evidence to back up my story. Police came but found no sign of Celeste Watts or Bella Marie Watts. Page 535 But its tough watching some of them, and at times I felt awful for all of themand the girls clearly did not want to be on camera while Shannan clearly wanted them TO be on camera. I hope he gets what he deserves while he is in prison!!!!!! He failed all 3 questions. The FBI agents had already profiled that the wife had been strangled because theyd been through the house with luminol & found no blood splatter, and because children were involved also believed smothering was involved. There is no soul in his eyes. Death by asphyxiation in each case. Debbie do you have a link to that 411 Documentary please? Which is odd to me again. Dont jump on me buthear me bnb ot, I believe Chris. Theres a very clear indicator when the children died. Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. Back? Maybe body positioning and gravity? He still murdered a sick pregnant wife and two innocent children. You may say murder itself is cowardice, but if youre the murderer, youre taking a huge risk, and if youre an introverted murderer, youre being your version of brave by physically confronting and attacking someone. During decomposition, gasses cause stuff to come out but thats a different matter. Any attacking motion he made that Shanann saw, even for a second, would have prompted her to scream. But think about it. Mark, that is really interesting! She was pregnant some women have very sore breasts when pregnant and the bra adds support & comfort. I actually don't understand this and would think the opposite would actually be true. I didnt know what else to do. Its something so outside my wheelhouse that I didnt even know it could me done. Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called American Murder: The Family Next Door. The two girls were found in oil drums. So that indicates perhaps that she and Bella were murdered around the same time as Shanann Im guessing. Even flailing my legs they werent even reaching him. On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? I cant believe the police let them stay in there. I actually have been turned upside down by this murder, and through watching over 42 hours of video, have grown to love and admire Shannan! I also believe in my heart that Shannan did not hurt her babies This is an excellent theory and makes a TON of sense!!! Shan'ann Watts -Autopsy,grave details.Graphic! As noted by Crime Watch Daily, police recovered her body in the Frederick area. So yeah sigh! If Chris had not had the affair, he would not have killed his family! Chris Watts was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife Shanann, their unborn child, and their two children, Celeste and Bella, ages 4 and 3. as former sheriffs deputy, mid 70s, (When females allowed on patrol) I think despite her bravado, she had insecurities just like everyone else, with both herself, and her roles as wife and mother AND someone working in an MLM. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW. And I doubt this person is a doctor who can just diagnose ppl he doesnt know either. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. Quick as law enforcement were to respond to the crime, by the time they recovered the remains of the two little girls, they had been chemical altered beyond recognition. Your thoughts? From what I understand its not possible to swallow fluids once youre dead. Once the body dies the lower digestive tract opens up. Watts, who had initially reported them missing and had made a public plea for their return, was arrested as he admitted to killing them. 1. @Nick I think she was killed by a surprise carotid choke (blood choke) rendering her unconscious within 3-6 seconds, hence no defence injuries, and dead in 30 seconds at the most. No evidence of cake or undigested dinner. CeCe did not have any marks & I attribute that to her age, not understanding what was happening & Im sure she lost consciousness quickly as she had breathing problems. Her fully formed gallstone may have contributed to her not feeling well during her last MLM trip. could also suggest a Stranglehold. Several life experiences may also have contributed to and promoted OCD-like behaviours in Shanann too the loss of financial control during bankruptcy, divorce, car accident, illness etc all contribute to a person seeking the need for regaining control of their life which can manifest as a place for everything and everything in its place behaviours. dirty murderer! (this is horrific and the worst thing in the whole case, in my opinion). CW was already working out his plan to annihilate his family around the time he was getting ready to make his daughters some dinner. Its hard to fight a larger man off of you when held down, in fear of dying and trying to gasp for air. He kills both witnesses and the rest is history. God I wish she had taken the girls and just got the heck out of there. They are The People Of The Lie. (Scott Peck). He said those were consistent with trying to flee while being smothered. If you read through the autopsies very well you will see that the oldest girl, Bella, actually bit her tongue several times and had many injuries in her mouth. It doesn't appear that the autopsy did a very thorough check. It just seems to me that Bella would actually have had to swallow the oil to get it into her stomach. They manipulate, connive and plot. Strangleholds require little physical strength. No, this does not indicate that she was still alive. Lastly and not related to your book, I continuously read people stating that the only bruises on Shananns body were the on the right side of her neck. Shanann had only (ap autopsy) "probable bruising on the anterior subcutaneous neck tissue" sweetbreez 4 yr. ago Like the previous commenter said, LE explained that it had to do with her being buried in the sand vs the oil. So Chris Watts said she barely got into bed, and soshe barely got into bed? You should apologise to him actually for your rude remarks in your comment. Very hard to think a dad can do that but my ex just turned, didnt want any of his family anymore and still has very little contact for the past 8 years. After that, then everything started going bad and stressing him out. Chokeholds and Strangleholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defence, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. No sign of that either. I was writing in a passion. Shannan's cause of death was strangulation while an autopsy found crude oil in Bella and Celeste's throats, stomach and lungs. Ditto who died first and last. The ethanol levels are perplexing though; even in decomposition they are rarely above .07. Much more interest in the case in his home state; in Wisconsin, hes just a number. Peanuts and tree nuts are VERY different, and supposedly CeCe had a *tree nut* allergy coconut, not peanuts! I found nothing unusual with that part. Possible if the hips were gyrated slightly, titled vertically, the horizontal width could be reduced by an inch. Maybe some ppl just can only take so much. Neither of them passed any body fluids. I love the way people just make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the case. Shanann had extensive injuries to her neck. Surprised he didnt run them thru the washer. He then pursued and strangled her there. Thats why the strangulation was gentle, not violent, as the hyoid was not broke, and there were no defensive wounds to her or him. He wanted out, didnt want the baby., and took the cowards way. And in his own words under his own free will he admitted he act it killed his kids twice before that was ever said. Shanann was found in a shallow grave at an oil site near the drums., This is why Shanann had no defensive injuries, and this technique would account for everything in her autopsy, from blood alcohol/ethanol levels to an unbroken hyoid bone I agree. Autopsy reports for Bella and Celeste say that the necks of the children were swabbed even though they were in a container of oil, water, and associated sludge matter.

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