Chris Sabat has a recording studio Funimation uses. It's kind of absurd really, but what we can judge vic by are his actions, and if his actions have been shown to be well crappy and somethingbeing held responsible for, so be it. Girls, boys, men, women, parents, victims, lawyers, fans, nonfans. Some people believe he might be Iago due to his behavior. Fired from studios, able to still work in industry, Fired from studios, unable to work in industry, Nothing and keep his roles and con appearances. YellowFlash2 - I believe he covered ComicsGate, but a Youtuber who covers Anime news and formerly recognized as the leader of the IStandWithVic movement coming up with the term AnimeGate to address the situation at hand. You'reright though, that evidence is not facts. You must log in or register to reply here. Watch Shimoneta as that's exactly what's happening to our world right now. Vic Supporters are gonna be saltyand Im glad. I hope he's innocent, but kinda doubt it as even if one of the aligations is true Vic is in boiling hot water. I would have to say anyone who knew the title and thus could research what it was about and still did it is a piece of shit. Mignogna has been a well-known English voice in anime for over two decades, starring in popular series including Fullmetal Alchemist and Dragon Ball. That's just my advice. And don't worry, they'll all be turning on each other very soon. Additional Notes: They are on a mission to put a stop to Social Jackwagons. Amanda Win Lee - Another Funimation VA who is strongly against Vic and has say a lot of nasty things. No its fine because he was Edward tho., Years ago in 2008 I attended my first ever anime con dressed as Fai Flourite, a character Vic played in the dub (I did not know this then, the anime was notoriously bad and I only read the manga). Do you think this is the first time that it's happened? Sony will be fine. He is currently pursuing legal action to clear his name. Reading up on the wiki of Shield Hero is pretty cringey. Also tries to stay in touch with fans by doing Unlock and attending cons who will have him. Over the past few weeks with the release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, accusations and stories have piled up mainly from convention goers about Mignogna's alleged antisemitic comments, general unease with LGBTQ+ elements in anime and fandom, and sexual misconduct with young, presumably starstruck con goers (hugging, kissing, groping, inviting them up to his hotel room). They just randomly found pictures and used them in an article about some Vic Mignonia heat. This became quite the web which could have been halted or at least slowly fumed out but oh no the VAs wanted more of this and began speaking out and saying things they probably shouldn't have. I will say that cheating on your wife isn't something you should be fired for. Took a look at hero hei's uploads before watching that vid, saw some SJW ATTACK MY HERO kind of crap(among other typical animu degenerate nonsense)and yeah hard pass dude. Man, I barely watch anime that has origins in this millennium myself. -"Nick, our fearless leader" - Basically since #KickVic keep assuming Nick is Vic's attorney it's a joke that he's the main person behind the whole movement. Qrows VA was a sexual harasser, was fired from RT and Funimation after allegations came out, decided to fire a frivolous lawsuit in an attempt to silence/punish his victims and the people supporting them, it failed spectacularly. Adam Sheehan - Director of events for Crunchyroll. Rooster Teeth - Would've been neutral if it weren't for certain VAs dragging them deeper into this mess. The saddest part is that he was willing to let this all go and still hold Ty's law firm back from destroying these people. Michael Quinn, vice president of Rooster Teeth 's product and engineering, was arrested this week on November 18 under allegations of domestic violence against his wife. So why was Vic a target? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Especially in a place where a lot of people who hate him are going to be around. This also happened years ago probably when his ego was the highest so perhaps he had a warped mindset. The wording of this post made me think Vic was suing RT. And if I heard right, Sony had involvement meaning they'll have to be involved in the lawsuit. Simple words whether they be false or true ruining guys would just come up more and more and train wreck more lives. Is it because her really close friend jewwario sexually assaulted people and she is mortified to jump at any sight this happen? Maybe there was some dirty play in there. Yeah, I heard about the homophobia and antisemitism. More people began to question the truth behind this and most people saw how these people were acting and how they or other people were being treated and formed the #IStandWithVic to support and try to clear his name. It's an umbrella term that essentially sums up people who have different opinions and creates an "us vs them" mindset, by creatinga crude caricature of the opposition. The one who posted most of those allegations as heshe said falsified evidence. (If they did thats a 1st and 5th amendment violation) and that would easily bankrupt the whole convention. These people are willing to damage themselves and their revenue to make sure he doesn't go to a single con. That tweet blew up like crazy. You call the cases "amusing,' which gives an impression of downplaying the allegations and there even feels like this sense of hoping he is innocent (which admittedly is a bit understandable as no one wants to see a celebrity they like turn out to be an asshole), but to me this sort of exemplifies the whole issue in how sexual harassment and general mistreatment towards women from men of power gets overlooked and excused in favor of defending society's little image of said man that's been built up. I imagine that will be messy. They tend to cover some of this news and drama within the Dragon Ball community. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. It's doing very well and the prosecution is taking action. The more important news is that Ron Toyenow has a lawyer apparently. when the hiring of the professional VA's happened after he passed away? He's often regarded as the head of the #IStandWithVic for having the best connections and most useful information. Whether Vic is innocent or not, this is one messed up industry that really needs some cleanup, but that isn't what the people in this job's are. RT cut all ties with Vic at the start of the year and Vic is suing funimation and a handful of other voice actors, but it has nothing to do with RT. I think I finally get the picture of what the heck is going on and in all honesty, it's really stupid how it came to this. Wouldn't a better outlook on life be looking at a man who didn't do these thingsuntilthere is believable proof they did such things. They were the ones who made a very falsified article which started giving Vic very, very bad publicity. Just picture the KickVic side doing every possible dirty thing they can do over the Internet and that's all you need to know about these idiots. To quote the Wikipedia article (if that doesn't illustrate how dismissive the claim that sexual harassment is a "loose term" is, I'm not sure what will) the term sexual harassment can go as far back as 1973 in a report called "Saturn's Rings" by Mary Rowe, and allegedly goes back even farther than that. Been rumors about him for a long time, im suprised he chose to respond. Jessie Pridemore is unlikely due to the the Todd case, but Marzgirl, Han Leia, Jamie Pridemore, Shane, Sean Schemmel, Ron Toye, RoosterTeeth, and Sony are up in the air. Just log onto Twitter and type KickVic and you'll be amazed what you see. Maybe if you've had arguments multiple times with people about the way you present your argument, it's because there's an actual issue they're responding to thatis present in it and that you should do some introspection. She's mostly famous for false flagging people to try and get their videos demonitized or removed through strikes and probably would try to get people banned if she could. You misinterpret why this is done. He's doing them because the fans really want him to be there and to interact with him. SUSAN HIGHTOWER UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE . These pieces of shit drove the narrative so gullible fans would believe it and then spread it like a wildfire to convince the less gullible people to believe it. That Umbrella Guy (TUG) - Hey thereit's a notable Youtuber who covered ComicsGate and is known for his soothing Louisiana Voice. Something went wrong. You can place your bets they are saving their best cards (one of them is expecting anti-slap to be their legal defense), but what's more likely is that these people are quite guilty. 9, our middle school AMVs, and more . People have been posting and commenting about the lawsuit here since it started. There's even various categories for types of harassers and the kind of harassing they tend to do and what kind of situation they commit the act in. Or you can check out this long twitter thread from lawyer Akiva Cohen, which gives some background and a breakdown of the verdict. It actually isn't illegal to do something like thatbut you do lose all credibility which a number of these people managed to do. I love how the narrative of him has changed from a Blackface lawyer to leaking information on his case to only pretending to be a lawyer. And if you're wondering if people are still mad at Funimation: People still are. I would be jealous and a bit spiteful too if all my hard work was overshadowed by this forgettable character. Mignogna appealed the decision. More likely to sue his lawyers given how they handled the case. I'm sorry. Good job, Kameha Con for not giving into harassment and blackmail. People responsible for fabrications and such, yeah that garbage is NOT okay and really screw those guys., we should be able to agree on that. They were also angry at companies like FUNimaiton doing the same thing and he's currently suing them for defamation. Doesn't mean I want them fired for being asses or crappy (wellmore like I wouldn't pursue trying to cause that action). They'd go the full mile. Nobody liked him and the Broly movie was done and over so they had no reason to keep him on if people all hated him. What I found would probably blow you away. Gonna be honest, when people get hit with these sort of accusations and keep a level head or stay "professional"it makes me more suspicious of them, not less. I'm just happy right now. Edit: News update! Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Store Channels About Recently uploaded Popular 1:56 Secret Gus -. We actually just recieved. Evenif you gave him the benefit of the doubt he's bad at reading body language and can't sense personal barriers, that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have done it or been in that situation in the first place. Here's what I believe on that matter: Vic is a nice person who probably got into the habit of doing stuff unintentionally which made people uncomfortable. The only other people (besides Pridemore but she's a special snowflake) were coworkers of his. I really don't like a lot of these people so the image of these people super pissed and angry brings and even bigger smile and a bit of laughter. How? Producer/Composer/Arranger/Editor of Stage Directions Inc. He has spoken out on quite a number of times about the random things these people are doing. Really not a smart move on Vic's part if this whole io9 thing is true. Clear editor. LOL So much for all those "Vic is innocent and gonna pwn this case", probably making more videos about RT and Funimation going bankrupt. Do I believe that? Trust me, I'm dying to know the dark secrets of these people because if that's Vic, I can only imagine the people who kept him around for 15 years is like. . Some people do it for attention. That mostly explains Sabat and Schemmel and possibly a number of DB VAs who probably would be happy to never see him ever again. I think Monica and Chris (especially Chris) used their connections to convince all of those cons that Vic was a sexual predator to cancel all of those bookings. That's basically tame 4chan but one of their first posts cover it nicely. Anime voice actor Vic Mignogna has filed a million-dollar lawsuit against Funimation and industry colleagues Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and Ronald Toye in Tarrant County, Texas District Court. But to end things on a more humorous note, just imagine a judge spending so many trials reading thousands of tweets and what is going through his mind. Very interesting and totally not related. From that more people spread it until everyone is aware. It's a scummy move but sometimes even if someone is innocent you have to take action for the sake of your reputation. Additional Notes: Sometimes his daughter comes on to give stories about the Pink Death Note. They don't like Vic, they wanted him out, that didn't happen. Decided just to make a seperate post. Many of these are basically apologize and get on with your life scenarios. Ron Toye - This : ) is : ) Monica : ) Rial's : ) fiance : ) who : ) has : ) been : ) white : ) knighting : ) her : ) during : ) this : ) whole : ) situation : ) and : ) acts : ) tough : ) but : ) is : ) kind : ) of : ) a : ) pussy : ). So what does all this nonsense mean? Are they not given the title of the work? Also if you are interested Nick Rekieta is going to have Vic's attorney Ty Beard will be on his livestream for the first hour starting out 11pm CT (pretty much anhourafter this post). I think the true irony here is that Funimation was willing to let Vic go due to the course of unprofessional actions, but we are seeing others doing very unprofessional actions which they as well should be accountable for. The Supreme Court of Texas has denied formerly popular voice . If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. I've hated this fuck for years and not just for being a really shitty voice actor. The Amazon Legion of Doom (ALOD)- A nickname Ty Beard gave the female lawyers of his firm. Beard Harris's targets most likely are Funimation, ANN, Monica Rial, and Chris Sabat. "Mr. Wright, would you care to explain to me what this 'Twitter' is?". Instead, it was simply something we had to tell each other via word of mouth, and I heard it often in the years between 2008 and 2019. Neither Rooster Teeth nor Mignogna have commented further on if mounting misconduct allegations on social media prompted this, but its Mignognas highest-profile firing since fans began making public allegations of misconduct last month. FUNimation is, IMO, in the same boat here. And it's only being formally addressed /now/. Blaming the voice actors on the material is absolutely an awful thing to do and I can't understand why people are blaming them for working on a project. There is undeniable proof on that matter due to certain people saying certain things. I think there's a couple phrases that sum up my thoughts. But for those who want the tl;dr version: An ANN article gets posted which the girl calls out about her pic getting used without her permission in a situation that happened entirely different. Monica Rial - This well known VA for her many roles often ends up being the one causing the most trouble. . They even donated on Rekieta's livestream as a way to advertise his appearance. I remember being in high school in the late 2000s and even back then I heard bad shit about Vic. Likes to talk to girls dressed as his characters so . : ) fiance : ) who : ) has : ) been : ) white : ) knighting : ) her : ) during : ) this : ) whole : ) situation : ) and : ) acts : ) tough : ) but : ) is : ) kind : ) of : ) a : ) pussy : ). Nothing much happens to anyone and we move on. It a level of intellectual dishonesty I just can't resonate with in a civildiscussion. The Rooster Teeth Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Vic's a D-Lister (F-Lister now?) Vic Mignogna WAS a successful voice actor that was fired from RWBY due to being a real awful person and hurting a lot of people. There's thousands of pieces of info to dig through so it's very easy to miss something or even accidentally skip important events or missed any important names. RT did right by cutting ties. Kameha Con - While they will never say it, they believe in due process and were willing to do the right thing even when they really kind of didn't have to taking a risk to invite Vic back and are so happy with the fan support. Wouldn't it make more sense if the allegations mentioned this detail as it would make more sense why he did what he did. Someone would have. This isn't for LGBT people who can see through this shit with ease. I doubt that their Law team would just let Gavin toss 3 coins to see if he stays or goes. He later got a couple articles made giving him some flack but nothing has happened to him so far. Most lawfirms have like 10 guys at most looking and finding this info but IStandWithVic is at least a thousand strong hunting this info down. He's one of the first round people to be suedI think. I know he's had confrontations with Yaoi fans, however. Then we've got VAs which really kind of helps clear something up with weird allegations on them. You don't think Bubba Fest or Kameha Con is not going to send those? What I'm about to say is pretty much just speculation trying not to get caught up in the parts of the story that don't matter. This picture was taken down and removed due to this. They also succeeded in getting the fees shifted, making Mignogna personally responsible for $223,000 in legal fees.. Season 3 Episode 1 - Fiona Nova is back to host a special episode of This Just Internet for Black History month, but this time things are a little different. I'm not even sure Monica will even have a job to go back to even if she was sexually harassed. You know what, I'm in a good mood. They have been willing to talk and discuss things with the IStandWithVic side and are allies through this. I don't want to tell you not to believe women, but I've seen so many dishonest people when accusing someone of something I have a hard time believing anything anymore which is really sad. I know this site isn't dumb enough to start a war or hate mob so I hope to god I don't have to send and archive anything from here. thats why there were no court charges when they let him go. So I decided to make it myself to see how it tasted. The case attracted a lot of discourse, including a now legendary twitter thread of lawyers and enthusiasts mostly debating accounts with anime profile pics. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As someone that was entrenched in anime voice actor fan circles in the early 2000s, absolutely none of this surprises me. If this were a perfect world it'd be that simple, but this had to stem from something and that's where we talk about Funimation. If you had an opinion before and it remained unchanged, good for you. Victor Joseph Mignogna (/ m n j n /); born August 27, 1962) is an American voice actor and musician known for his voice-over work in the English dubs of Japanese anime shows, such as Edward Elric from the Fullmetal Alchemist series, which earned him the American Anime Award for Best Actor in 2007. And even after knowing there are 100s of people watching and archiving every move these people make to send as evidence to the lawsuit (saving 1000s of bucks). And people can totally remember some random encounter they were comfortable 6 years ago with which now somehow makes them uncomfortable. And having a wife and a daughter wouldn't stop a someone from "fooling around" with girls. I want to ask you and people questions which is will make sense why I stand with Vic even doing these things. Your view of Vic was more than likely skewed. Of course he called during their off hours. Yes, thousands and thousands of people want to be around this "sexual predator" and will keep fighting until they know for certain he's dangerous and most would gladly embrace in his sexual assaulting hugs. You can look them up in the link if you want and I shouldn't need to say this but don't message these guys please: After PULL (I have plenty of things to say about that one) began bad-mouthing her, she became a full-on StandWithVic supporter creating a Youtube channel to help show important highlights of streams such as Rekieta's, Additional Notes: She's very well liked among the Youtubers for being very respectful and handling everything with care before passing info on. Display as a link instead, The ANN article was posted one day before Funimation hired Vic. But i wanted to jump in this thread because I got a buddy in a group chat that's been sharing like..3 or 4 videos from YouTubers claiming that KickVic is losing movement and Balma's voice actress faking things. I think Todd is suing simply due to her spreading this around and it affecting his work ethic (which he also had a false allegation with hair pulling earlier). What if I told you that every single allegation was from a left wing activists or what most people refer to as an SJW? The "Vic Supporters" have been making the argument that Vic's defense and lawsuit have merit behind them. It'sdegradingand always unwelcomed, no matter how innocent the comment or action may be. We have "Iago" (who more or less seems to be Chris Sabat) who has been messaging these cons along with some other VAs including "Iago" in which they tell these cons claiming him to be a sexual predator and that having him at the con would damage their con if not straight up ruin them. These guys begged him not to sue as well. I was considering making a topic about this but wasn't sure how it'd be received. Trust me, gossip groups warp your mind which is where a lot of these allegations come from. I hope the damages are minimal and Vic at least has a career to go back to as it certainly won't be with Rooster Teeth or Funimation. One of the youtubers in the vids I've posted is a lawyer. When he's not working, Jack is playing PlayStation 5, working on his sci-fi novel at a cafe, or planning his next backpacking trip. I wish some of these people would end up in jail for what they're doing. I believe in standing by victims, but apparently that's only for "SJW sheep". Nothing illegal and nothing worthy of being fired. If you are going to twist my words or try to say this is all an act and he's a terrible person, just leave. Just how? Possibly some sexual misconducts. I'm uncomfortable condemning everyone involved with Shield Hero completely because some of the people working on it (the dub at least) are factually good people, and I think condemning someone for doing a voice in a cartoon is a bit much, especially when anime roles pay peanuts so they take what they can get (I mean, Carrie Keranen and Dan Green moonlighted as hentai VAs for a time, lol) but I will say,it's definitely a humongous red flag to be concerned about for those into it. Because I'd be interested to see a screenshot of that thread. When I said no, she was visibly relieved, and said to me, "That's good. We found out there was such evidence from Funimation's investigation which we found out from a Funimation VA Monica Rial who said she took part in this investigation and that there was indeed evidence. holy shit this still was going on? To put it simply: Vic Mignonia is a well loved and known member of the VA industry performing many iconic roles such as Junpei from Persona 3, Edwin Elrich from Full Metal Alchemist, Qrow from RWBY, Junpei from Persona 3 just to name a few. ------------------------------------------------------------. On December 30, his appeal was dismissed again. Well Vic wasn't the first target as Todd Haberkorn was accused of hair tugging someone which was proven false (which ironically was used in a number of allegations for Vic) and since that didn't work they moved to the big Dragon Ball star the Dragon Ball VAs seem to absolutely hate. If I had to describe him with one sentence, it would be this: he loves his fans. Just some food for thought. Sign up for the This is if these situations happened exactly like the women described (we do know that these events did happen since Vic confirmed many of them) and if there is proof in all of them not giving consent. This gets better. Senpai'sHome - Another Youtuber who covers this Vic situation who is probably most famous for getting blocked or banned often first. Looking at that now, it probably wasn't a good choice seeing how this would've blown over keeping him or on probation. Its unclear right now if he will appeal, but all that will do is end up increasing the money he will owe once the appeal fails and dragging the court case on for a couple more years. Two reasons: The Broly movie was done and over and Chris Sabat. Almost everyone is telling him to just admit he was wrong with take the L posts. First off, I was saying Vic cheating on his wife would be a ridiculous way to go, not the reason he was fired from Funimation. The only problem with this is that his army of fanatics have decided to attack anyone who attempts to see him as anything other than their infallible messiah. These VAs are absolutely going to throw her under the bus to try and save their own tails and she probably won't have much afterwards. Clownfish TV - If there was one person in the entire situation that was neutral, it would be this guy. Edit: SoI did some moredigging and wow it really has been a open secret for the pas 10 years as there's warnings about im on sites like livejournal and something awful forums. He loves being Goku so, so much so he might sell everyone out. Upload or insert images from URL. I mean I look like I'm sided one way but I'm more against letting people speak and treat others with just disrespect or straight up harassing them. This hatred makes them believe a man is something that he may be not. You can't paint yourself as less biased or "skewed" when you're deliberately writing to make your opinion seem the most reasonable and right. maverickmak 4 mo. Original Post for those wondering (I don't like deleting stuff: You know it's bad when I'm siding with a guy who most likely conducted some form of sexual harassment. I think it was just a bunch of whining until these KickVic VAs had their way. Your link has been automatically embedded. It's honestly rather jarring and very hard to really like what I said to agree with a negative perspective of someone. Sean Schemmel - The voice of Goku. Funimation - A company who screwed up royally they are easy to target for a lawsuit. Seriously, someone tell me how Vic will be proven guilty when the most reliable allegations were from liars. for agreeing to localize it. I simple used it for the hypocrisy of Funimation with it. Vas had their way these things more and more Vic 's defense and lawsuit have merit behind them good... At companies like FUNimaiton doing the same boat here seeing how this would blown. Post made me think Vic was more than likely skewed keeping him or probation. 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