These quotes encapsulate the divine ideals/philosophies of each archon, and have been used as ripe material for speculation on the future nations/archons. Theres jumping right into the middle with Sulu and ONeil being chased, then the intrigue of red hour and Hacoms comment about how the landing party is too young to be excused from the festival. Probably what I love most about this series is that the bad guys are bad and get what they deserve, and the good guys are good and noble and honorable - none of the annoying gray space that so many movies and books now live in where truly awful and evil people are really just misunderstood - ugh. Peace for all. Lawgivers appear, demanding Kirk accompany them, and this time, Kirk's refusal results in an immediate death threat. Kirk and Spock discuss this with the Landru computer, asking it difficult questions it has evidently never had to answer; questions about whether its approach to creating the good is really creating evil. I got started on the Omega Force series and can't put it down. Yet, is delved into or explained at all. ", "Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. And then he drops the bombshell, mentioning casually that Landru pulled the Archons from the sky Kirk contacts the Enterprise, and learns that heat beams are focused on the ship. Spock." Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. [CDATA[ Reger warns against bringing him along, but Kirk cannot bring himself to abandon a member of his crew. "That is very kind of you, Captain. The evil must be destroyed! "Yes. [11] This was actor Jon Lormer's second appearance on Star Trek. The Enterprise leaves Lindstrom and a team behind to help guide them back to normality. Welcome aboard. Creator: Gene Roddenberry Genre (s): Drama, Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction Season 1 Episodes tbd S1:E29. Marplon intervened to prevent both Kirk and Spock from being absorbed, and returns their phasers to Spock. McCoy is actually pretty calm early on in the episode, which is probably so that itll be a bigger contrast when he goes bugnuts crazy later on. They had been told by Bilar and Tula, two passersby, that Reger could rent them rooms for after Festival. [20] The doors to the Hall of Audiences were a reuse of doors previously seen in the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" This book and those in this series are definitely military science fiction and a joy to read. When the landing party refuses to come with the Lawgivers, the Lawgivers become immobile. The Return of the Archons. He does find one thing interesting; the lawgiver's reaction to Kirk's defiance was similar to a computer's when fed insufficient data. Is, animal-human hybrids are just as "Nephilim" as angel-human hybrids, it, It was the practice of transhuman, genetic engineering, which resulted in all flesh becoming corrupted. Without creativity, there is no life. He later appeared as Jaris, ruler of Argelius II, in the second-season episode "Wolf in the Fold". Kirk and Spock argue that because the computer has destroyed the creativity of the people by disallowing their free will, it is evil and should self-destruct, freeing the people of Beta III. It has to be earned. To boldly go. Uninstall them. At six oclock the following morning, everyone stops rioting and wanders the streets as if nothing has happened. Who knew? Spock mentions the Prime Directive of noninterference, but Kirk dismisses that as applying to a living, breathing culture, not a stagnant one. [25] Scholar M. Keith Booker notes that the episode presents Kirk "at his most American", valuing struggle against obstacles as the highest virtue and denouncing the Betan utopia (equated with Stalinism) as dehumanizing. Like. This could be a seriously meaty episode, but it all falls flat and feels as hollow as the lawgivers sticks of doom. Mr. Spock: That is very kind of you, Captain. This computer, now calling itself Landru, and speaking with the human Landru's voice, was entrusted with the care of the Body, the society of Beta III. The teaser and Act 1 have some great stuff. Another solid installment in the Omega Force series. See also ", "Captain, our Prime Directive of non-interference." When Lt. Sulu (George Takei) returns to the Enterprise without his partner on the landing party, muttering dazedly about paradise, Captain Kirk (William Shatner) must investigate a strange planet. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. However, the Archons do not respect the limits of their living space, nor do they respect the limits of the purposes for which they were created., While the Archons cannot physically touchdown on Planet Earth, they can project their thoughts telepathically and their images holographically. Lotsa guests in this one: Harry Townes as Reger, Torin Thatcher as Marplon, Brioni Farrell as Tula, Sid Haig as the first lawgiver, Charles Macaulay as the image of Landru (hell be back in Wolf in the Fold as Jaris), Morgan Farley as Hacom (hell return in The Omega Glory as a Yang scholar), Jon Lormer as Tamar (who previously played the image of a Columbia crewmember in The Cage and The Menagerie, and will return as the old man in For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky), and Ralph Maurer as Bilar (well see him again as a Nazi in Patterns of Force). Cant we just reverse the polarity? The preview trailer gives the stardate for this episode as 3192.1 (versus 3156.2, in the episode's dialogue). The single, important benefit of this episode is the creation of the Prime Directive, something that will become a cornerstone of Star Trek throughout the following fifty years. Ultimately, they want to destroy all that makes you human, your hopes, your dreams, your joys, especially they want to destroy your spirituality., May we all stand tall together in the face of those forces, here and elsewhere, that seek to enslave us., Money is a tool of control invented by the Archons and implemented by your banking families., The Illuminati are the willing terrestrial servants of the Lord Archon, who demands everything from pedophilia and child sacrifice to war and chaos as offerings that create loosh., The Artificial Intelligence. [14], "The Return of the Archons" introduces for the first time the Federation's Prime Directive. They manage to subdue him and Galloway, and then do likewise for the two lawgivers who respond to McCoys screaming. Once out of danger, Reger explains the whole thing: he is a resistance fighter against the Brown Cloaks and their master, Landru, who controls the people via Mind Control, and polices them with the Brown Cloaks; anyone out of its thrall is told You Will Be Assimilated (so, nothing like the Borg, then), and are killed if they can't be. Spock tries to mind-meld with McCoy, but even he cant get past the brainwashing. Captain Kirk beams down with a larger landing party all wearing clothing in the style of those worn by Sulu and O'Neil to investigate. And, according to a report from Scotty, its happening to the Enterprise. Through his tricorder, Spock discovers a source of immense power, radiating from a point near the landing party's location. [29] Corey points out that the episode seems to draw heavily on German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz's "Principle of Radical Optimism", which concludes that ours is the best of all possible worlds because it contains the conditions for human existence (and not because it has a greater or lesser number of moral evils). They take O'Neill with them, but keep him sedated on Reger's advice. They were more like science fiction horror than anything else. From now on, the inhabitants of Beta III must find their own answers. Notice, genetic engineering mixing species and creating hybrids that were never meant to exist., Does mixing human seed with animal seed open up "portals" for demons to enter?, The one thing that differentiates the days of Noah from any other time in history is the mixing of seed, resulting in the creation of hybrids., Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim. Timeline Previous Next Your View. I prefer the concrete, the graspable, the provable., Youd make a splendid computer, Mr. Spock.. The Red Hour is potently intriguing, and its eerily depicted. Unless, that is, Kirk wants to willfully ignore it, as he does here. Without creativity, there is no life." The lawgivers are relieved by a man named Marplon, who turns out to be part of the same resistance as Reger and Tamar. Spock, acting as instructed, makes his way back to the cell, pretending to be as mindlessly happy as Beta III's inhabitants. "Alien Parasites are what the Gnostics call 'Archons.'. What they find isn't promising; a giant Lotus-Eater Machine disguised as a 19th-century town, where every Victorian-clad citizen is nice and friendly and not at all a Stepford Smileruntil the evening falls, during which they, wellaren't. It has to be earned." to Marplon: Kirk : "Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. | Kirk is taken to a futuristic room: the absorption chamber. Season 1, Episodes 22 They give these individuals what is essentially a computer virus. Marplon reveals that he wasnt able to help McCoy or Galloway, but he keeps Spock normal the way he did Kirk. | Sulu and ONeil have been sent down to Beta III, dressed in native clothes, searching for evidence of the U.S.S. When his life clashes it makes for an interesting story. They also expect to make money doing what they do and if not from those they help, then from their benefactor, Crisstof Dalton, a very wealthy individual who believes in their cause. Reger says its Landru summoning the body. Through it all the crew grows in the face of danger and continues to have fun with each other. Return of the Archon Quotes Showing 1-4 of 4 "He had pinged Kellea's personal com unit so he know it would take her a bit to break away and answer it depending on what hour it was on the ship." Joshua Dalzelle, Return of the Archon 0 likes Like "The universal constant about the galaxy's bottom feeders: if you don't understand it, shoot at it." "The Return of the Archons" Written by Gene Roddenberry and Boris Sobelman Directed by Joseph Pevney Season 1, Episodes 22 Production episode 6149-22 Original air date: February 9, 1967. ", "This is a soulless society, Captain. Written by Gene Roddenberry and Boris Sobelman Do you think this one is? Apparently, its up to the captain to decide when the Prime Directive applies. Contacting the ship, Kirk learns that heat beams from the planet are attacking the Enterprise, which must use all its power for its shields. Reger tells Kirk about the arrival of the first Archons: many were killed, many more were absorbed. A delusional person has false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions. Notice". Spock is concerned this would violate the Prime Directive, but Kirk opines that the directive applies to living, growing cultures, of which this is not. What is the point of the violent "Festival"? The Landru hologram declares that, for the good of the body, the landing party must die, as must everyone who saw them or spoke to them. Do you think this one is? Apparently, its up to the captain to decide when the Prime Directive applies. The Return of the Archons (Podcast Episode 2018) - Quotes - IMDb Edit The Return of the Archons (2018 Podcast Episode) Quotes It looks like we don't have any Quotes for this title yet. O'NEIL: It's no use, Mister Sulu. [23], Eric Greene observes that "Return of the Archons" is the first time Star Trek attempted to deal with issues of war and peace raised by the Vietnam War, and established a template that would be used in a number of subsequent episodes such as "A Taste of Armageddon", "This Side of Paradise", and "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky". Peace for all. This website cannot be displayed as your browser is extremely out of date. Their arrival is shortly followed by the "Festival", a period of violence, destruction, and sexual aggression.[7]. What happens after Kirk destroys the only thing keeping this planet running? Quotes submission guide. The landing party is imprisoned in a dungeon. Reger and Marplon tell how Landru saved their society from war and anarchy 6,000 years ago and reduced the planet's technology to a simpler level. And then he drops the bombshell, mentioning casually that Landru pulled the Archons from the sky Kirk contacts the Enterprise, and learns that heat beams are focused on the ship. Finally, his parents were from Texas (he was born there), where "Catholic" meant neighboring Louisiana (and Mexico, of course). Captains log. It Should", "What 'Star Trek 4' Could Learn From These 'Star Trek' Episodes", "Star Trek: How a Classic TOS Episode Influenced The Purge", "The Purge Director Admits Which Star Trek Episode Influenced His Movie. Ultimately, they convince the computer that it is the evil, and that it must destroy the evil and it does so, exploding and ceasing to function. First they had to go to Crusher's home-world and break Crusher's mentor out of prison, and to find out Crusher was like a king to his people. Spock, Dr. McCoy, sociologist Lindstrom, and two security guards, Leslie and Galloway, form the balance of the landing party. Upon materializing in the USS Enterprise's transporter room, he is in a strange mental state stating to Captain Kirk that the planet below is "Paradise, my friend. Spock protests: Captain, our Prime Directive of non-interference and Kirk retorts: That refers to a living, growing culture. | Creativity is one of Kirk's best leadership traits and in the episode he explains that all of humanity would be lost without it. A hologram of Landru appears before the landing party, referring to them as a disease. Done in by Kirks total bullshit, the computer smokes and explodes. "Return of the Archons" puts Kirk's rugged individualism against a hive-mind like society that craves structure and control more than anything else. Spock, noting that in a society as well organized as Beta III's appears to be, he cannot see how an oversight like that can go on uncorrected. Humanity is under siege. Immediately upon being beamed down, Spock notices a strangeness in the people they encounter; a kind of contented mindlessness expression on their faces. The Archons keep people distracted with pornography and drugs, with sports and alcohol, with material possessions, exotic vacations, artificial reality, addiction to various pleasures, along with dreams of the artificial technological paradise of: radical life-extension, transhumanism, nootropics and Brain Computer Interfaces. In other words, they follow orders like an army of automatons., When the Christos saw the distress of Sophia, He traveled from the Pleroma to help awaken Sophia from her nightmare and to help her in her struggle against the mechanical robotic imitations of humanity., Archons are basically cosmic bureaucrats. Written by Boris Sobelman (based on a story by Gene Roddenberry), and directed by Joseph Pevney, it first aired on February 9, 1967.. The Return of the Archons. Error rating book. Spock explaining his worldview, Kirk insulting him, and Spock refusing delivery on the insult. In the episode, the crew of the Enterprise visit a seemingly peaceful planet whose inhabitants are "of the Body", controlled . LOL). And, Marplon claims, Landru is still alive. All comments must meet the community standards outlined in's Moderation Policy or be subject to moderation. Return of The Archons Stardate: 3156.2 Original Airdate: 9 Feb, 1967 [Street] (Two men in colonial style clothing, complete with One falls.) First they kill Tamar for disobedience, then they inform the landing party that they are not of the body and they will be absorbed. Its orbit is deteriorating and it will crash in 12 hours unless the beams are turned off. Remove them. It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift. Jason and his crew had so many problems it was crazy. The landing party, he says, will be absorbed and subverted into the common good of the body. To ensure the becalmed Beta III civilians moved at the same time as each other, prerecorded drumbeats were played on the exterior set then muted during post-production. We have destroyed ourselves! Or likely release the emotions that are otherwise kept under wraps for the rest of the year; have to be vented sometime, similar to Vulcans. $grfb.init.done(function() { It never goes anywhere. The landing party awaken in a cave-like cell, but McCoy, Galloway, and O'Neil are missing. 11 - 'Tomorrow is Yesterday', Court Martial' and 'Return of the Archons. Evidently, this is the fate that awaits the entire landing party. 12 Feb 2023 15:00:01 . Great series, great characters and a thoroughly enjoyable read. To that end, it has enslaved all members of that society, and those who visit, in a thralldom of happiness that is stagnant and without creativity. Kirk leaves the ship's sociologist to guide the colony to a more "human" existence, and goes gallivanting off to a new adventure. I think hes supposed to be playing a stoned, computer-driven character, which I suppose he nails. This story was very interesting because we got to learn about Crusher and his home planet - lots of fun surprises there! I am really hooked on this series, kind of burning through the books. And then none of that is followed up on. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Are you of the body? Whats most frustrating about this dreadful episode is that it starts out promising. Your email address will not be published. The moment the clock strikes six, everyone stopped moving in tandem, then goes berserk, trashing and burning things, grabbing women and carrying them off. Tamar thinks that they simply have different ways in the valley (where theyre pretending theyre from), but Hacom says that Landru is all-seeing and they have lawgivers in the valley, too. Discussing Landru and his society, Kirk and Spock reach the same conclusion: the society has no spirit, no spark; Landru's orders are being issued by a computer. The Archons do this so that humanity does not have the time or opportunity to observe what is really happening in the world. Archons are deceivers par excellence. The Archons, in fact, are much less powerful than the Aeons who live in the Pleroma. They destroy your passion for learning, and infiltrate and sabotage the educational system. Kirk asks Landru what is the good? What is their purpose? Landru says this is a world without hate, fear, conflict, disease, or crime. Is it like. Production episode: 122. Sulu calls for beam-out, but ONeil is panicking and runs away. A delusional person is someone who has a belief that is held with an extremely strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. They start communing, which according to Reger means they have time to get away to somewhere safe. Be the first to contribute! Original air date: February 9, 1967 And the Landru computer winds up affecting the Ferengi a century hence in Caveat Emptor by Ian Edginton & Mike Collins. But then everyone stops moving. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Unfortunately for it, Kirk regains his Logic Bomb mojo and makes it explode by forcing it to realize it's harming the very people it sought to protect by stifling their free will and creativity (how Anvilicious of you). History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous. The struggle with the Prime Directive will drive many episodes from here on out. Return of the Archons. These guys are not white knights coming to the rescue, but they will get in and get dirty when needed. of Landru that they go crazy? [30], Zack Handlen of The A.V. They find the inhabitants living in a 19th-century Earth-style culture, ruled over by cloaked and cowled "Lawgivers" and a reclusive dictator, Landru.

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