So HuaweiRen Zhengfei, the head of Huawei, he can say, "Well, we're just a private company and we justwe don't take orders from the Communist Party." Can it feel excitement and fear? It's very powerful, Orwellian-like, and it's extremely troublesome in terms of civil liberty. A breakthrough moment when the world champion of the Asian board game Go takes on an AI program developed by Google. Mike Hicks is an economist at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. Can A.I. And please, tell all the workers how grateful these families will be. Gradescope . This will allow your brain to generate new thoughts and reflections. What's weird is that the numbers change essentially in the blink of an eye at one point in time, and it goes from really horizontal, unchanging, uninteresting to holy Toledo, crazy vertical. So now, there might be the need for two more fork truck drivers, or two more quality inspection personnel. And we've made gigantic strides with artificial intelligence in being able to do scene-understanding tasks, and that's obviously fundamental to being able to understand the world around you with the sensors that you have available. It's pretty fast. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as "A chronic, potentially life-threatening condition which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Hicks says that automation has been a mostly silent job killer, lowering the standard of living. The need is so great. AI-enabled technologies are predicted to generate over $2.9 Trillion USD in business by 2021 (WEF 2018). And what the Belt and Road ultimately does is it attempts to kind of create a political leverage for the Chinese spending campaign all over the globe. He laughed so hard. One of the first real experiences I can remember with artificial intelligence was the first GPS my parents bought. The daily mundane work of Swedish police officers has been studied to investigate how the use of. So if you're down for a week in a truck, you still have to pay your bills. I remember being fascinated by how the device knew where our car was at all times. Develop your point through body paragraph (s), and conclude your paper by exploring the meaning you derive from your reflection. And Ithere had been something in the press that day about privacy, in the paper, and I remember asking himhe worked for Google"What's the big deal about allwhy are people so worked up about it?" This is what happened when a woman who had been diagnosed with breast cancer started to ask questions about why it couldnt have been diagnosed earlier. In 2017, Xi Jinping announced the governments bold new plans to an audience of foreign diplomats. I did my homework, Im telling you. And I don't care what the robot manufacturers say, you aren't replacing those 10 production people that that robot is now doing that job with 10 people. I will post some . He has said Facebook will now make data protection a priority, and the company has suspended tens of thousands of third-party apps from its platform as a result of an internal investigation. Now the course is about to end. And that's not a world that's good for anybody. And you're coming to my talk? In their groundbreaking book Human + Machine, Accenture technology, Background and aimsInformal workplace learning research suggests that it is highly contextual and social. The stuff we can communicate verbally is the tip of the iceberg. The market cap of all the firms arrayed against me was over $6 trillion. As automation has taken over, workers are either laid off or left with less skilled jobs for less pay while productivity goes up. Automations is definitely taking away a lot of jobs. Why are they doing that? Now, dealing with that challenge, and figuring out what the next generation of the American middle class should be doing, is a really important challenge, because I'm pretty confident that we are never again going to have this large, stable, prosperous middle class doing routine work. And this is going be something that was gonna be critically important in the future. We had a motor blow out$13,000. Among the companies is Megvii. And I started asking other questions. I believe about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by AI in the next 15 years or so. The tech companies had been publicly cautious but privately alarmed about regulation. Produced by: Neil Docherty. 00:00 Introduction 3:00 Meet Baby X The markets in Asia and the U.S. falling sharply on news that a top Chinese executive has been arrested in Canada. In the future, the research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as brain-computer interface (BCI) together with the development of the human brain will eventually usher in a strong AI era, when AI can simulate and . From patents, to transcripts of earnings calls; research reports. What we're talking about is collective punishment of an ethnic group. It's the future of this, not the past, that scares me. The commercial implications were enormous. I'm hoping that my concerns are not founded, but the stakes are so high that I don't think we should take these concerns lightly. AI is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. On the other hand, employers face important choices as to whether to, ABSTRACT This article explores the pragmatics of operationalizing reflection in experience-based workplace learning. The more data, the better the AI worksmore importantly than how brilliant the researcher is working on the problem. But what if humans mishandle this new power? The following paper presents both a historical and personal account of the societal and ethical issues arising in the development of artificial intelligence, tracking, where I was involved, the issues from the nineteen seventies onward. Now I've got a group of people at the top that are making all the money and I don't have anybody in the middle that can support a family. Eric Schmidt and Google declined to be interviewed for this program. On stage, Kai-Fu Lee dispenses with one common fear. Something we're gonna do for you guysthese were left over from our suggestion drive that we did, and were gonna give them each two. Meanwhile, they are researching and applying for patents to expand their reach into homes and lives. The Turing machine is the template all computers today are based on. . So Mactaggart decided that because he was holding a strong hand, it was worth negotiating with them. I find the reaction among other tech companies to at this point be pretty much all over the place. One was, "Oh, my goodness. But Cao and his team are confident theyre in for the long haul. Ayes, 36, noes, 0. NURY TURKEL, Uyghur Human Rights Project: Trying to have a normal life as a Uighur is impossible both inside and outside of China. A reflection paper is your flow of thoughts in an organized manner concerning any research paper topics. I mean, that'll really help that family out during the holidays. In all, he would spend $4 million of his own money in an effort to rein in the goliaths of Silicon Valley. Human learning and learning analytics in the age of artificial intelligence . In the Age of AI Reflection The film has five distinct messages about China's AI Plan, the Promise of AI, the Future of Work, Surveillance Capitalism, the Surveillance State. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. You can review similar texts and authorities to help you understand the content of the text. He's, "No way will they ever have a truck that can drive itself.". Only maybe three are at the magnitude of AI revolution: the steam engine, electricity and the computer revolution. AI reflections in 2020. The more things we build successfully, the less people ask questions about how old you are when you have working trucks. Questions for Discussion. When we formed empires and empires got overturned; when we tried democracy; when we invented zero and mathematics and fundamental discoveries about the universebig deal. The approach our projectgroup used was to find a big dataset to train and evaluate . Aging Reflection Paper. Nothing in China exists free and clear of the party state. This changes everything you thought you knew about innovation and strategy. What I've learned since is that their entire business is learning as much about you as they can. Googles new business model for predicting users profiles had migrated to other companies, particularly Facebook. I took money out of my son's piggy bank to pay for it because it's not scheduled in. If we do, we may have a chance of getting it right. Indeed, we have gone from the first computer that makes some calculations to machines like Watson, Deep Blue and AlphaGo able to compete and win against the best Chess players and the best Go players from around the world. What surveillance capitalism claims is private, human experience. [Crying]. It was unimaginable. I think that the government recognized that this was a sort of critical thing for the future and we need to catch up in this; that we cannot have a foreign company showing us up at our own game. My own involvement in the AI narrative begins with the early discussions around whether machines can think. MOLLY KINDER, Senior fellow, New America: How many people have gone into a fast-food restaurant and done a self-ordering? Anyone, yes? There are many aspects of the world which we can't explain with words. Her name is Sabrina Meng; she is the CFO of the Chinese telecom Huawei. Verify whether or not your instructor specified a word count for the paper instead of merely following this average. This is machines that are automating some of our skills but have made decisions about who we are. The next part of the outline is the body section. Yeah, self-driving. Half the jobs are going away." Just like AlphaGo can beat the human player in Go, I think the machine will definitely surpass the human driver, in the end. But while hearings are held and antitrust legislation threatened, the problem is that AI has already spread so far into our lives and work. When they went to write up these findings, they boasted about two things. Post a Question. China has a lot more users than any other countrythree to four times more than the U.S. STEVE LAMB, United Way, Saginaw, Michigan: Yep. And so we have conversations with people where we point out that the auto industry is better because there are safety standards. Well, I think there are so many myths out there. Everything that you do is producing data. Jaron Lanier, who pioneered virtual reality; and Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Andrew McAfee is a research scientist at MIT who co-authored The Second Machine Age.". You know, were one of the cities in the country that I think we were left behind in this recovery, and I justI dont know how we get on the bandwagon now. I mean, it's not a good situation in the United States. To dominate the world in AI, President Xi is depending on Chinese tech to lead the way. In this essay, you get a chance to write your point of viewand best of all, there is . After 300, it could do that better than a human player. and Kai-Fu Lee, the inventor of Apple's speech-recognition technology. News of the dramatic arrest of an important Huawei executive was ostensibly about the company doing business with Iran, but it seemed to be more about American distrust of the companys technology. In his book and in life, the computer scientist-come-venture capitalist walks a careful path. It's very interestingthe battery of the phone is related with their delinquency rate. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. It may not be specifically related to AI, but the AI will exacerbate that, and that, I think, will tear the society apart because the rich will have just too much, and those who are have-nots will have perhaps very little way of digging themselves out of the hole. . They didn't like the direction things were going. What we read, what we seewe're in charge. The modern notion of an algorithm, known as a Turing machine, was formulated in 1936 by British mathematician Alan Turing. They realized that they had to keep it secret. They're at higher risk for cardiovascular disease; they're at higher risk for depression and suicide. And so that is common from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and the middle swath of the United States. sts reflection information age why it is called information age? Absolutely. It's a little bit like the physicists around the Second World War who rose up to tell the governments, "Wait, nuclear power can be dangerous, and nuclear war can be really, really destructive." To address this gap, this position paper makes a critical reflection of theoretical, pedagogical, and computational aspects of AIEd by proposing three AIEd paradigms that use AI techniques in varied ways to address the learning and instructional issues in education. But now, in the age of AI, people come here to take in a spectacle that reflects Chinas remarkable progress and illuminates the great political paradox of capitalism taken root in the communist state. Three years earlier, the man's son had found himself on the side of the road with a . So, famously, industrial capitalism claimed natureinnocent rivers and meadows and forests, and so forthfor the market dynamic to be reborn as real estateas land that could be sold and purchased. Wow. And with AI making its impact, it'll be worse, I think. Reflection Paper on Artificial Intelligence. There's many factors that are driving inequality today, and unfortunately, artificial intelligence, without being thoughtful about it, is a driver for increased inequality because it's a form of automation, and automation is the substitution of capital for labor. And then they realized, "Wait a minute, theres all this data in the economy we dont have." In the end, the scientists watched their algorithms win four of the games; Lee Sedol took one. So Karl Marx was right: It's a struggle between capital and labor, and with artificial intelligence we're putting our finger on the scale on the side of capital. The Age of Artificial Intelligences: A Personal Reflection 4 stand its beginnings. Google, Facebook, AT&T and Comcast all opposed his initiative. Jobs go away. Criticism of the Chinese government is avoided, while capitalist success is celebrated. This study provided a content analysis of studies aiming to disclose how artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied to the education sector and explore the potential research trends and challenges of AI in education. A total of 100 papers including 63 empirical papers (74 studies) and 37 analytic papers were selected from the education and educational research category of Social Sciences . And this is what hes built. Reflection is critical to learning; yet, it is too often rote, haphazard, Handbook of Research on Innovative Management Using AI in Industry 5.0. So in the last 15 years the standard of living has dropped by 10% to 15%. This film will be truely judged in 20 years or so, when it can be assessed purely as a film, as with 'Blade Runner', '2001', and even 'The Thing', it will get better with age. The AI giants want to paint a rosier picture because they're happily making money, so I think they prefer not to talk about the negative side. You know, if you talk to South Koreans, then Lee Sedol is the world's greatest Go player; he's a national hero in South Korea. In the beginning, they had no clear business model. Right from the start, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they had been very public about their antipathy toward advertising. But what the Pentagon sees, the National Intelligence Council sees, and what the FBI sees is, "Well, maybe not yet." This was the public unveiling of a form of artificial intelligence called "deep learning" that mimics the neural networks of the human brain. But in interviews around the event and beyond, he takes a decidedly contrarian position on AI and job loss. It is a campaign that has alarmed human rights groups. Tom Chatfield. At MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab, Professor Regina Barzilay uses deep learning to teach the computer to understand language as well as read text and data. Then, 15 years ago, the lines crossed, and inequality has been increasing ever since. U.S. is ahead in technology; China has a larger market, and the Chinese government is helping with infrastructure efforts. The CEO shows us how quickly you can get a loan. Thank you. Mr. Secretary, please call the roll. MIKE CICCO, President and CEO, FANUC America: We've been producing robots for well over 35 years. Solutions that could come unexpectedly to urgent problems. Her studies included the early days of Google, started in 1998 by two young Stanford grad students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Artificial Intelligence, for example, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. Convey your thoughts on the experience or topic clearly and keep your writing concise to avoid meandering. That's big news. But authors Carl Frey and Michael Osborne offered a caution: They can't predict how many jobs will be lost, or how quickly. And we've seen massive infrastructure projects going in in places like Pakistan, in Venezuela, in Ecuador, in Boliviaall over the world; Argentina, in America's backyard; in Africa. While Google had rapidly become the default search engine for tens of millions of users, their investors were pressuring them to make more money. And thats what I do every day; I live by that creed, and I've lived by that since it was told to me. And they're currently running real freight. Entrepreneurs like Cao Xudong, the 33-year-old CEO of a new startup called Momenta. Of the 25 million people who live here, almost half are a Muslim Turkic-speaking people called the Uighurs. Other Internet Resources References. That, I think, is also a tricky issue, I think for every country. They're constantly buying up successful smaller companies and recruiting talent. After 100 games, it learned to use the bat at the bottom to hit the ball and break the bricks at the top. Though that was a milestone, it wasn't an . Nobody." You see a whole lot of automation. The Problem This article explores the nature of reflection within the workplace during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a period characterized by the proliferation of cognitive technologies . The more and more that you use spoken interfacesso, smart speakersthey're being trained not just to recognize who you are, but they're starting to take baselines and comparing changes over time. And whatever it is, every company's using everything that's developed, everything that's disruptive, and thinking about "How do I apply that to my business to make myself more efficient?" Throughout Southeast Asia this was seen as a sports spectacle with national pride at stake. You see it in Cambodia; you see it in Ecuador; you see it in Venezuela. 3. And the answer is the Industrial Revolution. So on the one hand, this is great, because the world will get adapted to you without you even having to explicitly adapt it. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Achieving Sustainability Using Creativity, Innovation, and Education, Individuals are looking for ways to continue to contribute their skills, to gain value, and to improve their employment prospects. [Laughs] Thank you very much. Can everyone take their seats, please? And then the question is, "What on earth happened to cause that change?". It really brings a lot of anxiety, and you're asking the questions, "Am I gonna survive? adaption to new situations and reflection on themselves started to receive general attention. We somehow think we should put all of our energy into chemotherapies to save women with metastatic breast cancer, and yet, when we find it early, we cure it, and we cure it without having the ravages to the body when we diagnose it late. Googles AlphaGo was a computer program that, starting with the rules of Go and a database of historical games, had been designed to teach itself. And now, there is a project called Sharp Eyes which is putting camera on every major street and corner of every village in China, meaning everywhere; matching with the most advanced artificial intelligence algorithm which they can actually use this data, real-time data, to pick up a face or pick up an action. We invited authors of selected Comments and Perspectives published in Nature Machine Intelligence in the latter half of 2019 and first half of 2020 to describe how their . The weird part about this graph is how the income has decoupledis not going up the same way that productivity is any more. AI HLEG, 2019, "High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI", European Commission, accessed: 9 April 2019. The scope of this impact is hard to grasp partly because the literature is siloed, as well as the changing meaning of the concepts themselves. Well, it's in health care; it's in education; it's in criminal justice; its in the experience of shopping as you walk down the street. The industry says optimistically that with that growth they can create more jobs. There are some people in Silicon Valley who believe that you just have to trust the technology. And for those who arent, it can describe them. The future is largely being shaped by a few hugely successful tech companies. AI is a technology that can be used for good and for evil. And it's at that point that we learn that between the year 2000 and the year 2004, Google's revenue line increased by 3,590%. Until now. So that's unusual in a developed world. this is not a very difficult problem. Like Xi Jinpings 2018 visit to Senegal, where Chinese contractors had just built a new stadium, arranged loans for new infrastructure development and, said the foreign ministry, there would be help "maintaining social stability.". In 2013, DeepMind scientists set a machine learning program on the Atari video game Breakout. If those people's interests go against the values of democracy, then democracy is in danger. Hope, who drove a truck herself, knows the business well. And it was only when Google went public in 2004 that the numbers were released. There are 10 times more food deliveries, which serve as data to learn more about user behavior, than the U.S. Three hundred times more shared bicycle rides, and each shared bicycle ride has all kinds of sensors submitting data up to the cloud. In 1988, she wrote a definitive book called In the Age of the Smart Machine." After 500 games, it came up with a creative way to win the game: by digging a tunnel on the side and sending the ball around the top to break many bricks with one hit. Everybody's going to use it. As China reinvents itself, it has set its sights on leading the world in artificial intelligence by 2030. In 2010, Facebook experimented with AIs predictive powers in what they called a social contagion experiment. They wanted to see if, through online messaging, they could influence real-world behavior. Kai-Fu Lee was born in Taiwan. You can increase productivity to a level to stay competitive with the global market; that's what they're trying to do. It's important that you review the material before writing the reflection paper. There is some mild profanity. By reviewing the 70 years of AI, this article summarizes and discusses the paradigm transformations from the age of AI before the year 2000 to the new age of AI from the year 2000 onward. And that's going in all over the world already. The aim was to get more people to the polls in the 2010 midterm elections.

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