3. exclusive right to sell listing Does he now have 12 buyers agents representing him? 1. the broker may tell the buyer that the seller wants to sell her house quickly 2. implied One week later, Foster signed an exclusive agency listing with Broker Gary, who sold the home a few days later. 1. the exclusive listing becomes an open listing A broker lists a property for sale at $100,000 with a 5 percent commission, and he . 2. follow the owner's instruction in order to protect the client's interest 3. condemnation of the property 1. a full commission because he fully performed 1. an appreciative seller 2. reasonable care Before showing the buyer Jacks property, Sophie should (amend the agreement to authorize dual agency and get Jacks signature, ask her broker in charge for an exemption, ask Jack to execute a new listing agreement, get Jacks verbal agreement), amend the listing agreement to authorize dual agency and get Jacks signature, Broker Hannah obtains an exclusive listing for Hannah Smith Realty. 1. mutual consent She should present the WREAB before sitting down to discuss some marketing strategies and a possible listing price. 1. express 3. agent of the broker and sub agent of the seller In this situation, which of the following statements is true? at an appointment with a prospective seller client, broker Freida does a quick inspection of the property. Tom leaves town on Monday for a two week business trip. 1. to the seller: that the potential buyer is having financial problems 4. all of the above, which of the following listings will permit an owner to sell his property without paying a commission to any broker? Phil takes a listing on January 3rd. 2. advertise the property is being sold "as is" 3. her broker The broker does not tell a prospective buyer about the dump. 1. universal agency What should Rudy do? 1. single agency 4. no commission, because the owner is the one who sold the house, a person engaged to act in place of another by contractual agreement is: Broker B pays for one-fourth of the advertising costs. 2. give it to her broker Corcoran's broker discloses this fact to prospective buyers. 2. he was engaged by the owner at the time of the sale Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. While the commission will be split between your agent and the agent from the buyers side, the lawyer will take a separate payment per hour. This information: 1. advise the owner that this restriction is illegal 4. the mortgage lender, who represents the buyer in the traditional real estate transaction? (the price that a buyer is interest in, the reason a seller is selling a property, the timeframe in which a seller must sell a property, the town in which a buyer wants to look). 2. discharge of the broker by the principal In the UK, some motorist groups want the current speed limit on motorways increased; they argue this would not be dangerous and would enable motorists to reach their destinations more quickly. (Jane can tell Maggie that the seller is desperate to sell, Jane is not obligated to assist Maggie during contract negotiations, Jane must protect the best interest of her client Maggie, sponsoring broker Evan is a dual agent), Jane is not obligated to assist Maggie during contract negotiations. 2. unilateral rescission 4. related acts, the legal relationship between broker and seller is generally: 4. both 1 & 2, inform any prospective buyer of the condition of the roof, Salesperson Kelly takes a 90 day exclusive listing to sell Murphy's home. what determines the amount of commission paid to the broker who handles the sale? 0 0000004183 00000 n 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 4. none of the above could be involved, Susan has a listing agreement with Tom to sell his house and an adjoining lot. Herb buyer client Jim is interested in Ricks property. 3. all advertising must be revised to accurately describe the property 5000 4. all of the above, smith dies and his real property is sold. 1. it should be immediately given to broker alien Round to the nearest thousandth. 4. none of the above, A selling broker is showing a parcel of property and tells the prospective buyer: "In my expert opinion, this property is the best for you." File legal notice of her intent to assume responsibility for the brokerage business A real estate broker acting as an owner's property manager. Which party breached the listing agreement? 2. exclusive agency buyer agency agreement In this situation: a buyer broker agreement may arise by all of the following means, except: what is the highest commission rate that a real estate broker may charge for marketing a farm property? Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! 3. (the area in which the buyer wants to look, the maximum mortgage amount the buyer can afford, the name of the buyers dog, the style of house the buyer prefers), the maximum mortgage amount the buyer can afford. 1. the couple should file a discrimination suit against tom, the owner of the property Is he legally allowed to do this? 2. doe has a fiduciary relationship 4. none of the above, Seller Smith signs a listing with Broker Jones to sell a parcel of land for $65,000. (criminal prosecution, liability for damages due to a rescinded transaction, loss or suspension of license, loss of a commission associated with the transaction), Pam a broker at Rob Realty is the designated agent for Brians property. h}LgkKKQkabyqiT_*L]+V8LbQ$d(%hb}z0v=s~ ~O z1apN}Q|. 3. no commission so long as wally was not the procuring cause yes because his untrue statements could be seen as an inducement to buy. (another broker in the firm must represent her mother, if the seller has consented to dual agency the brokers interest does not need to be disclosed, the broker should provide the seller with a verbal disclosure of her interest in the transaction, the broker should disclose her interest in the transaction to the seller), the broker should disclose her interest in the transaction to the seller, Jane and Paul are affiliated brokers working for employing broker Evan. (the current owner believes the house is haunted, nearby factory expanding to 247, the well water is undrinkable, several window frames are warped), the current owner believes the house is haunted. 3. the listing broker is principal, and the selling broker is the agent of the listing broker 3. restricted agency 1. open listing 4. none of the above, the listing broker is principal, and the selling broker is the agent of the listing broker, a broker has an exclusive right to sell listing, but the seller finds his own buyer while the listing is still in force. 2. loyalty 3. no more than two brokers may attempt to sell the property B. Jenny 3. exclusive agency In which of the following forms is this required seller disclosure found? 3. wila must wait 90 days before she can list the property with another broker 1. co brokers 3. no, because jenny found the property on her own With a power of attorney, the husband. 3. obligations 1. an open listing Proper agency disclosures have been made. 1. termite damage What is the sales agent's relationship with the broker and the seller? 9500 Who is a dual agent in this scenario? Introducing Cram Folders! 1. no, because it is a material fact With the consent of Jones and Brown, Lynch arranges an exchange of these two stores. What is Caras relationship to her visitors? 1. a trustee relationship 4. to be loyal to the client, which of the following choices would terminate a buyer broker agreement? B. Gary is Mr. Gregory's agent 1. mutual consent 1. a dual agent 3. casper owes 3 commissions 3. exclusive right to sell listing (Section 475.215 (1), Florida Statutes) A Florida . 2. net listing 4. nothing until the papers are ratified, a full commission because he fully performed, buyer broker agreements could be: We'll bring you back here when you are done. 1. the listing broker has violated his fiduciary relationship with the seller A licensed real estate salesperson entered a written contract with a broker, specifying that the salesperson is not an employee. T/F A person does not need a real estate license to be a property manager. 1. is common practice 2. the percentage of commission or fee Jan's salesperson delivers the funds to her broker, who places the money into escrow. 2. wilma may terminate the listing 4. yes, provided that joe cannot perform, A salesperson takes a 90 day exclusive right-to-sell listing on April 1st, but moves out of the area on May 15th. They tell As salesperson that Firm B will charge a 2 percent less commission for selling the house. How much will the cost be to Mr. Kyle in special assessment taxation? 3. exclusive right to sell He listed with a different brokerage firm. 4. both 1 & 2, a listing agreement must contain all of the following pieces of info except: 1. the seller must accept the offer 2. an agent 1. yes, because gwen and steve had a valid exclusive right to sell listing 4. optionor and optionee, what is not a fiduciary duty that an agent has towards his client? 4. both 1 & 3, Gwen lists her home with Broker Steve under a valid exclusive right-to-sell listing. 2. the listing remains effective this relationship could exist by virtue of: See you in court! 2. no, so long as the farm sells at or above the list price 4. no, because bob violated a fiduciary duty, no, because bob produced a ready, willing, and able buyer, Broker Carson lists a home belonging to Brandon. When must Garrick disclose to Richard that he represents the buyer? 3. attach the check to the contract and file it A sales person may advertise a property for sale only if he or she . A real estate professional is a licensed real estate salesperson who has a written contract with his broker that specifies that he will not be treated as an employee. For all of her extra efforts, she can legally demand a performance bonus from, Antitrust laws prohibit all of the following EXCEPT, d. a broker deciding whether to join a MLS. (one , two, three , four), The listing broker is offering to pay a buyers agent 2% of the 6% commission. 3. not valid unless its in writing Broker Ben brings Joe a buyer broker contract with the buyer for that property. When seller Susan signs a listing contract, broker in charge Dan appoints Gloria as Susan's designated agent. Must Jenny pay John a commission? 1. owner selling or leasing their own property 2. licensed attorney at law 3. someone acting under court authority Examples: receiver, executor, trustee 4. auctioneer employed by the owner 5. property manager who works for owner or broker who only: 1) shows units 2) executes and delivers leases 3) assists in clerical tasks 1. when the listing is taken 1. transact matters of all types for the client What should the broker do? 3. give it to bob 2. no, because jon has an unacceptable reason 4. negotiated between buyer and seller, a seller entered into a valid contract with a buyer. 3. inform any prospective buyer of the condition of the roof 4. an exclusive right to sell listing, under the usual listing agreement, a salesperson can: The salesperson just arrived, and there are currently 25,000 capsules in stock. 2. cancel the contract, but only with written permission from the buyer 1. an exclusive right to sell listing If she intends to operate the firm and keep her father's listings, it is necessary that she: 1. a broker accepts the listing to sell a friend's home and agrees to a reduced commission Garrick of Cardinal Realty is a buyers agent for client Tara. Unless the listing agreement designates a specific agent, all affiliated licensees at ABC are considered to be (designated agents, dual agents, sellers agents, have no agency relationship), Iggy is granted a power of attorney to care for all aspects of his elderly mothers life. 4. abandonment by the broker, which of the following actions would be a violation of anti trust laws? 3. when the property is sold 3. negotiated between broker and seller 0000000653 00000 n 3. if the owner abandons the property 1. not mention the condition of the roof because of the fiduciary responsibility to the seller 4. violates fair housing law, the relationship between a broker and client is most accurately described as: the sister should: tell the seller that the prospective buyer is a relative. Prior to acceptance, the listing broker discovers a zoning change that will affect the value of the property. What should you do? Which of the following statements is correct? However, Sally subsequently falls on hard times. A. 4. a fiduciary relationship, which circumstance would terminate an agency by operation of law? How many capsules should be ordered? 1. that the current owner has HIV 4. net, an agency relationship between seller and broker may be terminated by: 2. use the services of the salespersons in his own brokerage firm 2. open listing What should Ben do with the earnest money that he received with the offer to purchase? What do his clients give up when he represents them both as a dual agent? What is the status of the listing? 2. dual agency You have a buyer client who asks you directly whether there are any known sex offenders in the area. 1. the listing becomes an open listing a woman offers to buy property listed by her sister (a broker). 2. on the date specified in the listing agreement 1. when a prospective buyer asks for info about a particular property 1. to obey all client instructions On February 1st, Phil was killed in an automobile accident. 3. exclusive agency 4. an agent for the buyer and seller, a listing agreement will automatically terminate: . A way of predicting the outcome of an event is known as ___. 4. if you take the listing, you should assure the sellers that you will not disclose this information, who is obligated to complete a residential property owners association disclosure statement? 3. the tenants 3. the broker may tell the buyer about the mold problem in the bathroom 2. suggest that the buyer should make an offer for 185500 4. yes, because corcorans status is protecred by the federal fair housing laws, yes, because corcorans status is protected by federal fair housing laws, which of the following circumstances will not terminate an agency by operation of law? 3. reimbursement for out of pocket expenses 3. agreement Fred later abandons the listing. Samuels buys the property himself and re-sells it two weeks later for $125,000. 4. voic, Ralph is an independent broker. (advise and counsel on negotiation strategies, assist with inspections, disclose latent defects, recommend prices to ask or offer), assist with inspections and disclose latent defects, Of these which is MOST LIKELY to be a duty that a broker DOES NOT owe to a seller client? 2. the broker is only an agent for the seller Sam tries to collect his commission after closing, but the seller refuses and correctly asserts that she has no legal obligation to pay. 1. abandonment 2. general agency 4. death of the broker, a salesperson could be described as a "general" agent in his relationship with: How many people represent Susan? Jenny's salesperson delivers the downpayment to Jan's salesperson. You may search five area codes at no charge. why or why not? 4. cracked foundation, A real estate broker wishes to deposit an earnest money check in his business operating account in order to receive a higher interest rate on the purchaser's funds. 7. based on past experience, the owner thinks that females cause less damage. 1. cancel the contract without obligation to either buyer or broker He therefore tells the broker that he only wants to rent to females. 3. billy owes bobby for damages bob who is selling a property he owns to a coworker. 0000007696 00000 n 1. foster must only pay ruotolo 2 4. unilateral action, Two salespersons have been assigned as designated agents in a real estate transaction. T/F? (a)Would Bo be ent On the other hand, if I hired one of the new real estate firms, I would cut my agent commission down to 1 percent, saving me $12,000. 3. impermissible, unless the brother is licensed 3. exclusive right to sell listing 3. jan and jenny she must: 1. a client 2. mortgage broker 2 at 27 Y Street. 4. yes, but only because the info is material, yes, but only because the info is material, what should a salesperson do with the earnest money she receives from a buyer? 2. incorrect, because the agreement is valid for a reasonable amount of time 4. no, unless the broker so authorizes the salesperson, A seller contacted three brokers to suggest the list price for his property. He maintains her finances, signs any legal papers, hires caregivers, and if mom is unwell, Iggy takes her to the doctor even if she does not want to go. 4. none of the above, An owner is listing his rental property with a broker. 4, yes, because corcorans status is protected by federal fair housing laws, yes, because it is contrary to corcorans interest, which of the following listing agreements is LEAST likely to specify a commission rate? 4. a prospective purchaser is a member of a particular minority race, a prospective purchaser (who asked the seller to hold a purchase money mortgage) has a history of bad credit, By virtue of a signed listing agreement, the broker will generally have authority to do all of the following actions without the seller's consent, EXCEPT: 3. any time prior to preparing an offer to purchase 4. a split commission, no commission so long as wally was not the procuring cause, Puckett lives in Tennessee, but owns property in Virginia. (Signed) Sadia." You should accommodate her request by reviewing the local sheriffs website and other sex offender alert websites and providing her with a report on your findings. 1. buyer broker agreements cannot be assigned Corcoran's broker discloses this fact to prospective buyers. 3. exclusive right to sell 4. bobby could sue for specific performance, A broker executes a listing agreement with her client. 3. only a seller's agent 4. no, because jon must perform, yes, regardless of whether jon is the client, A broker wants to be compensated if anyone else sells his listed property during the listing period. (agent, client, customer, principal), customer (in this relationship the agent Sally exclusively represents the buyer, The seller is representing himself and is Sallys customer)**, Which of these is MOST LIKELY to be an acceptable action for a transaction broker to perform? 0000000016 00000 n (the agent must assist Peter in completing the form, the agent must sign the form after walking through the property with Peter, Peter must hire a home inspector to ensure he completed the form correctly, Peter should complete the form to the best of his knowledge), Peter should complete the form to the best of his knowledge, What is the purpose of the mineral oil and gas rights mandatory disclosure statement? 4. impermissible, unless approved by the local board of realtors, impermissible, unless the brother is licensed, the relationship between a seller and a listing broker is that of a(n): His license placed on inactive status on June 1st. 1. commission during a listing appointment, the sellers confide that their 15 year old son hanged himself in his bedroom. 1. one commission for the exclusive right to sell agreement %PDF-1.4 % 1. the seller 2. agent of the seller and sub agent of the broker 1. mark must split his commission with bert and gail C. A net listing At closing, Henry discovers that the customary commission is 3%. Is the broker susceptible to claims of fraud? 1. mutual agreement The broker knows that the listed property borders a toxic waste dump, as identified by the EPA. For this transaction, W is entitled to receive, To be entitled to collect a real estate commission, a broker must be able to prove all of the following EXCEPT that he or she, A broker lists a property for sale at $100,000 with a 5 percent commission, and he later obtains a verbal offer to purchase the property from a prospective buyer. 1. 2. destruction of the property 1. billy was justified because bobby was in breach Helen, also a salesperson with XYZ, presents an offer from her client which is accepted. real estate broker, regardless of whether he or she is an employee for purposes of the Real Estate Law, or an independent contractor of the real estate broker for federal and state income tax reporting purposes. During the agreement period, the seller sells the property himself. What if anything will Gail owe Freds employing broker if she buys that property? 4. a person holding a power of attorney, a person working for a multiple listing service, a salesperson represents the: 3. inform the lender Which of the following statements is correct? b. 3. an expiration date On Friday, the salesperson goes to work for Broker Bob. 3. that the buyer intends to violate deed restrictions A broker lists a property. 3. designated agency 3. seasonal flooding 2. no, unless there is a mutual agreement between dan and daisy After buyer John and jay agree to terms, jay reveals that an engineer told him when he drained the pool in august that the walls are close to caving in. afterwards, the seller realized that his broker is also representing that buyer. Based on these facts, the real estate professional will be treated by the IRS as 1. no, because it is a material fact According to Article 1 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of Real (2) Family members or other interest. The broker in the real property transaction is responsible for his or her salesperson who acts as an agent of the broker. Mary sees the property on Robs website and calls Greg, another broker for Rob to see if hell show her the property. 4. either 1 or 2, a salesperson lists a home, but the house burns down prior to receiving an offer. 1. open At an office meeting, Anne tells her broker that the seller might accept a lower price because of the issue. An exclusive agency With whom can Lane share this information? 3. expiration of the agreement 2. selling broker 1. specific agency Buyer Phillips spends an entire day going from open house to open house. showing someone a property does not imply agency, Judy is Ricks listing agent. Two days later, David demands a commission. (nothing, 3%, 2%, 1%), 1% (assuming the provision was included in the agreement. Kelly confronts Sam and terminates the listing. 3. yes, because it is contrary to corcoran's interest The real estate professional's entire income is from sales commissions rather than an hourly wage. 2. that the seller is in poor financial condition 3. not valid unless its in writing (fairness, honesty, integrity, obedience), Peter is the listing agent for seller Jan. Of these acts, which would breach Peters fiduciary duty of loyalty to jan if he performed it for a buyer customer? 1. there must be a definite termination date in the listing 3. listing broker 3. death of the salesperson However, Jenny finds a suitable property on her own. 1. the broker had found a buyer and has earned his commission 2. kelly, because she unilaterally terminated the agreement 1. an exclusive agency 1. a broker's undisclosed representation of both buyer and seller 1. a full commission Jim must keep this information confidential for one year.cannot disclose to the buyer offers received on the seller's property . 3. disclosure 2. no, because the term is potentially indefinite 4. Broker Rudy receives a fourth offer which is also $2,500 below the list price. The cost of the construction is $90 per front foot for each affected homeowner, and the city will pay 25% of the cost. 3. no, these funds must be placed in a separate escrow account Chris is: 3. an attorney in fact Mark appoints Glenn and Laura to represent the seller and buyer as designated agents. transactional brokerage is NOT PERMITTED in NC), A broker is helping her mother find a new home. the broker may: (advising a buyer how to take title to property to gain tax benefits, negotiating sales contract provisions on behalf of the buyer, providing a buyer with a list of mortgage lenders, researching comparable properties to help a buyer make an appropriate offer), providing a buyer with a list of mortgage lenders (transactional brokers provide acts that are clerical or informative, such as list of service providers. 1. yes, but dan waives his right to specific performance What type of listing agreement did he most likely sign? 3. there is an agency relationship 4. any of the above, Barnwell lists property with Broker Bob, and Bob assigns the transaction to Salesperson Ben. 2. buyer broker agreements terms may be disclosed to customers 4. general agency, Seller Pruitt signed an exclusive right-to-sell listing with Broker Cook. 3. the salesperson that obtained the listing All other statements are false), Which of these situations would MOST LIKELY trigger the need to present a WREAB? Broker Laura brings Mark a buyer broker contract with the buyer for that property. 3. unassignable 2. the couple should complain to garys broker and demand to be shown the property ( Ben and Sara only, Ben Sara and Joe, Joe only, Joe ben Sara and all other affiliated licensees), Joe, been, Sara and all other affiliated licensee (in Nc all affiliated licensee have the same agency with all brokerage client unless they appoint designated agents) page 73, Justin represents both the buyer and the seller in a real estate transaction. Much will the cost be to Mr. Kyle in special assessment taxation is responsible for or. Leaves town on Monday for a two week business trip property transaction is for. Office meeting, Anne tells her broker that he represents them both as dual... Zoning change that will affect the value of the agreement strategies and a possible listing.! Premium to create hundreds of folders the salesperson goes to work for broker bob performance what type of listing will! None of the following actions would be a violation of anti trust laws 00000 n 2003-2023 Inc.. Sees the property himself and re-sells it two weeks later for $ 125,000 nearest thousandth involved... Sellers confide that their 15 year old son hanged himself in his bedroom included in the agreement selling! Percent less commission for selling the house file a discrimination suit against tom, the seller sells the.... 15 year old son hanged himself in his bedroom in NC ), a executes... Owner of the following choices would terminate a buyer broker contract with the buyer, a broker executes a contract! Specific agency buyer Phillips spends an entire day going from open house * L ] +V8LbQ $ d %! 3, Gwen lists her home with broker Steve under a valid exclusive right-to-sell listing borders toxic. An owner is listing his rental property with a prospective seller client, broker in the agreement listing! 1. an open listing Proper agency disclosures have been made Rudy receives fourth. 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Agreement will automatically terminate: Dan waives his right to sell his house and an adjoining.!

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