The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of questionable management oversight in which foreign DynCorp workers hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party. I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons." After learned about the media involvement, Cheryl D. Mills, while being Counselor of the United States Department of State, sent an e-mail to Hillary Clinton to heads up about the scandal, stating the importance of dealing with the story before it went public. [21] Due to its growing size, the company restructured into four main operating groups: Specialty Contracting, Energy, Government Services, and Aviation Services. There is not proof that Hillary Clinton was involved in any ways in an operation to kill the story or to tone it down. However, this e-mail is evidence that Hillary Clinton and the State Department were aware of this scandal, and still, they continued to work in close collaboration with DynCorp. In Africa DI Development strengthened government financial management in Ghana, assisted in peace and recovery advancement in Uganda, and led anti-corruption programs in Madagascar, Malawi, and Nigeria. A former police officer from Lincoln, Nebraska, she was grateful to join the U.N.s International Police Task Force (IPTF) that was retraining local law enforcement there. The SCA was a uniquely configured Boeing 747-100 aircraft. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to, during the last six years. I don't think it was her saying "no." , has been a worldwideforce providing maintenance support to the, military through contract field teams (CFTs). A week later he received a letter of, 's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in, 's attorney, says flatly of this: "It's DynCorp's effort, steps up and says, 'We don't have any jurisdiction'? What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." Some of the individuals involved report being forced into sex. DynCorp spent many years trying to move past the bad publicity resulting from these cases. DynCorp has admitted it fired five employees for similar illegal activities priorto Johnston's charges. ", was working with CID. It's a sick sight anyway to see any grown man [having sex] with a child, but to see some 45-year-old man who weighs 400 pounds with a little girl, it just makes you sick." "[29], With the reductions in military spending in the 1990s, DynCorp expanded their focus to the growing tech market. Harlin, theyoung high-school graduate Johnston complained had no experience in aircraftmaintenance and didn't even know the purposes of the basic tools, provided asworn statement to CID about Johnston. After the email made its rounds, Bolkovac was demoted to a desk job. 4. Widney Brown, an advocate for Human Rights Watch, tells INSIGHT "ourgovernment has an obligation to tell these companies that this behavior iswrong and they will be held accountable. 6. Who's the bad guy? They were fromRussia, Romania and other places, and they were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. ", , members of the 48th Military Police Detachment conducted a sting on the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two, , and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. [29], In 1994 DynCorp's revenues were approximately $1 billion. Amb Mussomeli responded that going to the journalist would give her the sense that there is a more terrible story to report. How A Nebraska Woman Named Kathryn Bolkovac Uncovered A Vast Pedophile Ring Run By A U.S. Military Contractor. [28] Bannister, as T. Rees Shapiro wrote in his 2011 obituary, "was paid $1.65an hour when he joined DynCorp as an electronics technician in 1953," rising to serve as its president and CEO (1985 to 1997). According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuitfiled in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] werepurchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating inother immoral acts. The negative impact of just those two cases cannot be overstated. Article 5.No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. He laughs bitterly recallingthe work habits of a DynCorp employee in Bosnia who "weighed 400 poundsand would stick cheeseburgers in his pockets and eat them while he worked. I mean, lets face it: the locals didnt have the money to spend on this kind of an operation., Indeed, the operation was expansive. WebNo DynCorp employee has ever been criminally prosecuted for any of these crimes. Hillary Clinton may be in favor of women and children, but If she is still able to accept donations stained with the blood, tears and sweat of the victims of a questionable corporation as DynCorp, How we can trust her? For example, according to DynCorp employee Kevin Werner's sworn statement to CID, "during my last six months I have come to know a man we call 'Debeli,' which is Bosnian for fat boy. Previous Story MUST WATCH: Clinton Foundation, DynCorp Child Trafficking EXPOSED. On April 21, 2021, the DynCorp name was discontinued, and employees and services transferred to Amentum. Much of her initial workload in 1999 involved investigating domestic abuse cases regarding women who had been raped during the war in the town of Zenica. [105] Bolkovac co-authored a book with Cari Lynn titled The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors And One Woman's Fight For Justice. DynCorp appealed the verdict, but then dropped it in April 2003, mere days before it announced an enormously lucrative contract with the U.S. State Department to police Iraqs civilian population during the then-nascent days of the War on Terror.. [89] It also provides personal security to many regions of Iraq and Afghanistan. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. Atmar then disclosed the arrest of two Afghan National Police (ANP) and nine other Afghans (including RTC language assistants) as part of an MoI investigation into Afghan "facilitators" of the event. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. Anyone with half a brain should be able to realize that buying drugs and hired dancing boys for the entertainment of Afghan police you are helping to train is not something you want to do. He received his onlyreprimand from DynCorp one day prior to the sting on the DynCorp hangarwhen Johnston was working with CID. Aviation support including emergency response air programs,[45] aircraft maintenance,[46] theater aviation support management,[47] helicopter maintenance support,[48] supportability and testing. WebAs far back as 2005, U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on private military contractors (DynCorp) child trafficking company that was selling women and children in a global trafficking network. Amb Mussomeli opened that the incident deeply upset us and we took strong steps in response.An investigation is on-going, disciplinary actions were taken against DynCorp leaders in Afghanistan, we are also aware of proposals for new procedures, such as stationing a military officer at RTCs, that have been introduced for consideration. Firing someone is not sufficient punishment. We have to show that there was acausal connection between Ben's whistle-blowing about the sex trade and hisbeing fired. When Iwas there as a soldier they loved us, but DynCorp employees have changedhow they think about us. This was captured on video. The other, involved air plane mechanic Ben Johnston who sued DynCorp, alleging he was sacked because he had uncovered evidence that Dyncorp employees were involved in 'sexual slavery. ", , "I just told the guys it was wrong. The company recently opened up an office in Huntsville, Alabama, to allow it to further focus on its aviation business. Finally, there is the recently renamed PMC trade group, International Stability Operations Association, which has long had DynCorp as a member. It had only been four years since the Bosnian War, and regional authorities needed all the help they could get in stabilizing the region. We're here to prove a retaliation case, not convictDynCorp of participating in the sex-slave trade. 1958 University Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94704, witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally, . Hiring Mercenary Air Force for Iraq Rescues, DynCorp lands $450M Navy contingency services deal, DynCorp Awarded Up to $80M Contract for Support from U.S. Army, U.S awarded $17.2 million contract to DynCorp to support the Royal Saudi helicopter fleet, DynCorp Wins Potential $490M Contract for Aviation Maintenance, Logistics Support, "DynCorp International to Support Final Flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", "DynCorp Team to Help NASA Fly Final Shuttle Endeavour Flight", "DynCorp International supports final flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", DynCorp International to Help Fight California Wildfires, DynCorp awarded $490M contract for aircraft maintenance work at Pax River, DynCorp International Awarded $93M Contract for Aircraft Maintenance Support from US Air Force, DynCorp International Wins $105 million contract for aviation maintenance from US Army, DynCorp Wins Potential $177M Award for NASA Aircraft Engineering, DynCorp Wins $78M to Support Philippine Operations, "DynCorp wins $401M Andrews AFB contract", "Retired Redstone Arsenal commander James Myles dons civvies for new aviation mission", DynCorp wins $25M Kuwait Air Force Apache contract, DynCorp awarded $80M contract to support US Army helicopters in-theatre, DynCorp wins KAF AH-64D Apaches support contract, "DPAP - Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting - Contingency Contracting - About Contingency Contracting - Definition of "Contingency Operation", Casals & Associates Joins DynCorp International, "DynCorp International acquires Casals & Associates", "International Development - Latin America - DynCorp International", "DynCorp International Acquires Phoenix Consulting Group", "UPDATE 1-DynCorp looks to expand intelligence services", "DynCorp International Completes Acquisition of Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", "DynCorp Agrees to Acquire Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", Global Linguist Solutions Again Awarded $4.6 Billion Army Linguist Services Contract. [79] DynCorp International was also given a $17.1 million task order to provide leadership to military personnel of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was clear that the protection of the good old boys club was a first priority, said. [53], DynCorp provides aircraft maintenance, fleet testing and evaluation for rotary, fixed, "lighter-than-air", and unmanned aircraft. One time he fell asleep with a torch in his hand and burned a hole through the plastic on an aircraft." [19], In December 2000 DynCorp formed DynCorp International LLC, and transferred all its international business to this entity. I always told these guys what I thought of what they were doing, and I guess they just thought I was a self-righteous fool or something, but I didn't care what they thought." Nonetheless, the now-grandmother of six hopes that her story inspires those who similarly find themselves in a position to prevent injustice. Evidently the episode sparked Afghan demands that contractors and private security companies be brought under much tighter government control. See you on the Amentum side! It is precisely these allegations that Johnston believes got him fired. [27] By 1986 Dynaelectron was one of the largest defense contractors in North America. I tried to tell them that this is not how all Americansact, but it's hard to convince them when you see what they're seeing. On February 15, 2013, the court granted summary judgment to DynCorp, dismissing the sole remaining human health and medical monitoring claims Ecuadorian plaintiffs had brought in connection with counternarcotic aerial herbicide spraying operations in southern Colombia. Soldiers that are paid $18,000 a year know more than this kid, but this is the way they [DynCorp] grease their pockets. That departure from the war-torn country was a far cry from what, imagined a year earlierwhen he arrived in. Is it the guy who buysthe girl to give her freedom, the one who kidnaps her and sells her or the onewho liberates her and ends up having sex with her? [17] By 2003 roughly half of DynCorp's business came from managing the IT departments of the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, among others. He urged them to try to kill the story and specifically warned that this would look bad if the connection to DynCorp were made clear (he called them foreign mentors). [citation needed] In 1988 DynCorp went private to avoid a hostile takeover by Miami financier Victor Posner, via an employee initiative led by Daniel R. [17] It bought 19 digital and network service firms and acquired contracts with the government's information technology (IT) departments. They also Its a pre-Islamic Afghan tradition, banned by the Taliban, where boys as young as ten are passed around a group of middle-aged men for their sexual gratification with the possibility to lead to the auction of the young boys. The actual location of video is still unknown, but thanks to a leaked e-mail by Wikileaks we know what happened that day: The week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party on the training site. WebThe week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston's effort to get this behaviorstopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S.Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. But Johnston worries about what this company's culture does to the reputationof the United States. For more than 50 years DynCorp, based in Reston, Va., has been a worldwideforce providing maintenance support to the U.S. military through contract field teams (CFTs). Werner admitted to having purchased a woman to get her out of prostitutionand named other DynCorp employees who also had paid to own women. No one was prosecuted or punished for the atrocities Navy. According to several witnesses, the taxi did not pose a threat to the convoy's security. Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. There were big-time drinking issues. Kady, Martin, II, "DynCorp Rallies the Troops to Keep Up with the Demand,", Lemke, Tim, "DynCorp Could Gain More Business from Defense,", McCance, McGregor, "Initiative Helps Keep Computing Systems Updated in Virginia,", Wakeman, Nick, "DynCorp Revs Up 'Horsepower' in Gov't Market,", Wreden, Nick, "Unblinking Customer Focus,", This page was last edited on 5 November 2022, at 20:28. That is immoral andhypocritical, and if DynCorp is involved in this in any way it should forfeit itscontract and pay restitution in the form of training about trafficking. DynCorp Govt Contracts Need To Be Reviewed. Hirtz: Yes. ", "Dynalectron to Study Plan For Chinese Synfuel Plant.". [25][26], Between 1976 and 1981 the company had two public stock offerings and acquired another 14 companies. WebThirty-three missing children were recovered this month in an anti-human trafficking operation led by FBIs Los Angeles field office, the bureau said in a statement Friday. DynCorp Child Trafficking, Sexual Entrapment, Asset Seizure DynCorp Contracts Come Under Chaffetz Microscope Comey Has Had Marc Richs Documents For 30 Years Who Killed Monica Petersen? He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. [44][62] It also received the task order to provide theater aviation support management for US Army helicopters in Europe (TASM-E). WebWe protect women and children, but these are dark-skinned men, says Sam McCahon, an attorney based in India. Several Afghans were later arrested and investigated. Web70 per cent of the revenue from trafficking in Bosnia (Mendelson 2005). [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). "What you have here is a Lord of the Flies mentality. According to Wikipedia:Bacha Bazi (translated from Persian: literally "playing with children"), also known as bacch ' (from the Persian bacheh "child, young man, calf") is a practice recognized as sexual slavery and child prostitution in which prepubescent children and adolescents are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities. [95], An extensive accusation concerning DynCorp's activities and alleged abuses in Colombia was presented against DynCorp at the Hearing on Biodiversity of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, session on Colombia at the Cacarica Humanitarian Zone from February 24 to 27, 2007. Cases can not be overstated spent many years trying to move past the publicity... 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