SNP vows to hold independence referendum at end of pandemic, Scottish MP claimed hotel expenses during lockdown-breaking trip, Sturgeon LIED to Scots, treats Scotland as her private fiefdom COMMENT, First she divided Britain now she's divided Scotland Sturgeon must go. She joined (1986) the Scottish National Party (SNP) in 1986 when she was age 16 and cited British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as the reason for her involvement. And Sir Chris added that he would personally 'think twice' about following shielding guidelines himself, unless it was to protect the NHS which was not the main objective. The resurgence of the desire to leave the union has come alongside the SNP taking a markedly different approach to tackling the ongoing coronavirus crisis, and a considerable drop in popularity for the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson north of the border. Whitty replied: No strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for. If Nicola Sturgeon really wants to lead by example and save some taxpayers cash, why doesnt she tell her colleagues down in London to defer the pay rise too? Former Lanarkshire students excel in aerospace sustainable energy project, Scout Horan and Sam Morton were part of a team who investigated the potential to reduce energy consumption on site, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle confirm they have been evicted from Frogmore cottage. Sturgeon also led the SNP to its third straight victory in the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2016. Get the latest Scottish politics news sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter. The version of Brexit that Johnson finally pushed across the finish line on January 31, 2020, was anathema for Sturgeon and deeply unpopular with most Scots, not least those in the fishing and seafood industry, who lost their crucial direct access to EU markets. She later warned Mr Hancock that the elderly were at risk of 'just giving up' because they had been isolated for so long. NHS Lanarkshire is raising awareness of the day, on March 8, by encouraging residents who smoke to contact its free Quit Your Way service. The Scottish party leader told BBC Scotland: "I think it is very difficult for the PM to continue for several more months given what has happened with the resignations from his cabinet saying they can't continue to support him as ministers. In the wake of these developments, Sturgeon made a surprising announcement on February 15, 2023, that she would be resigning as SNP leader and first minister, not because of mounting pressure in response to her handling of these issues but because she felt that she could no longer bring the energy to her job that was necessary to perform it. But if the question is, can I give this job everything it demands and deserves for another year, let alone for the remainder of this parliamentary term, give it every ounce of energy that it needs in the way that I have strived to do every day for the last eight years, the answer honestly is different. On the one hand, Thatcher showed that a forceful woman could reach the top in politics, but, on the other hand, she had imposed deeply conservative policies to which the teenage Sturgeon was fiercely opposed. Before we perform another u turn can I have a view on whether they are necessary?". Very occasionally leaders surprise us. Mr Cain told the PM: "Considering Scotland has just confirmed it will I find it hard to believe we will hold the line. Boris Johnson introduced face masks in English schools after he was advised it was "not worth an argument" with Nicola Sturgeon over the issue, according to reports. Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said it was a relief that Boris Johnson's "disastrous tenure as prime minister" was coming to an end. Sturgeon's departure is likely to complicate an issue her party long championed: the Scottish independence movement. Boris Johnson's popularity ratings have plummeted since last December Credit: Alamy Live News. In WhatsApp messages obtained by the Daily Telegraph, Sir Chris Whitty said: "No strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for. "And I've today appointed a Cabinet to serve, as I will, until a new leader is in place. Investigation launched after angry crowd target a home in 'large-scale' disorder in Dumbarton. Come here to live, work, invest, or study. As May was triggering the separation negotiations with the EU in late March, Sturgeon won support from the Scottish Parliament to formally request that the British government grant Scotland the powers to hold a new independence referendum by spring 2019, when Britain was expected to formally leave the EU. ", The spokesman added: "He went as far as was possible, as fast as possible, to expand testing and save lives. How much is Nicola Sturgeon's salary? I'm not sure anybody could look at Boris Johnson and conclude he is capable of genuinely behaving as a caretaker prime minister. DON'T MISSCatastrophe for Sturgeon as Scots say independence poll not priority[POLL]Nicola Sturgeon husband: Who is Peter Murrell? Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, said it made 'logical sense' for children to wear masks in corridors and communal areas 'where crowding cannot be avoided' but Mr Johnson replied: 'The trouble is that the current guidance specifically excludes schools. The bad blood that resulted between former allies Sturgeon and Salmond deeply divided the SNP as it headed into the important elections for the Scottish Parliament in May 2021, in which Sturgeon and the SNP hoped to gain an outright majority that would allow them to push forward with a new referendum on independence, popularly referred to as indyref2. In late March Salmond formed his own political party, the Alba Party, for the election, and Sturgeon witnessed a drop in her popularity. It remains unclear when she will have the opportunity though, be it in a referendum or a general election. Taking Vitamin D each day could cut your chances of getting dementia, study claims. Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon earn around six times the median wage in Scotland, which is 25,600. The revelations come from leaked WhatsApp messages taken from the phone of then health secretary Matt Hancock and seen by the Telegraph. Noble stuff. BORIS Johnson last night challenged Nicola Sturgeon to choose between people's livelihoods and her dreams of an independent Scotland. Is he in the SNP? He added: "This is a party that is rotten to the core, that allowed a cheat, a charlatan, a man devoid of any principles or any values to become the prime minister of this country - and they inflicted his carnage on this country for years.". Do you have a story or video for The Scottish Sun? Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. "First and foremost there will be an overwhelming and very widespread sense of relief today that Boris Johnson's time as prime minister - which should probably never have been allowed to happen in the first place - is coming to an end.". The brass plate on the Melville Monument dedicated to Henry Dundas claims he used his influence to delay the abolition of slavery. By Shaun Wooller Health Editor For The Daily Mail. Scotland is still heading towards independence. In late June 2022, well aware of Johnsons continued opposition to the referendum, Sturgeon nevertheless decided that the time was right to revisit the issue. Something went wrong, please try again later. Following Mr Johnson's statement, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said that the country would be "breathing a sigh of relief that Boris Johnson is going". The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. SNP members were divided on Sturgeons championing of gender recognition legislation that permitted transgender people in Scotland to change their legal gender by self-declaration without a medical diagnosis. Is he in the SNP? Nicola Sturgeon: How can small countries have a global impact? The communications show how Mr Johnson appears to have been bounced into the decision after Ms Sturgeon introduced the change in Scotland on August 25 2020. Face masks were introduced in schools for the first time after Boris Johnson was told it was not worth an argument with Nicola Sturgeon over the issue, leaked files suggest. The public won't forgive the Conservatives for propping him up so long. Sturgeon had already announced the compulsory wearing of face masks in corridors . Nicola Sturgeon has written to Boris Johnson calling for financial support to be made available as it was at the start of the pandemic. The UK Government announced the following day that secondary children in areas subject to local lockdowns would have to wear face masks in corridors and communal areas where it was difficult to social distance. The body of Kyle Sambrook and his beagle Bane were found in Glencoe on Saturday following a three-day search. In the last few months, Sturgeon has been embroiled in a separate fight with the U.K. government over a new law focused on gender identity. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Nicola Sturgeon will survive and Boris Johnson will likely not despite Covid breaches. She vowed to use her position as first minister to push the British government to devolve more powers to Scotland. I am always buying shoes not too expensive, though, because I am very hard on them. Corrections? That ruling, combined with the conservative party's hold over the British parliament, had already left the prospect of Scottish independence on shaky ground. The next day Sir Gavin Williamson, the then education secretary, said on the radio that ministers 'always listen to the best scientific and medical advice' and concluded that masks were an 'extra precautionary measure'. The shielding guidance was designed to protect people who were most at risk from getting the virus. Nicola joined the SNP when she was 16-years-old and has held a number of roles within the party since then. The Secretary for Health and Social Care has been confirmed as a candidate to replace Nicola Sturgeon. The following day the Government announced that secondary school children returning to classes in September in areas subject to local lockdown would be required to wear face masks in corridors and communal areas where social distancing was difficult to maintain. And he believed it would be "very difficult" for the prime minister to continue in the role for "several more months". Talking about why she got into politics, she told BBC Radio Four's Women's Hour: "Thatcher was prime minister, the economy wasn't in great shape, lots of people around me were looking at a life or an immediate future of unemployment and I think that certainly gave me a strong sense of social justice and, at that stage, a strong feeling that it was wrong for Scotland to be governed by a Tory government that we hadn't elected.". However, Scottish voters, apparently unready to vote again on independence, handed Sturgeon and the SNP a major setback at the polls in the snap election called by May for June 2017, as the partys representation in Westminster fell by 21 seats. Helen Whately, who is now health minister, yesterday told the Commons the leaked messages give a 'limited' and misleading view of the Government's decision-making around care homes during the pandemic. Although the party lost its outright majority, falling from 69 seats won in 2011 to 63 in 2016, Sturgeon opted not to pursue coalition rule (the most likely partner would probably have been the Scottish Green Party). Lee Cain, Mr Johnson's director of communications, questioned why Downing Street would 'want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings' while Simon Case, the permanent secretary for Covid who was promoted a week later to Cabinet Secretary, said 'nervous parents will freak out' if children are wearing masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. If the First Minister has not quit her post by Tuesday, Mr Ross will demand a vote of no confidence in parliament on Wednesday. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has again acted faster than the Prime Minister. Cancel any time. Successful new claims for Pension Credit may also qualify for the 900 cost of living payment. During his resignation speech in Downing Street, he said: "It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party and therefore a new prime minister. Speaking outside Number 10, Mr Johnson said he would continue as prime minister until his successor was chosen. The SNP leader has an impressive rating of 11 points in London, but the UK Prime Minister lags behind on -39 in London. Neither of them will feel sick when their monthly direct debit rises again, or despair when . Sturgeon said at the time that Sunak's decision undermined Scotland's democracy, but she felt the political toll personally, registering her "first net negative opinion rating for the first time in eight years," Keating said. SNP has 'no obvious successor' to Nicola Sturgeon as support for independence hovers around 50%, British Gas profits triple as Scots politicians make renewed call for 'proper' windfall tax, Five times Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish football crossed paths during First Minister's reign, The leaked WhatsApp messages suggested that Boris Johnson was influenced to bring in face masks in English schools because of Nicola Sturgeon. But "later that day he convened an operational meeting on delivering testing for care homes where he was advised it was not currently possible to test everyone entering care homes, which he also accepted". Nicola Sturgeon leaves after a press conference Wednesday at Bute House, where she announced she will stand down as irst minister of Scotland. After apologising to witches and advocating nuclear armageddon, what next for Nicola Sturgeon? At a press conference at her Edinburgh residence on Wednesday, Sturgeon told reporters she'd wrestled with the decision for weeks, ultimately deciding that someone else would be better suited to the relentless pressure of the job. That was a view which her political opponent, Scottish Conservative Party leader Douglas Ross, agreed with. Permanent secretary for Covid Simon Case said nervous parents will freak out if children had to wear masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. Hawara: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric'. Ms Sturgeon tweeted a . More info. We donate increases back to the public purse for spending on services. The prime minister has stepped down as party leader after losing the. This is flat wrong.". But when is that ever not the case?" Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. The conversations were reported by The Telegraph after the newspaper received more than 100,000 of former health secretary Matt Hancock's WhatsApp messages from during the pandemic. Mr Ross was speaking after Mr Johnson indicated he would resign, but before he made his statement outside 10 Downing Street. "In a way, it was a surprise because [she said she was going to go on], but then any leader would say that because you become a lame duck the second you say you're going to resign.". This was a week before English schools reopened after the summer holiday. Well ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. Smokers in Lanarkshire can get help to kick the habit ahead of No Smoking Day. The wearing of face masks in schools was introduced in English schools after Boris Johnson was told it was "not worth an argument" with Nicola Sturgeon.The former prime minister pursued the policy . The revelations come from leaked WhatsApp messages taken from the phone of then health secretary Matt Hancock and seen by the Telegraph. In June 2022, Sturgeon made a significant move towards independence by asking Boris Johnson, then the U.K. prime minister, for a Section 30 order, which would grant Edinburgh the power to hold such a vote. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Johnson to stand down after wave of resignations, Scottish secretary is only territorial minister left in PM's Cabinet, Boris Johnson rejects Nicola Sturgeon's indyref2 call, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Baby's body found as police continue to question couple, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms. In a group WhatsApp on the same day, one week before schools in England were due to reopen. On Thursday morning, it emerged that Mr Johnson had decided to step down. Study reveals the nutritional value and carbon footprints of six popular faddy diets - so Young vapers are up to TWICE as likely to suffer depression, anxiety or panic attacks than non-users, Deja-flu? New polling from YouGov found across Great Britain, the First Minister has a positive . They were even more surprised when Sturgeon delivered a well-crafted, rehearsed resignation speech. If the SNP is going to get any traction, it needs to "relaunch its independence case and start making some bold decisions about what independence really means," said Michael Keating, a professor of politics at University of Aberdeen. "The question, really, is, will Scotland become a high-taxation, high-spending, pro-welfare, pro-public service like the Nordic countries? Mr Hancock's spokesman said a report claiming he rejected clinical advice on care home testing was "flat wrong" because he was told it was "not currently possible" to carry out the tests. Knowing that she had the support of the Green Party (winner of 8 seats) on the issue of independence, however, Sturgeon indicated that she would renew the push for indyref2, despite Johnsons opposition. She spearheaded the SNP campaign for reelection in Holyrood in 2011, getting the party what was an unprecedented majority at the time, dismantling a number of Labour strongholds within the country. Overnight the Telegraph has released a smorgasbord of stories based on a cache of Matt Hancocks WhatsApps during the Covid pandemic. First, its worth noting that in 2021Boris Johnson had atotal salary of 157,372 less than that of Nicola Sturgeon who earned 163,229, even if she subsequently returned a chunk of that back. View our online Press Pack. Second, while ministerial pay has been frozen, no such restraint applies to the pay of members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) includingthose in Sturgeons own party. "The downsides are in the classroom because of the potential to interfere with teaching. In June 2004 SNP leader John Swinney resigned. She currently has a net satisfaction rating of 49 per cent across the whole country. Ms Sturgeon told BBC Scotland: "The chaos and complete lack of integrity that has characterised Boris Johnson's premiership has in the last few days descended into complete and utter farce, and all at a time when people in every part of the UK are struggling with very real challenges. In May Sturgeon was encouraged by some influential members of the SNP to shift her focus from independence and to back the call by Scottish Liberal Democrats for another referendum on Brexit. Ms Sturgeon is the first woman ever to serve as Scotlands First Minister, having served in the role since 2014 following the departure of her former ally Alex Salmond. Police have launched a probe after a group of up to 300 people gathered outside a house in Graham Road, with the incident said to be the result of 'inaccurate information posted online'. She joined (1986) the Scottish National Party (SNP) in . She added: 'in a situation where we had the capacity to test at most a few thousand each day, tough decisions about prioritisation had to be made, decisions that were taken on the best public health advice available.'. In other areas in England, schools were given the power to 'recommend' face mask be worn in communal areas. Allowing devolved nations to set their own Covid policies is understood to be one of Boris Johnsons pandemic regrets. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. You can unsubscribe at any time. Nick Gibb, the minister for school standards, had only that morning told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that 'masks are not necessary for staff or pupils'. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. ", Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross: "I believe the best option maybe is to have an interim PM.". TikTok will LIMIT screen time for users under-18 to 60 minutes a day - and they will be prompted to enter a Covid families and critics accuse Matt Hancock of 'criminal negligence': Fury as WhatsApps 'show he ignored Is YOUR lifestyle good for your heart? The UK Government decided to require English schoolchildren to wear masks during the Covid-19 pandemic in part to avoid an "argument" with Nicola Sturgeon, leaked messages reveal.. Boris . And her improved perception south of the border is even more dramatic in the north of England - where she has gone from a rating of -38 to five points. Salmond became first minister, with Sturgeon as his deputy and as minister for public health and well-being. The former prime minister pursued the policy despite England's Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, saying there were "no very strong reasons" to support the move. We pay for your stories and videos! Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Wednesday that she would step down. Chief medical officer Chris Whitty told Johnson that there were no strong reason against in corridors etc, and no very strong reasons for" introducing the masks. She said the "democratic deficit" inherent in the Westminster government would not be fixed with change of PM. As the expected date approached for new British Prime Minister Theresa Mays invoking of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treatywhich would trigger separation negotiations between the United Kingdom and the EUSturgeons indignation at Mays hard Brexit approach led her to offer Scotland as a sanctuary for disaffected Britons in her speech to the SNPs spring conference in mid-March 2017: Scotland isnt full up. So agree not worth an argument.. They later had to wear them in classrooms. Ms Sturgeon added: "It is just an unsustainable proposition to say he will continue to inhabit Number 10. On the same day, one week before schools in England were due to reopen, Mr Johnson asked for advice on whether they were necessary in England. Read ourcoronavirus live blogfor the latest news & updates. The then Prime Minister asked English Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty for advice on face masks in schools after Nicola Sturgeon introduced them in corridors and communal areas . Sturgeon declared to her 1.4 million followers on Twitter that: Ministers in @scotgov have not taken a pay rise since 2008 and I can confirm we will not do so this year either. Sunak used that argument to prevent the bill, which narrowly passed in Scotland's parliament, from becoming a law. Face masks were then recommended for "all indoor environments" in February 2021. Ms Sturgeon could survive this should she have the support of the Greens. Ms Sturgeon also oversaw the independence referendum of 2014 - being appointed the Yes Minister. Some 62 percent of Scots who participated in the referendum agreed with Sturgeon, but the United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave (about 52 percent to about 48 percent). Andrew Linton's wife Alison described him as a "happy family man" as she said his disappearance is extremely out of character, adding that his granddaughter Myla needs her papa home. ", Mr Johnson addressed the British public, telling them: "I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world, but them's the breaks. ', Mr Johnson added: 'In order to allow schools to require face coverings in any part of the school we will now have to do a u turn.'. Scotland's first minister has said it is an 'unsustainable proposition' for Johnson to act as an interim prime minister. Nicola Sturgeon, (born July 19, 1970, Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland), first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party (2014 ), Scotlands fifth leaderand first woman leadersince the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and government in 1999. Boris Johnson on Sunday completely failed to convey the seriousness of . She said the support she got from other teams was 'overwhelming. Subscribe to leave a comment. Dissatisfaction with Sturgeons handling of the matter seemingly contributed to a drop in the first ministers public approval rating, which by January 2018 was just about evenly split between those who approved of Sturgeons handling of her job and those who disapproved. That's about the shelf life of a politician," the professor said. The guidance at the time applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and Leicester. The matter of when Sturgeon became aware of these accusations and how her government conducted its investigation of them became as central to the ensuing scandal as were the judgments of Salmonds behaviour. Ben Doak in thick of Liverpool bust-up as he stars in UEFA Youth League win over Porto. "We haven't had culture wars in Scotland, but they suddenly arrived with a vengeance," Keating explained. 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