1. But why hyung?, Jungkook says, hearing the slight hurt in his voice. The six men got up from the couch and hurriedly walked over to meet you. Once the three of you were all settled with your drinks, you asked the two men how their day was. Huh?, you responded. "Oh yeah sorry, you say while tucking your phone away, He was just giving me more recommendations.". I was too into it I guess" he apologized. He was smart, funny and extremely handsome- saying that he was the perfect man wouldve been a complete understatement. You look at him for a moment as Jungkook gazes out of the window. While Jin was out running errands, he didnt expect to get a text from Jimin saying that he was on his way to the apartment Jin shared with you. Hello, he heard you answer. Ive been meaning to post this earlier but somehow I got hit with major writers blockso to the user who requested this, Im really sorry I took so long to finish this. And I know I would be the one to suffer if I brought home the wrong food, he trails as he realized he was talking to himself. He turned to you and found you sitting straight up, gazed fixed upon the front of you. BTS Reaction: You Hit Him Where It Hurts Jin: "Do you remember this?" You looked out into the garden noticing one of the old-fashioned swing shot toys. Jin also didnt expect coming home to find you and Jimin sitting extra close on the sofa, watching TV. He was truly your everything and youd be lost without him. Morning, Tae, you exclaimed in a cheery voice, You hungry?. It wasnt that he was annoyed or bothered by your sleep talking, it simply creeped him out. Hobi can you open my bottle? As much as he enjoyed pickled foods himself, he personally thought you took it too far since hed always catch you eating them. "Hey baby, wanna go for a walk and get some coffee? Jungkook would ask. Or embarrassing as a handful of passersby gave quizzical looks at you. Anyway, please enjoy!]. You have gotten to a point where you swore off weddings because you just couldnt bear them anymore. After getting into your car, you drove to the nearest parking lot you could find and sat there in the silence. They are the opposite of narcissists, after all. Feeling defeated, Taehyungs mouth forms into a full on pout. However, I was only able to finish the hyung line parts at the moment. However, others might just view it as a little too dependent. But it did give you the incentive to wow him at the wedding. Yoongi silently listens to your predicament and simply tells you this: If you truly love Y/N you have to be honest with her. He was about to say good morning but got distracted by the heavenly sight of a pan of fudge brownies lightly dusted with powdered sugar. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" With that, he assumed you were still out shopping with Taehyung. As happy as the others accepting you made Yoongi happy, he couldnt help the peculiar bond you had with Jungkook. He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. Did you bring enough stuff for dinner? You and Jimin turn your attention back to show you were watching. Pulling back from the hug, he says hurriedly, Uh, I have to run some errands. "Yeah, that was a pretty decent movie.". I really hope you all enjoy. Im sorry about that, Yoongi begins, its just that seeing you and Jungkook being so close with each other, it just made me feel so, Yoongi bashfully nods. He hangs his head and whimpers quietly like a heartbroken puppy. BTS Reaction Their pregnant SO experiencing a pain during an argument Sep 1, 2018 648 notes Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, pain, and swearing. Once Yoongi takes the phone from you and leaves for the other room, you lay back in bed and, in no time, continue your nap. Forget about that dumbass, youre absolutely stunning. Well everyone except for one person: Yoongi. You'd continually catch him staring at you, a small smile on his lips. However, being as prideful as he was, he wasnt going to admit that. Ive met some truly amazing and talented people and I am so grateful to know all of you. Joon, whatre you doing here?. And thank you for looking after Y/N when I couldnt. Hobi: Dont recall using those words but i would be quick to call her cute or anything. But when the woman in Hoseoks arms turned around, he was utterly stunned to find that it was you. Nope, all good things, Jin added, We can see why Jiminie is crazy about you.". Begrudgingly so. Ugh, this is why you dont eavesdropped, stupid, you thought to yourself. He was excited knowing that his friend was coming over to hangout and took extra time to buy more ingredients for dinner. Shell get to a point where she can be more self-reliant but Im not going to rush her. When you told Jungkook about your worries, he reassured you that everything will be fine. A chaste peck on his lips has the frown smoothing into a smile. They politely bowed and flashed friendly smiles, however it doesnt ease your anxiety. Aww, arent you just the cutest thing ever!, you cooed while holding a kiwi close to your face. A very cute request from @kooksdior Im sorry I took so long with this >_<]. He smiled, feeling himself blush, loving the fact that you came close to him even in your sleep. So he simply told Yoongi that he was in love with you but you had a thing for another guy, without mentioning it was actually Yoongi. ", [A/N: Welcome to the first series to my little angsty series! But sadly you were dead wrong. You were such a fantastic baker and was always coming up with interesting treats for him to try. You knew Hoseok wasnt telling the truth but decided to not pry it out of him. You and Taehyung tried your best to stifle your laughter after hearing such a brutal dig. Taehyung wondered if waking you up wouldve been a smart idea but honestly he was too spooked to move. Nevertheless, there was just one thing that Taehyung had a rather tough time getting used to: it was your sleep talking. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.. See you later.. With a loud snap of fingers he called out your name and your attention was now back to them. But easier said than done. Im really happy you introduced us. Come on, Y/N. yoongi: yoongi was straight up with his desires. He turns around slightly to find Jin next to him with a sympathetic look on his face. Jin felt absolutely terrible. Okay, the only thing you could reply with. It takes a moment to register his question before finally answering. Its also been a year that Ive been an active Tumblr user again and a year that Ive been part of the wonderful BTS writing community here. Im hoping this wont be the last and that Ill get better at writing stuff like this. You still make room for them and try to extend them compassion and understanding so that they have space to improve and handle their business. It has been a week since youve last spoken to Jin, and its proved to be the longest week of your entire life. He knew how much you wanted to spend some time together and didnt want to disappoint you. Hey sorry babe, Hoseok says as he walks into the apartment, setting the containers of takeout on the kitchen counter. Yeah, I, Jin trails off. Jungkook was sipping his iced Americano while you were texting away on your phone with a big smile on your face. Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. But this is the last one, you swore to yourself. Im just shy and awkward, but thank you for putting up with me! He told you to head to the car while he said his goodbyes. Jin always puts on a brave face for you, but you know there are a lot of feelings he keeps quiet to save you the worry. Im not gonna fall asleep this time. You said this with such confidence but the boys didnt buy it. He loved everything about you, everything from your warm smile to your dry sense of humor. Y/N, you home? you called out but with no response. You playfully stick your tongue out at him. Taehyung poked your hand, getting your attention. Hey Jinnie, you greeted as Jimin gave Jin a cheery wave using the arm he had around you. Jungkook adored all of his hyungs but it was no secret that Namjoon was his favorite. Before following Jungkook out the room, you gave Seokjin a meek wave goodbye then left. Not only did you message him about the wedding, it soon evolved into friendly conversations about each others lives. After scooting over to make room for you and Yoongi, the boys joked around with you, told embarrassing stories about Yoongi and overall just made you feel a part of the gang. He said he had to run off somewhere. Jimin: But why? You read their most recent texts, then instantly regretted it. Your family, your friends. Having the campus hottie showing an interest you wouldnt have thought things would get better for you. During a series of concerts for K-pop boy group BTS, the oldest of the seven members, Jin, admitted feeling "like a burden" to his peers.. BTS is a K-Pop group that has been active since 2013, but it has been during the last 5 years, since 2018, that the group has achieved its greatest commercial successes and gained recognition in the music scene, has seen a considerable improvement, even . Namjoon felt extremely guilty for snapping at Hoseok earlier at the studio today. I need to get some Reeses Cups before I forget., [Note: Hi readers! Hunching over your kitchen table, Yoongi was having a hard time looking at you. Yeah, sure. He was nothing but a perfect gentleman and, most importantly, a perfect boyfriend. "I know," he says, "I just wish it was you and me together." Your face falls at this, as your mind seeps with concern. "Oh, Jungkook could only mutter out, hiding his irritation. You scoff. I know how you feel, I really do, but suicide is never the answer. But, you have to let me take care of you the same way." shwe casino app . BTS reaction to you being needy. Jin: The second your tears started, he panicked. The sight of him holding onto you in that way really set something inside, his hidden jealous spilling over. What the hell is going on here? You knew he was joking around but it was still nice to hear him apologize. "You're just so cute, you need to stop." A smile broke out on your face as a reaction to his previous statement and then he would let out a groan and hold you close to him again. After getting directions, you head towards his room. The current format is the best because it's just enough to not be too much and not too little as well. After a long day practicing some difficult choreography, Hoseok was more than happy to finally be home. Yoongi thought you were having a fun night but he did know you get panicky sometimes. Out of everyone in the group, Jin knew that you were the closest to Jimin but that didnt stop him from being annoyed by Jimins overly affectionate personality. You worked so hard to get ready for this night and it took one nasty comment to send you crashing down. Hes really fun to talk to, hes so freaking smart.". The reason Im with you has nothing to do with your age. You werent fully aware of what you were saying but that didnt stop it from stirring a certain feeling in Hoseok. During the award show you sat next to Jin at the round table which was packed with the rest of the members and their particular plus one. So he brushed it off, his pushing down the jealousy that threatened to pester him at times. Your knight in shining armor. Recently, you decided to make a huge move to South Korea for a new job offer. The drive home was very calming. ", Jimin bit his lip and responded with, "Can we talk?". Yoongi was enjoying a beer with Namjoon when he noticed you and maknaes were having a water gun fight. Taehyung: You had just gotten paid, and feeling like spoiling yourself, you went to the high end clothing store in town. And avoid making you feel bad about it, he never brought it up. Despite having so much fun with everyone, visiting historical landmarks and stopping by so many food stops, Jimin really missed you and wished that you were with him. It had been hours when you and Taehyung turned in for bed and both of you were fast asleep. Everyone in the group knew how close you were to Hoseok. What the fuck, Y/N? Just stick with me for the rest of the evening, okay?. You're oblivious every time. Ive been super stressed lately with school and my family and I didnt want to bother you since youre so focused on your album, you revealed, I felt like I was about to explode but luckily Hobi was there for me when I needed him.. Im just not sure if I like her yet, Jin says to Jungkook, neither noticing you in the room yet. We've been together for 18 months now, and not once has he made me feel like a burden. And being honest about said emotions didnt make the situation easier. What would you like to watch, he asked you as he turned on the Netflix app on his TV. He gently shook up your shoulder and said in a low voice, Hey honey, wake up. You were sitting alone in a cafe, waiting for your boyfriend Yoongi to arrive. I'll love you till the day I die no matter how cheesy that sounds, it's true. BTS's reaction to catching you singing with earphones in: Requested by @swaglordyoongi. Cant say I blame him after what happened., Yeah, Jin responds sheepishly. Jimin and I are just hanging out. you retorted. Ah, Y/N! You cooked most of the meals, though Tae made it up with running whatever errand you asked of him. But thats life right? Joonie, Hobis telling the truth. As your best friend, he always made sure to be honest with you, and with his blunt nature, it was never an issue for him. Seeing that someone else was making you this happy really made him jealous. Now hurry up and put those groceries up.. Not only was he an amazingly talented rapper and producer, hes also one of the most attractive men youve ever laid eyes on. After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. "Jimin, is there something wrong? Sorry, hyung. ], [P.S. Still seeing your bleeding body in front of his eyes, he would turn to you, hearing your steady breath which makes him feel at ease. And most importantly, any conflict that arose, the two nipped it in the bud before the problem got worse. But if Namjoon was known for one thing, it was his extreme perfectionism.

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