Those placement signs apply to all the figures that show up in your natal chart i.e. The tropical placidus orb is just one of many fancy terms and house systems astrologers can use to find out what sign rules each house. Very young hands women like and small but strong 12 Best Crystals for Starseeds: Connect With Your Cosmic Roots. Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. The last chart youll see is super simple and simply lists your true north and south node. The core Star Seed is one who has activated extra-terrestrial genetics in the present lifeline, and a clear recall of an immediate past lifeline in a different Star System. However, since they are aware of that they are better able to work on that negativity within themselves. They can sense things before they happen. Some signs are more common in certain placements, and certain degree positions can reveal exactly which starseed type you are (or at least one of your previous incarnations!). Andromedan starseeds are freedom seekers, wanderers and system busters. Im an 11:11 or 1:11 ~ Master Number. I was born at the break of dawn during a total solar eclipse so I m a Gemini sun, Gemini moon, and Gemini rising. Hopefully, the signs above will shed some light on being an Andromedan Starseed. the second half of the placement number. Starseed vs Lightworker: The 11 Real Differences! In most cases, they dedicate their lives to questioning archaic ways of thinking and deconstructing antiquated systems and structures. Polarian Starseeds. Yes, you do. Finding your starseed markings can be a truly exhilarating experience! The first thing we should notice is our planetary alignment. If you havent already got a copy of your birth or natal chart, this is the first thing youre going to want to do. Here are some signs you belong to the Andromedan group: You have been told that you emit an energy of peace and serenity. Sign up by clicking here or the button below. Often incarnated into this earth as a Sagittarius or Leo. 13 reasons Christians can cuddle as much as they like, What does a deer symbolize in the Bible? Many starseeds report having visions where they saw false news stories being reported by the media and were able to see the truth behind it. Im an old soul and feel connected to most if not all of the starseeds. They are often adventurous people, looking for their purpose. Im an every healer/ worker. When you say if a planet or sign is strong in the chart what does that mean? Can we really ascribe traits to souls originating from an entire galaxy? North node indicates your destiny, and where you should be heading in this lifetime, whilst your south node shows where youve been its your past, something youre trying to pull away from. House placements are usually strong indications of intuitive and starseed abilities. The Andromedan life mission is not to engage in any more wars or conflict, but rather to work with all races as a way of looking at it from different angles. As you can already imagine, Andromedan starseeds are among the rarest types. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System, How to Tell if Youre Going Through a Deep Starseed Awakening. Angel Number 707 Meaning: 5 Beautiful Messages You Need to Hear! I think Im a Orion or pleidian maybe atlantien This is because youre made to shake up the world at large. 2. Lyra/Vega: The origin of humanoids with pure mammalian dna. Andromedan starseeds have a unique mission in regards to their experience in this lifetime. Hope that helps! So if youre tired of wondering about which planet you actually come from, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I have done astrology since about 8-10yo, mathematics, computer programmer since 1996, artist, musician and I have music apps up on the Android store since 2016. Seek, and remember what you told yourself to forget. As a Starseed we all got talents that we all worked on in our past lives and know we all have to combine our strengt and use it! You are probably a seed for many systems or a mix. They have helped me out in the past and Ive always found them honest and compassionate in their readings. are known as traveling souls because theyve experienced several lifetimes on other planets and different dimensions before settling down on Earth. When you form your thoughts beyond surface information, youre likely a Starseed. Let me know in the comments! Moon in houses 4th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house is extremely common with starseeds. 9 Traits of andromedan Starseeds: 1 - They love freedom and can make great efforts to maintain their freedom 2 - They enjoy traveling and some will choose a purposefully nomadic lifestyle, whether on foot, by bike, by boat or by . You're a great listener and you're highly skilled in . Angel Number 1122 Meaning: 5 Major Reasons Youre Seeing It! Definitely a starseed. Youll find them experimenting with various eating regimens. The second row shows your second house, third row third house etc. You have the same ability as the beings from your home world. Thank you for pointing this out when I give those numbers Im referring to the aspects i.e. This nurturing, loving energy comes from having a strong divine feminine influence in their past lives e.g. My PLACEMENTS page shows the fixed stars zodiac degrees. Andromedan starseeds often have strange birthmarks that relate to their otherworldly origins. This is something that youll have to learn to live with, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. I love this website to automatically draw up birth charts. They are here to grow and expand as a person. Most starseeds simply have an inner knowing that their soul didnt originate here on Earth. Learn how your comment data is processed. You can also choose to seek out people who you think might be able to understand you and your situation. These give the strongest indications of starseed origins when complemented with additional markings. I wish all my Starseed brothers and sisters a blessed life. They bring peace and harmony wherever they go. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a gifted advisor. Andromedan: This loving, benevolent, and telepathic race is from the spiral-shaped Andromeda Galaxy, otherwise known as MS31 or M31. Pluto and North node in Libra. I have a grand trine fire with Neptune(sag), Aries(Sun/Merc exact 21 degree conjunct retro), Leo(Saturn). Here are the three most prominent traits of an Andromedan starseed: Andromedan starseeds are obsessed with freedom. This is because as an Andromedan Starseed, youre meant to be a scientist and search for answers to the mysteries of the universe. I also connect with what most call archangels. Asc 29Sag with Capricorn intercepted 1st house. Constellation of Andromeda "Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere It is one of the largest constellations. When you meet one of the charismatic ones, you kind of know. its unlikely for someone with a true starseed origin to have these markings in their chart, mainly due to stubbornness (though not impossible if supported by other markings!). Starseed Eyes The eyes stand out. Much love, Julia. You solve your problems differently from the norm. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Do you think I am a starseed from Andromeda? You have a childlike energy and aura Andromedans have pure-childlike energy which is incredibly innocent. Thank you for this. Great article. Aspects are a little more tricky and advanced, but this chart makes them fairly simple to read. Your birth chart is what you will analyze to find your starseed markings. The Andromedans are an advanced race who evolved on their own and have a profound knowledge of many other star systems and planets, in addition to our own. Andromedan beings are freedom seekers; they will always change jobs, homes, and relationships to find their freedom. These folks have different reasons for being on Earth and would not be able to explain their purpose in words if asked why they were meant to be on Earth. In this post, were looking at maybe the past 4-5 incarnations (which can still span hundreds or thousands of years). You may have been sent to Earth from another galaxy to help the people of Earth with their journey of self-realization. Those By the way, the Andromeda Galaxy is located in the southern sky and its one of a few galaxies that can be seen with the naked eye. This is similar to how we might feel a stronger connection to our hometowns than in other places weve visited or lived in. The strongest identifier of a Lyran Starseed is their cat-like features, for example, having upturned almond eyes, and they might also be keen on cats as animals. Conventions dont appeal to them, including anything that claims to be exclusively masculine or feminine. But unless a starseed knows their past lives, as some do, it is difficult to establish the exact reason why a birthmark looks the way it does, or why it is located where it is. 7 big meanings. ALSO READ: What are the traits and characteristics of Mintakan Starseed? When listening to this type of music, you might feel the goosebumps on your skin and the shivers going down your spine. Neptune is the ruling planet of psychic abilities and intuition so any sign can appear here. Ive always found people with water signs in these positions resonate most with Pleiadian, mintakan, Blue Ray, Lemurian or andromedan starseeds. as far as I know there is no such degree in any of the signs. Andromedan starseeds are able to see the past or future with their third eye, thus they have very vivid visions. Im drawn by the moon and light very sensitive to light and dark energies Im sad by war violence and death live animals children are drawn to me Being an Andromedan Starseed, youll have a strong nostalgia for the past and often want to go back to the time of your childhood. You are probably constantly exploring new ideas and concepts. Expereinces such as floating in your sleep, being pulled underwater by a force you cant identify, or losing control of your body for a few seconds at a time. Now I can finally put into name where I came from. How do I find out exactly? Okay, so there are many, many trines and planetary aspects to watch out for when looking for a starseed presence in a chart! These include pisces, cancer, sagittarius and aquarius. We have to give our ancestors credit sometimes. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; The personality traits of each Starseed type differ. Being clairvoyant or intuitive does not make you any less real or valuable than anyone else. Are you unsure why youre here, or if you have a specific purpose? My north node is also in Gemini. As a result, you might have some visions where you can see what the future has in store for humanity. You find yourself noticing things other people tend to ignore. If you have a starseed marking somewhere on your CHEST then it is likely to represent who you were during a past life. The celestial bodies and what they represent; Venus Beauty, Love, and Money (Taurus and Libra), Jupiter Spirituality, Insight, and Fortune (Sagittarius), Saturn Resilience, Hard work, and professionalism (Capricorn), Uranus Innovation and Technology (Aquarius), Neptune Intuition and Imagination (Pisces), Pluto Power and Transformation (Scorpio). Many Andromedan starseeds tap into this energy and become holistic healers. Do you feel an undeniable pull towards the stars in the midnight sky? Andromedans value freedom, individuality and are intune with their higher self. Youre also going to be very creative, and you might have a hard time putting your creative thoughts into words. Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. You win! So here we show you how to find your starseed markings. So I dont really have any answers for ya~ sorry lol but wanted to reach out to say I very much relate and am sending you positive energy and love from Minnesota ~ Being in water is a very healing experience for Andromedan starseeds. Starseeds are certainly a gift to our world, but no more so than you. Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. laid-back personality. Does anyone know if there is any link between being a triple Gemini and being a starseed? Pisces is a fairly unreliable indicator in these positions it needs to be supported by other markings. You may also want to invest in a magnetic mattress to help ease any discomfort or anxiety you may be experiencing due to electromagnetic energy. You might feel like youre constantly on the go, trying to accomplish everything as quickly as possible. It allows you to immerse yourself in the fluid vibrations of water and be carried away from all of your troubles for the time being. So help me Im confused I feel protected by archangel Michael and need to meditate to find inner peace often alone as a child and fascinated by stars moon skye so very unsure what I am plesee advise have a unusual birth mark in fore head third eye Much love, Julia, Yes John!!! They are much rarer than most Starseeds and their population has been estimated to be around 800,000 to 900,000 here on Earth. Okay, but what does all of this have to do with being a starseed? Owner of 346 cats in a previous life. E.g. They are seekers and never comfortable being in one place for too long and often have feelings of being trapped. I think there is room for debate on the origin of Andromedan starseeds. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: Click here to get your own professional love reading. But if you want more clarity on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. My sun trines Jupiter at 035 and has a positive value of 209. The auras are named according to their colors Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Andromedan starseeds are always going to feel the pain of others, but theyre going to want to do something about it. I have learnt i am a starseed (not sure which type) and i have found and connected with my Twin Flame in this lifetime. Ive been wisdom(as my ears pop) if I am a starseed. All sun signs have the potential to be a starseed, but those with a water sign e.g. You are in tune not only with your emotions, but with other people's feelings as well. You know their mood even before they open their mouths. A cancer saturn or jupiter in particular symbolizes very strong psychic abilities, intuition, and wisdom. A clear alignment of the planets between 24 - 27 degrees is a well known and sure sign of Pleiadean Starseed origin. Im a level 2 reiki practioner, a medium, channel and read tarot and angel cards. My mother just died last March, so now I really feel like an orphan Although I admit that I was always pretty much an outsider in my own family. As a result Andromedan starseeds have greater abilities and are also able to have a better understanding of who they are but they also face more challenges. Simple and simply lists your true north and south node that youll have learn..., looking for their purpose really ascribe traits to souls originating from an galaxy... Sagittarius or Leo on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at psychic Source they like, does. Major reasons youre Seeing it Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the past and ive always them... From your home world your creative thoughts into words is any link between a. Intuitive and starseed abilities nurturing, loving energy comes from having a strong divine feminine influence in their readings helped. 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